Full Potential for the Bank holiday.
By bloomer
I posted photo’s of my back garden ,a little while ago,but I think the Dahlia’s ,Zinnia’s,and Begonias, are at their best just now.I’ve been really pleased with them all this year,and plenty of sunshine,warmth and rain has been the key..I thought you might like to see them as they are today..
Dahlia’s…A nice mix of colours.
Zinnia’s,grown from seed. I love these vivid colours :o)
I wouldn’t be without these Begonias every year.They are such good value ,and no deadheading needed :o)
The three baskets on the fence,,and a wall trough,are what I see from the Conservatory,every day..I could have a worse view ! Lol.
Not an Annual,but this Dianthus called ‘Slap and Tickle ’ !,is a favourite of mine.It’s been so prolific this year,so thought I’d sneak it in :o)
Lastly,these flowers were bought as a gift three weeks ago,and still looking lovely.I think they enjoy the company of Freda and Fred,(Mother’s day gifts for Grandma ) from Thomas and Alfie..:o)
I hope you are all still enjoying the summer displays in your gardens,as much as I am,and long may it continue well into Autumn..xx
30 Aug, 2020
Previous post: A good summer in my back garden :o) .added one more photo.:o)
Next post: Happy Yorkshire Day ..
Thank you Julia,I love my Ducks too :o) I bought Impatiens this year ,for the first time since they had that disease? ,but sadly,it seems to have returned ,in our area at least,and lots have just died overnight,so have had to dispose of them. I still have a few that are round the edges of some of my pots,which seem fine,but all in the borders just collapsed and died...A professional local Gardener said he would contact The RHS,to see what they had to say about it.. Have you heard anything about them where you are ?
30 Aug, 2020
Thank you Kate.I guess I'm lucky I still have lots of Colour,and my next door neighbour has even more than me ! Mainly pots and wall baskets.,but definitely lovely to look at,between us:o) I'm sure you still have some colour,even if it's nice shades of greenery :o).
30 Aug, 2020
Your pots are still,looking terrific Sandra, I do love the Zinnias, I've never tried them, but I think I will next year, they're really lovely. I've been lucky with my few busy lizzies, bought from Tesco. I just had a couple of spaces to fill and they have and still are doing well. I didn't see they were all white, but all white they are! Haha, not my favourite colour for busy lizzies...:o\
Freda and Fred go very well with your furniture and are guarding the pinks really well, what a beautiful vase they're in...
Like you, I'm lucky, I've still colour in the garden especially the peach dahlia, I've dried a flower head, ready to send the seeds in a couple of weeks..:))
30 Aug, 2020
Your dahlias are a joy to behold Sandra and they have done so well for you. I really like the colours you have chosen.
I agree with you about begonias. They look lovely and are no trouble at all!
I think the colour will remain in your garden for a few more weeks so enjoy it all for as long as you can.
30 Aug, 2020
sweet Sandra I have a little duck with boots on near wall :D , what lovely flower displays , my begonias did not thrive for me sadly just this year believe I over water lol . Lovely flowers to cheer us up . Dianthus love the smell of these
31 Aug, 2020
Love the colourful flowers you are enjoying right now Sandra. I grew Zinnias from seed too, free on the cover of a gardening magazine, and I'm loving the colours.
I remember your 'Slap & Tickle' Dianthus, such a gorgeous colour with a daft name!
Freda and Fred are just brilliant ... :o)
31 Aug, 2020
Love Slap &Tickle the best.
31 Aug, 2020
What a lovely selection of flowers in bloom you have. I love the Dianthus, mine are all very stumpy with not many flowers :( :(
31 Aug, 2020
What a glorious show Sandra, just perfect , definitely a sight for sore eyes ... I love Freda & Fred in their little boots 😁 xx
31 Aug, 2020
Beautiful display. I do agree about the begonias -so reliable and good tempered. They go in my shady dry border every year and always turn up trumps.
Your zinnias are gorgeous - I always thought they would be difficult to grow - did you find that true? Anyway they were clearly worth the effort! Your dahlias are grand - not a slug nibble in sight! Kind regards to Slap and Tickle; they clearly have a good effect on cut flowers!
31 Aug, 2020
lovely colourful and cheerful pots of gorgeous flowers. gladdens the heart doesn't it?
31 Aug, 2020
Lovely array of colour Sandra, your garden has done you proud this year, I do love the flowers of late summer and autumn, spring displays are lovely of course but autumn ones are always more colourful to me....
31 Aug, 2020
Your garden is lovely Sandra :)
1 Sep, 2020
I agree with all the above comments. A lovely display.
1 Sep, 2020
a lovely display of colour, very pretty
1 Sep, 2020
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments.I really do appreciate them all.:o)
Janey.,The Zinnia's were so easy to germinate,which astounded me,to be honest.They only took 4 days to appear ! I will definitely grow them again next year..I'm glad your Bizzy Lizzies are ok,I got mine from two different places,so it seemed strange they should all die off !
Fred and Freda seem very much at home there,but sadly ,the flowers , are destined for the compost bin tomorrow :o( Thank you for admiring my Vase ,It's a favourite of mine too,and thank you also for saving some Dahlia seeds from your lovely Apricot one. I will PM you soon .xx
Thank you Chris,I had no idea what colour the Dahlia's were going to be,as I bought two packs of three tubers,at the grand price of £1.49p each.from a well known German Supermarket ! What a bargain,and just the colours I would have chosen too..:o) I hope we all have a good September ,to prolong the colour in our gardens :o)
Thank you Paulrija 1.Sorry your Begonia's didn't do well for you this year..I don't water mine much,so probably that could have been the reason you lost yours.A shame, as they last so long usually.. I shall have a look at your photo's ,and see if I can see your Duck ,I love mine :o)
Thank you Shirley,Yes,I remember you saying you got some free Zinnia Seeds..so did I ! only mine were from my next door neighbour,who kindly shared a packet with me..I shall have to keep on good terms with him,I think Lol. I agree,'Slap and tickle' is a strange name for a Dianthus ,isn't it ? mind you,so is Freda and Fred ,for a couple of Ducks !:o) x
1 Sep, 2020
Thank you Siris,and Loupylou. ,this Dianthus seems to do well for me,but others I have had,haven't done well at all,so I guess I'm lucky :o)
Thank you Amy,I'm glad I decided to have some Dahlia's this year,as It's a while since I grew them,and Freda and Fred say thank you for joining their fan club ..ha ha x
Thank you Stera,,the Zinnias were surprisingly easy to grow,and I was amazed too.You must try some next year,and the aftercare is minimal,or so it seems.They don't seem to have any enemies,and I haven't had to do any deadheading at all yet,as the flowers are so long lasting..
Thank you Eileen,and Sue..It's been a good summer for our gardens,hasn't it? one of the better years,I think..I also love this time of year,when everything seems to be at it's best. :o) x
Thank you Hywel,and Feverfew..I really appreciate your lovely comments..:o)
1 Sep, 2020
Thank you Daveymad..:o)
1 Sep, 2020
M.land,I think it was a kind of Powdery Mildew,on Impatiens,or Bizzie Lizzies, when it was found a few years ago,? I do know they weren't available for quite a while,but it's supposed to have been eradicated,and safe to be able start selling them again. I do know of other people whose plants have been affected too,and all bought from different sources..It still hasn't been confirmed,or otherwise, as far as I know..
1 Sep, 2020
You have some beautiful flowers in your garden, Bloomer! I love the Begonias, I haven't grown any for some years now, I'll have to try & remember to get myself some next year!
I used to grow 100s of Busy Lizzies on the balcony, but again it's been a few years since I've grown any, something else I must remedy!
My son is madly in love with Zinnias! He grows lots from seed & his garden looks great with them I haven't grown them for myself in decades but a few years ago I did sow some seeds in the church garden. Unfortunately only a few grew & flowered.
2 Sep, 2020
Thank you Balcony.I didn't used to like that variety of Begonia at all,but then I decided they weren't so bad as gap fillers ,and now,I wouldn't be without them ! It's the first time I've grown Zinnia's in such numbers,the last ones I had were in a packet of mixed seeds,I bought for my eldest Grandson to try,when he was 3 years old..he is now 10,so thought it was time to give them another go,courtesy of my generous neighbour :o)
2 Sep, 2020
Its amazing what a zap of colour does for you you`ve certainly brightened my day, and those little ducks have put a smile on my face, a lovely blog all round.
4 Sep, 2020
Thank you Phyl,that is a lovely comment ,and my little Ducks make me smile too. :o)
4 Sep, 2020
Lovely ducks, lovely flowers. Mine all past their best now, a bit like me lol:-)
5 Sep, 2020
Thank you Ba.The Table flowers are now in the Compost bin,but luckily, the Garden still looks good..A shame your's are coming to an end,but I'm sure your garden still looks nice..just like you ! .:o) x
5 Sep, 2020
Aw shucks:-) x
8 Sep, 2020
Thank you Sheila,they have been wonderful,and still looking just as good today.Let's see how they are after the cold night that's been forecast for us tonight ! :o(
1 Oct, 2020
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Just lovely, Bloomer! Such vivid colour you have to enjoy in your garden, I’m almost ‘out’ of colour now...
30 Aug, 2020