Harrogate Spring flower show.
By bloomer
As a lot of you know,I mentioned that we were going to have a few days away,and the highlight was a visit to the flower show.We were blessed with good weather throughout.Cinderella,was also visiting,but on a different day from us,so sadly we didn’t have the opportunity to meet up,which would have been nice.I am not going to show all the pics we took as I know Cinders will have lots too,and I’m sure we will have some of the same,but hopefully, between us,you will see a good selection..
So,off we go..These were the first things that greeted us on arrival..a bit too big to get in the car, :o)
First stop,the flower arrangement tent.
The next two are for Amblealice,and sadly,she couldn’t make it,but these were from Alnwick Gardens,where she does her voluntary gardening.Glad to see the second one got a Bronze..well done !
Wind in the Willows.
This was a Royal wedding,on a Victorian theme,and happy to say that a good friend of mine was involved in this,as she belongs to a gardening club.It was their first entry,and also got a bronze.:o) I was so pleased to see her name on the design teams placard..:o)
Outside to some of the gardens.which were the style I prefer,and could identify with,as I’m not really a fan of ultra modern designs..
I think a lot of you are familiar with this happy lady,Vicky,who is one of our Goy members..As you know,she is a Heuchera expert and grower.I enjoyed a little chat with her,and she asked me to send you all her best wishes.She has been very busy,as you will appreciate,but wants you to know she will be back in touch,when she gets the time.Her display was lovely..:o)
This one is for Hywel..a superb Cacti display…
..and this is for Paul,a great collection of grasses.
This is our local Radio Gardener,who I listen to twice a week..a great help to all us Amateurs.
A fantastic display of veg,which is his passion,and he got the Premier award,and silver chalice..again!
I will end with these lovely Agapanthus,as they were so majestic..and I love them..
I hope you have enjoyed a small part of this lovely show,and I’m sure Cinderella will have lots more to show you too.We also paid another visit to Fountain’s Abbey,and one to Brimham Rocks,which is a weird and wonderful place..so a couple more blogs soon.
16 Apr, 2011
Previous post: Morons at work !!
Next post: Another visit to Fountain's Abbey..
Glad you enjoyed it 6d,it was a lovely day out..and very tiring ! but wouldn't have missed it ..:o)
16 Apr, 2011
I did Sandra and can see you enjoyed yourself some lovely things there besides the plants is nt there did you buy any thing.
16 Apr, 2011
I did,6d,but not plants..there were so many stalls and by the time we got round everything,I couldn't be bothered to go back..I bought a lovely hand made wooden jigsaw for Thomas..:o).
16 Apr, 2011
Oh that is great I love the wooden toys classics.
16 Apr, 2011
So pleased you had decent weather, Sandra, as it makes so much difference to visiting a show like this! In the first pic, the giraffe looks like a companion for Maureen, Andrewr's garden friend. Amblealice will be pleased with the bronze, won't she? Vicky's looking her usual happy, cheery self, pleased you found her stand. : o )
16 Apr, 2011
Thank you for showing the cacti. I love them ! There was such a lot there to see. I'm glad you enjoyed.
17 Apr, 2011
its now 5.46 and im all ready,im probably going to be shattered but im so exited and will take loads of pics too,now i know which bits to head for and since you had a nice sunny day im hopeing for one too,see you all when i get back and hopeing to see some goyers there too,chris
17 Apr, 2011
Pleased you had a lovely time Sandra (very envious!), love the pics.....we want more.....we want more......Thank you for The Alnwick Garden ones....I hadn't heard about these!!...:-))
17 Apr, 2011
excellent Bloomer - looks a wonderful place - I loved the ornaments on picture one and all the pictures were nice to see - and thanks very much for the grass pictures - they look stunning :):):):)
17 Apr, 2011
Fascinating set of pics... I'm glad you had a good time ..
Hi Vicky .. nice to see you in the photo ! :o)
17 Apr, 2011
Beautiful show, Bloomer, glad you had a good day, I really love the log piles in the modern garden, imagine the creatures sheltering in there, fantastic.
17 Apr, 2011
What a great show, so pleased you enjoyed your visit and the weather was kind. Those Veggie displays are stunning, they certainly deserved he the Premier award, never thought Vegetables could look so beautiful. I also love the sunken garden with the circle and the Agapanthus are fantastic! Thanks for showing us your lovely pictures Its almost as good as being there;0))
17 Apr, 2011
i met up with cinders today and had a wonderful chat with her. Also went spending on yet more plants [15 in total], more of that later, probably.
I also saw Vicky and her husband who was manning the other stall with their 2 display stands. they won awards too.
17 Apr, 2011
Thanks Shirley,we were so lucky with the weather..I bet its been hot there today,like here..Hope the other GoYers
are keeping cool..it will be a busy day,as they have the big sell off at teatime !
You are welcome Hywel,I thought you would like them.It was a very popular stand..:o)
Hope you had a great day out,Ladybug..what an early start !Look forward to seeing your pics too..:o)
Its a shame your trip was fully booked,Louise.and glad you liked the Alnwick pics.I didn't know that the Duchess of Northumberland was the President of the North of England
Horticultural Society..there is a nice picture of her,and a write up by her in the Centenary book I got,with the tickets...maybe you will make it next year.:o)
Glad you liked them Paul..you would have loved it,as there were a few displays with grasses..hope you had a great birthday :o))
Thank you Terra..and it was lovely to see Vicky again..she was quite happy to pose for a pic for you all..:o)
Grandmage,that was one of my favourite displays too,and just what I thought,thank you :o)
Thanks Carole..we had such a lovely day,and the veg are stunning,aren't they? His son has also followed in his dad's professsion,and his daughter helps out too..such a lovely family..we had a bit of light hearted banter with Joe( the father)..as we have met a couple of times before at his potato days.They live just our side of Harrogate,so he loves doing this show,almost on his doorstep. I loved the Agapanthus too,and didn't know rhere were smaller versions of them..The grower was from Barnsley,so might have a run out to his plant centre sometime..
How nice to meet up with Cinders today,Sbg..and glad you got some nice plants.Very pleased to hear Vicky's husband also got an award .I saw the stall,but didn't know it was her husband..they will be delighted..:o)
17 Apr, 2011
they did one on hecheras and the other on tiarellas. excellent one got gold and the other silver gilt.
17 Apr, 2011
Thanks Bloomer thanks to all the kind comments on GOY made it an even better Birthday - yes those grasses would have gone down a treat with me :):):)
17 Apr, 2011
Brilliant awards Sbg,and worth travelling all that way to get them.:o)
Glad you had a good day,Paul..:o))
17 Apr, 2011
How nice Bloomer, you took some beautiful pictures. I spent too much time in the flower halls and didnt see all the flower arranging and the gardens, so I don't think our photos will be the same. It was lovely to meet Seaburngirl, and we had a lovely chat over a cup of coffee. I will get around to writing my blog, but I am worn out today. It was an awfully long way to go, and the journey home seemed endless.
18 Apr, 2011
You've taken some great photos....makes me wish I had gone...it isn't all that far away from Liverpool really. I'll have to pay more attention to these types of events now that the weather is bucking up...much more conducive to getting out and about :)
I too very much like the agapantus and what a great display of cacti....bet you made Hywel's day with that photo :)
Thanks for sharing such an interesting day with us, Bloomer.
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks for taking me round Harrogate show, with the lovely photos, I enjoyed it!
19 Apr, 2011
I'm glad you had a good time Cinders,but I can imagine how tiring the journey home must have been.It is a long way.Hope you are recovered now,and look forward to seeing your pics too...
Its funny you should comment about going Jacquie,as we shared a table for coffee,with a couple from Liverpool.it took them about 2 hours to drive there .They were really nice,and we chatted for ages...see,that could have been you ! Lol.
Thanks Helenium,glad you enjoyed your mini tour :o)
19 Apr, 2011
I absolutely love the photo of "wind in the willows" it's my favorite book. I've read it umpteen times and watched the dvd's over and over! I wish someone would make me that in the photo, I would love that in the garden!
19 Apr, 2011
Oh,thats nice,Helenium..I agree ,it was very well done,but sorry,I never liked that book at all.Don't know why,as I love reading most of the classics when I was young.It just didn't appeal to me .but I did try a couple of times...
19 Apr, 2011
Aww.. never mind Bloomer.. you gave it a go and it wasn't for you, we're all different!
19 Apr, 2011
Glad you don't think I'm an odd bod ! ..but then again................:o)
19 Apr, 2011
Aww shucks, Bloomer....wish we had been the couple sharing your table :) On the whole Liverpool people are very sociable so I'm not surprised you had a nice chat. :)
Hope you're out enjoying this glorious sunshine....so bright and cheery these days to get up to.
20 Apr, 2011
Would I think that of you Bloomer?....Never! LOL!
Nice to hear you're enjoying the sunshine Wistonlass! It's just great, to sit outside in the sun with a cuppa, makes all difference?
20 Apr, 2011
That would have been nice,Jacquie..and I know all about the Liverpool people.as I worked there for a couple of years ....a long time ago !.I agree about the weather,its great to get up and enjoy it....think I have just about washed all the extra stuff..winter jackets,etc..I must stop looking for things now.:o)
20 Apr, 2011
Glad you had a nice time Bloomer, the pics and blog are lovely. I especially like the Agapanthus and the 'Wind in the Willows' display
21 Apr, 2011
so glad you enjoyed the show sandra and lovel to see vicky there smiling as usual. great pictures and wish i could have been there to :o))
23 Apr, 2011
Thanks Annella.We same to have the same taste :o)
Thankyou,San,Vicky has got a lovely smile,hasn't she ?
You would have loved it.you should have come with Clarice..:o)
24 Apr, 2011
yes she has and always looks happy, would be nice to meet her myself one day :o) i didnt know she was going to be honest sandra or i may have done.
25 Apr, 2011
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Lovely to see Sandra you had a wonderful time and at least met some one off goy, lovely photos and Hywel and Paul with love those Cactus and Grasses, I love the Agapanthus beautiful displays. Lovely blog thanks for sharing your wonderful tour.
16 Apr, 2011