More nice bits of my garden and some newish geraniums
By bornagain
Can’t stop taking pics:-)
This mingle is Rose Irish Eyes, which changes colour, and an alstromeria whose name I’ve forgotten, very beautiful though.
This next mingle is geranium Blushing Turtle, A pretty mauvey pink which flowers for ages and a lychnis kindly donated by the birds.
This is a pic of geranium Orkney Cherry. It’s a tiny magentery flower on a bronzey leaved mound …flowers for ever. It’s trying to block the path so it can mingle with the hosta!
Here it is in close up.
This is a beautiful hydrangea which I bought last year I think at Gardeners World Live.
It has lovely leaves as you can see, but unfortunately it only has two and a half flowers on this year, anybody any explanation?
There is a moment in the evening, before the sun sets, when the garden looks splendidly lit up and I had to take some pics:-)
This is salvia Caradonna in the foreground, great plant.
Designer Sunset which gradually changes colour, very pretty rose:-)
This is an amber flower carpet, new last year so I’m interested as to how it behaves. It should flower all summer
Every year, as it gets bigger, I decide to chop the colutea Arborescens back …. and then it puts on such a pretty display for quite a long time …. that I change my mind:-)
Art Deco, my favourite dahlia. I bought two potted ones last year and tried to keep them for this year. I only succeeded with this one although the other tuber seems fine it just hasn’t sprouted, no idea why:-(
I promise not to put any more pics on for a bit and hope you weren’t too bored
8 Jul, 2014
Your garden is just a joy to see.
Your mingling is superb!! I need to improve my mingling I think!
I love the tiny geranium and that wonderful dahlia. We are growing dahlias for the first time and they are just about to flower.
8 Jul, 2014
What a beautiful garden you have. That's a lovely dahlia. We can't grow them here as the slugs and snails.find them whatever we do.where did you get the Orkney cherry? Looks like a v ery useful do-er! Your amber flower carpet is a winner too.
8 Jul, 2014
You have some lovely mix's there Ba. Love the roses.
8 Jul, 2014
Always enjoy seeing your garden. It's all looking great. Don't leave it too long before you show us more.
8 Jul, 2014
really enjoyed seeing your garden, everything looks great
8 Jul, 2014
Its lovely BA, if you've got it flaunt it lol ;)
8 Jul, 2014
Beautiful display,Ba,and I haven't heard of Colutea before either,it's are all your plants,especially like your Roses,that Amber carpet is gorgeous..Keep your pics coming,it is all a credit to you..well done my dear :o) x
9 Jul, 2014
Wonderful! Thank you for taking the trouble to share your lovely plants and garden with us. Loved it. :-))
Bored? Not for a moment!
P.S. Colutea is a new one on me, too - off to google it.
9 Jul, 2014
Just gorgeous Ba, shows your artistic side with the beautiful mingles :0)
As to the hydrangea, I have a couple of questions/ suggestions, is it young, you didn't prune the flowers offdid you? Have you fed it, try a tomato feed but not after this month or its new growth can get frost damage being too soft
anything strike a chord?
I love your garden x
9 Jul, 2014
Hi there Ba, lovely pics, art deco is a beauty. The planting around your pond is really something to admire.
9 Jul, 2014
Thanks Simbad, colutea is a very old shrub, I bought this one in the eighties/nineties. It's indestructible and (famous last words) doesn't seem to be bothered by any pest or disease:-)
10 Jul, 2014
Thanks Chris, there are some beautiful dahlias, but I don't seem to have much luck keeping them. I did have some which are somewhat hardy and last in the ground a few years, then vanish. I look forward to seeing yours:-)
10 Jul, 2014
Hi Stera, I can't remember where I bought Orkney Cherry, but I'm sure it was from a Scottish nursery which I can't find now when I google. There are quite a few other places that sell it on line though if you google it:-)
10 Jul, 2014
Thanks Cinders, I just love roses and may end up with a garden full. The flower carpet amber, is supposed to flower for ever and has a slight fragrance, I prefer the one in the pics above though, Designer Sunset, makes me drool ... could be senility though lol:-))
10 Jul, 2014
Scottish .... you flatterer:-)))
10 Jul, 2014
Thank you Taz, very kind:-)
10 Jul, 2014
Lol Jane, never thought of it that way:-)
10 Jul, 2014
Why thank you kindly dear Sandra (curtseys) I try my best, but only show the good bits:-))
10 Jul, 2014
Now look here barbara, I can't believe you don't know colutea ... been around for ever, alias bladder senna? I don't use that name, sound too much like a parasite or disease:-))
10 Jul, 2014
Hiya Pam:-) It is young and has put on a lot of growth since I bought it (it was all flower then). I did feed it in the spring, with a granular fetiliser, I think, and I didn't decapitate it. I will try a tomato fertiliser, do you think that's the problem? I have had to get rid of some hydrangeas which, for some reason, ceased to flower, I hope this won't be one. I have a rather large hydrangea in a pot which is now far too small for it in my opinion and it's full of flowers !!! Maybe they're contrary:-))
10 Jul, 2014
Thank you Sarahm, I bought d. Art Deco from a local green grocers ... I wish they had them in again:-)
10 Jul, 2014
No, I really haven't come across Colutea before, Ba. I did check it out, and it wouldn't fit in my looks great in yours, though! :-D) (P.S. I don't like the alternative names either...)
11 Jul, 2014
Lol Barbara, my garden is tiny and my colutea, which is at least about 20 years old, is only about 7 feet high! It has (accidentally) been chopped down to the ground and covered with about a foot or two of soil in 2010 when the garden was made over. I thought I had lost it ...then through it came. It's tough, but no giant. Before it was chopped down it was only up to the top of the fence or so:-)
11 Jul, 2014
Sorry - I meant colour-wise, not its size.
12 Jul, 2014
Lol, I'm not too fond of the yellow flowers, but I love the pale, almost lime green of the pods:-)
12 Jul, 2014
I think it's fascinating. :-))
13 Jul, 2014
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Beautiful mingles Ba and lovely pictures, please keep putting the pictures on :-)
I've never heard of the Colutea it's gorgeous, I'm off to google it now :-)
8 Jul, 2014