Loving the Summer :o) x
By bloomer
It seems ages since I posted anything,but I’ve been waiting till I had something to show,garden wise,that is ! Lol.
Some plants are still to come to their full potential,like the lovely Red single Dahlia’s in the pot at the back,but it’s first flower has opened today..The Fuchsia directy in front,is yet to open too,and I’ve forgotten which one it is !
I think it was one in a ready made planter I bought last year,so it will be nameless anyway.. :o) .
Loved the Nemesia’s last year,so I decided to have them again this year,and they haven’t disappointed.. I love them.!
This Caledonian Hebe has never looked as good,as it has this year,and it’s many years old.. Something to be said about improving with age?? Lol.
Dianthus’ Slap and Tickle’,is also having a good summer,as is the small Euonymous ,which has only just got slightly bigger,in the past 20 years !
The Penstemons just in shot,are still to reach their potential,which were also new last year,as I revamped all that area,for the better,I hope.
Fuchsia’s ‘Empress of Prussia’ also doing well,as usual.They never fail to please. They will get much bigger,in the coming weeks.
Also, Penstemon ‘Blueberry Fudge’another long lived plant,gifted a few years ago,from Amy 2. plus a new White Penstemon.‘Arctic Fox’ ,gifted last year as a cutting,from Hywel..I now have more cuttings of both,dotted around the borders..:o)
The small Dianthus was also new ,I have three more of these,as they are so dainty,and fill small gaps.:o)
A full view of my small back garden, so I’m happy with the outcome again this year.. :o)
I still can’t ever remember the tall yellow plant in the back border,next to the Osmanthus ? (gifted from Shirley Tulip in 2011,as a tiny rooted cutting .) I count my blessings to have such lovely kind friends ,who took the time to help to fill my garden.. :o),and hope you can remind me ..again ! what the tall plant is,please.. :o).xx
I hope you are all as happy as I am,with your gardens this summer,and let’s hope the heat expected this weekend,isn’t too much for us all,and our plants..
Take care, love,Sandra xxx
14 Jul, 2022
Previous post: Happy Yorkshire Day ..
Next post: Change of Scenery. !
Your garden looks really neat and tidy, everything grown to perfection, well looked after. I wish mine was so ordered.
14 Jul, 2022
Your garden is looking fantastic Sandra … you have obviously been giving it plenty of loving care 🙂. It’s a credit to you, and I’m full of admiration that you’ve nurtured it so well through the hot weather.
15 Jul, 2022
what a lovely selection of plants you have bloomer. They are certainly something to gladden the eye.
lots of pleasure to be had sitting and watching the bees too no doubt.
15 Jul, 2022
I agree with everyone Sandra! Your garden is immaculate and you have such a lot of colour too!
Dianthus is a real doer, isn't it! I also love your hebe too!
Plus I love the colour of your fence and shed! It just fininshes everything off and sets off the border!
Enjoy the summer! xx
15 Jul, 2022
Your garden looks very neat & colourful, Bloomer! 👍😀
15 Jul, 2022
Your garden is looking immaculate and very beautiful, Sandra. Gorgeous colour all round, plus your plants look so healthy and perfectly positioned! Have to agree, although i e said before - your shed and fence are a really lovely colour too. 😊
15 Jul, 2022
I agree with all of the above, lovely neat garden& happy plants, was going to say also that I like the colour of your fence & shed, maybe it’s sage green?
15 Jul, 2022
Sandra your garden is beautiful. Everything looks so healthy! It's clear you have been looking after things. I bet your all prepared for this hot weather we're supposed to be getting.
I love your choice of plants and where you've position them. You certainly have got the best from them all.
It's a credit to you!!
15 Jul, 2022
I've christened it Paradise Corner!
15 Jul, 2022
Well,what lovely comments from you all,dear friends,and much appreciated too :o)
As you know,I spend as much time as I am able, in my garden, both back and front,so it isn't too hard in keeping up to things in the long run.
A few of you have commented on the colour of the Fence and the shed,over the years,thank you ,as we still love it too :o).
Feverfew,you were correct,the fencing paint is Sage Green,and the Shed colour is called 'Wild Thyme' Both from the same range of 'Garden shades '..Cu......nol ' ! :o)no prizes for solving the puzzle ..ha ha.
That photo makes the garden look quite dark,but we have lots of big trees behind the fence,which help to shield it somewhat.. That was once an empty space,which the Builders used to put their equipment on,when building our Bungalows...20 years later,we have a mini woodland ! :o).
I left a comment on the Blog from Wildrose,that I was going to move all the pots to a shadier postion ,in view of the Forecast of high temperatures, so that is what I've been doing this afternoon,so I hope it will be enough.
I hope all your plants survive over the coming days, and maybe,just maybe,it won't be as bad as expected.. I live in hope ! ..
Love,Sandra xx..
16 Jul, 2022
Hi Sandra, I agree your garden looks fabulous. I am struggling to remember the name of the red plant in the front of the last picture. You gifted me one some years back, I also have a pink one and white. Help please. I’m moving next weekend and want to label them before I go.xx
17 Jul, 2022
Hi Cinders, lovely to hear from you again,and the plant I think you mean is an Astilbe,'Fanal' variety. ?I also have a pink one which is much more vigorous..
I thought you wouldn't be long before you move,as I've been keeping up with your F/B progress. :o) Hope this helps,and I will be in touch .I hope your move goes well,and glad you are able to take some of your lovely plants with you. We all used to love your beautiful garden,but you can make your new one just as pretty. love Sandra ,x
17 Jul, 2022
Thank you Sandra, it was bugging me that I couldn’t remember it. Mine is not out yet but quite a few stems. Unfortunately I shall miss it, but have found a small one nearby that I have potted up to take. Hope it’s the red one. I won’t have a garden of my own, but there is a communal garden, which I can help to plant up, so taking my tools and a few plants. The garden is the biggest thing that I shall miss, but looking forward to making new friends and closer to family.
I still pop in to GoY on occasion, to see how old friends are doing. Your garden is beautiful and immaculate as usual.
18 Jul, 2022
Thank you Cinders, and we go back a long way,don't we? I do hope you will keep popping in to see us,and show us photo's of the Communal garden at some point.:o)
It's a new challenge ,and life will be much easier for you too.,being nearer to your family,You will have no problem making new friends,and sharing gardening together. That will be lovely.:o).
By the way,I still have the Heuchera's you sent me all those years ago,and still looking lovely.. XX
18 Jul, 2022
That’s nice to know. I’ve taken most of mine to Hazels garden, the idea being that I will have my own patch, but whether I will have the energy remains to be seen.I am definitely slowing down, but in my head I’m still young.I’m looking forward to a new start, but this last week is awful. But keep smiling, it will come right in the end. Happy days. I will keep in touch Sandra x
18 Jul, 2022
I know what you mean about slowing down,Sylvia,but in our minds ,is how it should be.forever young :o) We just keep going ,don't we ? lol .
I can see how you must be feeling about moving,when it's been your home for so long,but once you get settled,you will be glad you decided to make the move,and Hazel is nearby to help you..Yes,we will keep in touch ,take care. x
18 Jul, 2022
Looks as lovely as ever Sandra, well it did a week ago, sincerely hope its coping now, mine has a definite autumn dry look, no surprises there....Take care in this heat, I will be working the night shift to tackle my deadheading, lol.xxx
19 Jul, 2022
Thank you Sue, and how are you feeling today? Much better I hope, and once it cools down tomorrow,we will all be happy !
Luckily,my pots are still looking good, since I moved them to the North Facing wall .I had posted another blog,but seeing as you haven't been very well recently,you may not have seen it yet.
All that looks almost dead or dying,are some Hardy Geraniums, along the long border at the front..just mounds of brown at the moment,but they will soon recover ,she says,hopefully !
I'm sure a lot of yours will rally round again too. Take care, and hope your little Doggies are coping with this heat .:o(
19 Jul, 2022
Sandra, what can I say that hasn't already been said? Everything is looking brilliant in your garden, I cannot think what the tall yellow flowered plant could be. Any chance of a close up photo for I. D.?
19 Jul, 2022
Thank you ,Shirley, and sorry, I just cut the yellow plant down by half,yesterday, as the flower heads are made up of tiny seeds,?,and they were starting to drop off. Well ,that's what they look like to my untrained eye !Lol.. I did ask a few years ago on Questions,and someone told me the name..Did I make a note of it ? Nope !.Sounds about right for me .ha ha. x
19 Jul, 2022
Sandra, I looked back on your questions (detective that I am!) and in July 2016 you asked for the I.D., it is a Thalictrum. Just check back on your questions and you will see what I mean ... :o)
20 Jul, 2022
Shirley,you are an absolute star ! Of course it is ! . I knew it began with a T, but thought it best not to suggest that..Ha Ha.. thank you so much,I'll go back to 2016 then ? I didn't think to look on Questions..It's the heat in Yorkshire,tha knows ! :o) .got to blame it for something..fried Brain perhaps ? Lol. xx
20 Jul, 2022
Sandra, I laughed out loud when I read your comment. Just call me Sherlock from now on ... ha, ha!! x
Is it cooler for you today? I have been slowly deadheading and staking up plants that have flopped ... a gentle breeze is helping me stay cool.
20 Jul, 2022
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Such lovely photos of your very pretty garden. Everything in your garden seems to behave itself and not grow too big! Wish ours was the same!
The hebe and dianthus look spectacular and I love your curved bed.
Flowering plants in general seem to have had a really good year which has been a joy to see.
14 Jul, 2022