TheJurassic Coast..
By bloomer
We recently had a short break to Exmouth on the south coast..and had great weather to be able to get out and about,to see these spectacular Rock Formations,dating back to The Jurassic period..
They stretch for 95 miles ,from Exmouth to Swanage,and were the first UNESCO World Heritage site in England..
If you are ready,we will make a start..some walking,but not all the way as far as Sidmouth,,! Have bus pass,will travel :o)We will begin from the grounds of our Hotel in Exmouth,and some views of the area..
This was in the town to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the start of World War 1,which we attended in the evening,and a very moving experience..almost everyone carrying ,and lighting Candles,with members of the Armed Forces,and The British Legion,and so many people showing their respect ..
Next visit was to pretty Budleigh Salterton,a short bus ride away..Some of you may have seen the Blog/photo’s by GoY member,Brian (Bjs ) on his recent visit,which inspired us to go..We didn’t have time to see the flower bed displays,but took some other photo’s instead..such a lovely place ,and glad we didn’t miss it..thanks Brian :o)
All laid out in Stones and Pebbles on the Beach..
The Black House..for obvious reasons:o) and for sale,apparently..We didn’t enquire how much :o)
Russell getting nostalgic for his shed..almost the same colour,except for the roof ! lol..wonder how much this would cost?
This lovely display was in memory of a local man who loved to fish here..from all his friends and companions..such a beautiful tribute…
Are you still with us? Time to leg it, to catch the bus to Sidmouth..phew,made it.!
It was folk and Craft week,while we were there,and we stopped in the square to watch the bike riding Juggler with many people,and lots of different kinds of music,wherever we walked,but so entertaining..
//The wild and wonderful Sea..I could have stayed to watch the waves forever,but we were there to see the the fantastic Rock formations of a bygone age,millions of years old..nearly there now,just admiring how someone has taken the time to make designs with stones and pebbles..we loved these..
So here we are,and reading the information plaque,about what to look for in the Rocks..
Just touching to see if they are for real..:o) Shame lots of sad people have defaced them,by carving their names :o(
This is known as Jacob’s ladder..We didn’t climb up all those steps,even if there was a cafe at the top,,and gardens,we were told later…..
…but we did nosey around the other side..well,you do,don’t you? :o)We sat on the rocks with an Icecream instead…just looking out to sea..bliss..
Looking back along this wonderful Coastline,before we headed back for a nice lunch in the town.
Almost time to catch the bus back to Exmouth now..It’s only an hour,so time for a nod if you wish …I did ! :o)I hope you enjoyed your visit…
14 Aug, 2014
Previous post: Gifts from special friends :o)
Next post: Back garden/gravel area..
Well that was a trip down memory lane. I grew up in Exmouth! Which hotel did you stay in? Thank you for posting.
14 Aug, 2014
Fabulous weather for you! Lovely scenery. I'd like to go there myself one day! Will have to wait just a few more years for the handy bus pass, but then there'll be not stopping me! :))
14 Aug, 2014
love the pebble art..we like to balance stones at the beach..very therapeutic.
14 Aug, 2014
Thanks Sue,glad you enjoyed a trip back.I remember your blog,and meeting up with CMSue and her OH.I will have a look back to see the top of the saved me a long climb :o)The weather was just perfect,we were so lucky to pick that week..not so coming home though,as we had torrential rain and flash flooding ,around Nottingham,which followed us all the way to Yorkshire.,and a traffic accident near Sheffield,which delayed us by two hours..not good !
15 Aug, 2014
How lovely to have lived in that area,Andrew..We stayed at The Imperial on the front..very nice Hotel..if you haven't been back for a while,the Harbour end now has a Marina,with lots of upmarket apartments built around it..Tastefully designed,as you can't see them from the road.We came upon them by accident really,just having a stroll round one evening..glad you enjoyed it,thank you..
15 Aug, 2014
Thanks Karen,it was our first visit to that area,but we have stayed further along that stunning Coastline,over the years...I would rather be at your side in age,than have a bus pass ! lol.Shame we aren't allowed to use them in Scotland and Wales..and vice versa..maybe it will have changed when it's your turn..:o)
15 Aug, 2014
Thanks Sandra..aren't they great? I tried to post two more,but it wouldn't take them,saying the images were too big..why,I don't know,as this one loaded ok..I have no idea how to crop photo's !.
15 Aug, 2014
Looks a lovely place sandra, enjoyed your tour... :)
15 Aug, 2014
Bloomer - I thought it looked like the Imperial as I could see the clock tower in the photo.
I was in Exmouth a couple of yeas ago, so I saw many changes since I left. We lived in the docks area in the 1960s - it has been completely redeveloped since then.
There used to be formal gardens around the War Memorial, and a seat in a thatched shelter - all gone now.
(God, I'm sounding old!!)
15 Aug, 2014
Lovely photos, I could almost smell the sea :o)
15 Aug, 2014
Such a beautiful journey, loved the photos great to see so many different places and those cliff sides are amazing. :O)
15 Aug, 2014
I love that red rock B. so rich in colour. Great photos, glad you had a nice break and the weather looks to have been good. That war memorial looks stunning and so beautifully kept. x
15 Aug, 2014
Super blog Bloomer, I loved the walk and the bus trip :)
The weather looks to have been very kind to you, so glad you had a good time. I agree with Oliveoil, the cliffs are quite fantastic.
15 Aug, 2014
What a beautiful place Sandra I'm glad you had a lovely time and that the weather was good for you ,I loved the pebble art ,its not somewhere we have been but after seeing these stunning photos it will have to go on our ' to do ' list .. thanks for showing us .. x
15 Aug, 2014
Fascinating area isn't it, we sometimes go to Poole and did a boat trip, past Old Harry Rocks to Swanage, Harrys wife gets smaller every time we go!
theres something about the sea thst draws us I think, maybe because we're an Island nation.....
15 Aug, 2014
Love the delicate pebble art on the beach, Sandra - so imaginative. In my teens I lived near Poole, and was lucky enough to go regularly to Sandbanks, and sometimes to Lulworth and Swanage . . . lovely part of the world. Thanks for the trip!
15 Aug, 2014
Thanks's nice to visit somewhere you haven't been before.:o)
Ah yes,Andrew,I hadn't noticed I had got the top of the clock tower in..a bit of a giveaway for you ,wasn't it? apparently,there used to be a big outdoor swimming pool in the grounds of the Imperial..I guess you remember that? Also Manor park at the side..we sat in the shade there,a few times..also found a Wetherspoons with an outside seating area,for a cheap drink in the evenings..:o)
Snap! I'm old too ! Lol.
Thanks Annie..essence of Seaweed ? Lol.I love the smell of the sea too :o)
Thank you Barbara..We love most places on the South Coast..and this was no different from our Yorkshire,but lovely in a different way..
Thanks G.mage..I think the weather was the Icing on the cake..and the Red rocks are stunning ,aren't they?The evening of the Anniversary was lovely,and it was absolutely packed,from babies to old Soldiers..We came across it more by accident,on the way back to the glad we did :o)
Thank you Julia,glad you enjoyed the visit..The Hotel were kind enough to give us printed bus Timetables,so it was easy to find our way around..We had a very full week,as we went to Exeter as well ,plus Sidmouth twice ! :o)
Thanks Amy,a definite for your 'to do' list,I are most places on that part of the of these days,eh?We loved the pebble art too..:o)
Thank you Pam,we have been to Poole a few times now,but never to Swanage,or had a boat trip..yet ! I have heard of 0ld Harry rocks,since we came back,as I read up a little before posting this blog..Isn't that the end of the Rocks at Swanage? Never mind Harry's wife am I ,according to my GP review yesterday ! it's an age thing :o)
Thanks Sheila..I loved Lulworth Cove,when we had a holiday in Weymouth,a few years ago..One of my neighbour's,a former Army Nurse,and her Army Husband were stationed there at one time ,and when she was widowed,she gave me the name of a friend who still lived there,Sadly we didn't find her,as she had gone out for the day.but I left an address at a shop,and they are now back in touch...both almost 87 years old now..bless em..My neighbours late OH,was also a Pall Bearer for Winston Churchills coffin ..nothing to do with our holiday though,is it? Lol. I digress...lucky you living in such a wonderful place ..I bet you wish you had property in Sandbanks now .:o)
15 Aug, 2014
wow, what a beautiful place Sandra. The beaches there are so inviting. Did you go for a swim. One my greatest pleasures is swimming in open water ocean. Those rocks are beautiful and what a treat to be able to touch them.
Knowing me, I would have climbed those steps in a heartbeat. Thank you for sharing your fabulous vacation, I hope you are refreshed and well rested.
15 Aug, 2014
Wow Sandra I am so envious, its such a pity we were unable to join you, I just love those rugged rocks and the wild seas, I would have been very happy just to sit looking out to sea all day! shame on you not climbing Jacobs Ladderthough I would have been first up there lol
15 Aug, 2014
Thank you Paul..and no,I didn't go in the our water Temperatures ?? Lol..glad you liked this part of the South Coast,it really is lovely..I would have climbed those steps too,if I hadn't been more interested in walking around the other side of the rocks..maybe another time . I feel the holiday really recharged my batteries :o)
15 Aug, 2014
Hi Carole,we both missed your company on holiday,and we thought of you and Harry often....but I'm sure we will be off somewhere together,before the end of the that's something to look forward to..And maybe you would have been first up those steps,but you would have been the last down ! Lol..x
15 Aug, 2014
Yes - I was lucky to live in that part of the world (Lilliput actually, between Bournemouth and Poole, and a cycle or bus ride to the ferry at Sandbanks which took us over to Studland). But oddly enough I don't wish I had a property in Sandbanks . . . it's hilarious to me that the people who live there pay millions for their houses. OK, wonderful to be surrounded by water, BUT there is only ONE road to the peninsula, always nose-to-tail with traffic, so any time they go anywhere they will have to sit in a traffic jam to get home. "Not many people know that" lol!
15 Aug, 2014
I never thought of that,Sheila..and just how many actually live in them,do you think? or even dare to go walk about,without the Papparazzi on their backs..thanks,but no thanks..the price of fame eh? I wouldn't swap....
15 Aug, 2014
Super blog Bloomer what a lovely place and the weather so sunny for you too, pebble art on the beach and rocks looked really great thank you for sharing the journey - most enjoyable :o)
15 Aug, 2014
Thank you Neellan..It's nice to walk by the Sea,especially in the sunshine..The Pebble art was so interesting..every beach should have some :o) Glad you enjoyed the visit :o) x
15 Aug, 2014
Must take myself off to the coast and create some art of my own lol :o)
15 Aug, 2014
I hope to see yours,if we come to Llandudno sometime :o)
16 Aug, 2014
Love this blog Sandra and have added to Favourites ... didn't you have lovely weather too? Tell Russell if he wants a beach hut, he'll have to pay anything from £8,000 to £17,000 along our coast!
16 Aug, 2014
Thanks Shirley..something to look forward to ,when you go next month.I know you will love it too :o)We were blessed with the weather,but plenty of nice little shops in Sidmouth,if it isn't..not run of the mill ones either :o)
I think we will pass on the beach hut then ! It would be cheaper to move our shed!Lol. Ideal for walking,as it's so flat..not what we are used to up here,but it was lovely not to be walking up hill and down dale..:o)
16 Aug, 2014
Wow... lovely ! :o)
16 Aug, 2014
Thanks for the photos Bloomer. It is so nice to see the distant and foreign lands. There are some lovely sights in your blog.
16 Aug, 2014
Thank you Terra..Are you back online now? x
16 Aug, 2014
Thank you Klahanie..I'm pleased you like this coastal part of England..Luckily,with being an Island ,we have many lovely coasts to visit,as well as Wales and Scotland..:o)
16 Aug, 2014
That's very interesting Sandra. I love anything geological :o) It's so fascinating.
I liked the patterns and sculptures made with pebbles. I remember going to an art class once, and the teacher took us to the beach, to do things like that.
And that boat with geraniums was a lovely tribute. The man it commemorated must have been very popular :)
I'm pleased you enjoyed your stay on the Jurassic coast :) x
16 Aug, 2014
Thank you do I..I've never seen pebble art before ,till we went here..and at one time,we lived very near the must have had a more interesting teacher than I had :o).I agree,the boat is lovely isn't it? I hope he had a family to be able to see how many friends he had...We have some wonderful geological sights in Britain..My daughter studied this topic for her Geography degree..
16 Aug, 2014
Fabulous infomative blog as always Sandra, but I think you're having too many holidays ...... it's not good for you:-) Another place I haven't been and this is the next best thing:-)
16 Aug, 2014
Thanks Ba..too many Holidays? We haven't been anywhere since last autumn ! .going on a Cruise in a month though,to make up .:o).Glad you enjoyed seeing this part of the South coast.a lovely area..xx
17 Aug, 2014
Where you cruising to?:-)
17 Aug, 2014
A week round the Med,and a weeks stay in Majorca..can't wait now :o)x
18 Aug, 2014
Lovely blog and photo's Sandra, I would love to see those rocks, anything like that really appeals to me and I can spend hours exploring, if I find something I'm like a big kid, cannot believe you didn't tackle Jacob's Ladder, bet you missed out on a scrumptious cream tea, lol, I also can spend ages just watching and photographing the waves.
Pleased you had a good time thanks for sharing..
18 Aug, 2014
Thanks Sue,It would be right up your street,so amazing to just be able to touch them..Russell wanted to go up Jacob's ladder but I wanted to go round the other side,to have a nosey :o) I am just in the distance in one photo,about to turn the corner ! Lol. Cream teas were on the menu other delights during our stay :o)
19 Aug, 2014
Wow! I've actually been to Majorca, stayed in Palma, it was lovely, great food too:-)
19 Aug, 2014
I love Palma too,Ba..we sail from there,and will be able to visit for a day,as we will only be staying short bus ride away,after we dock the following week..I know it sounds sad,but I will be paying a visit to C&A ,if it's still there ! lol
19 Aug, 2014
Sandra, I know what you're up to ... buy something in C&A (yes, it is still there!) ... get home then tell Russell the clothing doesn't fit and you need to return to Palma to exchange it. :o)))
19 Aug, 2014
Are you a mind reader,Shirley ?? Lol..I got a great jacket from there,last time...but it's cheaper to go on a mini cruise to Amsterdam via North sea ferries instead ..:o) x
19 Aug, 2014
Just said to Michael that there is a C&A in Amsterdam, to which he replied: "Yeah, but you'd have to share the cost (Go Dutch) and it's always busy at the entrance (clogged up) ... Sandra, can I come and live with you for a week to escape these comments ... lol! :o)
19 Aug, 2014
Well,He could come with us,Shirley..we could drop him off at the Flowers and " plants " Market..lots of every kind imaginable,if you get my drift ! They should improve his sense of humour,or he could lose it altogether !! Lol.
19 Aug, 2014
LOL Sandra ... we have never visited Amsterdam ... one to put on the 'To visit' list methinks!
20 Aug, 2014
It's a lovely city, much to see..,besides those notorious places.. ! lol..We really enjoyed it,even if it was only for a day..I think we would both like to go back sometime .....
20 Aug, 2014
There's a great little shop by the flower market for a pancake lunch (pancakes are a Dutch speciality)
20 Aug, 2014
That sounds good,Andrew...I will bear that in mind if we go again..look how far we have travelled..from Exmouth to Amsterdam ,in no time at all :o)
20 Aug, 2014
There is a wonderful Dutch pancake shop on the outskirts of Bognor Regis ... obviously!
21 Aug, 2014
We haven't been there either,Shirley..I won't need to learn how to speak Dutch then ? Lol x
21 Aug, 2014
Not Dutch Sandra, but Russian/Polish/ Lithuanian would be useful as so many from those countries live in and around Bognor & Littlehampton now! Even the banks have dual signage up, in English and Polish!
22 Aug, 2014
You should walk through Leicester........
22 Aug, 2014
Same thing there then Pam?
22 Aug, 2014
Love the pebble artwork. We went to the Jurrasic coast a few years ago. It's a lovely area. Fossils come to mind. When we lived on the I.O.Wight we used to walk the beach and find fossils at the bottom of the cliffs. We miss the sea living where we do but love the countryside. Glad you had a good holiday. Thanks for sharing your photos.
29 Aug, 2014
In Derbyshire I always used to say the only thing missing was the sea. Now by the sea I would enjoy a bit of Derbyshire thrown in - you can't win'em all!
29 Aug, 2014
We do get seagulls in Belper, flying and landing on the river, so It's as near to the sea as we'll get Steragram. We used to live at Lake, between Sandown and Shanklin. We were only 10 minutes walk from the beach. I used to ride at Ventnor and we took the horses on to the beach sometimes.
30 Aug, 2014
Not too far from Ashbourne then. I worked for some years in Stoke and travelled to Sheffield at weekends until I got wed. Lots of fun going over the hills to Buxton on a moped - must have been potty. I couldn't understand why my parents were worried!
30 Aug, 2014
We like Ashbourne and visit now and again. Yes we definitely have some hills to climb around here don't we. That's what makes the countryside around here appealing with it's small fields trees and hedgerows.
31 Aug, 2014
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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Oh I did - we used to have a week in Exmouth every January for OH to recover from christmas (he's a minister, retired now)We met CMSue and went to Sidmouth, climbed all those steps and went to the excellent cafe. I have a blog about it so you can see what it was like at the top!
I love the pebble patterns on the beach - hope the tide doesn't come in that far, thug it probably does during winter high tides.
Thank you for a trip round Memory Lane - looks a lot warmer than it does in January!
14 Aug, 2014