Bronze Glazed double handled Planter
By crissue
I have the new pics of the Succulents in their new Pots…I think this looks far better…
Here are the Succulents planted…they are all doing quite nicely…and once grown more shoulld fill the planter…I can add more stone to improve the overall look, when they’ve grown…
I chose these tiny gravelled pieces, I think the colour sets the plants off nicely…and the Frog was my late Mums, and I think she would be pleased it’s finally put to a good use…
18 Jun, 2011
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Oh thats a lovely prize Crissue, I have just read a blog (my friend Wolfies garden) and apart from the amazing pics of his garden, the last pic is of sempervirums in a basket, i love the design of it with the extra bits added, have a look, im going to copy it myself :)))
18 Jun, 2011
I feel it needs a little height in the planting, a couple or three Heuchera would look lovely when they flower.
18 Jun, 2011
I saw that blog DD - it's beautiful.
Another thought could be grasses? I think they look good in a container?
18 Jun, 2011
Well I think they are all terrific ideas, does a Grass with a couple of Heucheras, and Sempervivums sound too much, with a couple of shiny stones....I would like to bring the Planter in during Winter..I discounted Water, as I have a little pond...and i'm planning a small lily for that...My problem here is the range is not as available as UK...I haven't seen any Heuchera here as beautiful as I've seen at GOY..Unless I can find a supplier on line, or a specialised Nursery here...They must exist...
I did look at the photos of Wolfies garden...very very nice...
Much food for thought...
18 Jun, 2011
If you look at the blog about Dotty Daisy's garden you will see her urn in the middle of the lawn with just Heuchera in, it looks so pretty. I don't think I would put anything else with them as it would get crowded out as the heuchera grew.
18 Jun, 2011
I take your point Cinders...I've been on to a friend who gave me the name of a Nursery that she thought may have Heuchera, the like of which I described....Anyway here is what I found...maybe you may have heard of them.
1) Caramel...I loved this but its out of stock
2) Georgia Peach - out of stock
3)Obsidian - a very dark plant - but beautiful - in stock
4) Plum Pudding - a marbled beauty, I like very much..
and in stock...
H and I will have to go to the Nursery, its about an hour away...but if you order on line, its minimum of 10 plants
I also saw two Sedums I liked...Autumn Fire...& when we can get over there I'll get the Heuchera...
I'm on my way now to look at Dotty's Blog
Thanks in advance ladies...
18 Jun, 2011
Heucheras great idea. If you take it in 4 Winter, I guess a Japanese Maple will be too much. Lovely pot, lucky woman.
18 Jun, 2011
Yes, the two that are in stock are both quite dark, I think one like Marmalade, which stands up to the weather very well would be good, or Georgia Peach or Caramel would be a lovely contrast. I have another dark one called Licorice, which I love, and there is a red one called Fire Chief. So much choice....
18 Jun, 2011
i have most of the hukeras also a lime green one , pic in gallery if you want to look , 3 diff colours would look lovely
18 Jun, 2011
I am having pot envy agree with the Heuchera suggestion but then I do love them:)
18 Jun, 2011
what a gorgeous pot !!!
18 Jun, 2011
I suspect it will look good with whatever you put in it as its so classic. Good luck choosing something for it..
18 Jun, 2011
Lovely pot my thought was a Cordyline or Hosta.
19 Jun, 2011
Hi Cristina, I went and looked at the Lime Green, its really nice, how does it fare in it hardy..
Hi Drc....I've got Hostas in Planters that my late Mum gave me...and also some planted in the garden...I'll hang on to the idea of a Cordyline for another time, it sounds interesting for sure...
I have got quite a lot of nice Pots, and bowls, but H put them away for me, as i wasn't well enough to be bothered, and it's loading him up with extra to do..but I would like to plant up a couple...I am definitely leaning toward the Heucheras, I do have two in the garden, a very dark red, I can't remember the name, and a small one nice but not special...But its the pastels that attracted me, that I haven't seen here in france...I miss the huge plant selection that the UK offers...
Also the Sempervivum I like a lot, I have found a really nice chap on line that grows and sells some of his extra I'm deciding on what to choose...Oh and don't worry it's done through Pay Pal, and I have an account, so no risk...
Thank you all for your interest and suggestions, I think we may just have cracked it, between us...(thumbs up)
oh I do miss proper smileys...they're so expressive..
20 Jun, 2011
You don't have to plant anything in it at all. It would look nice just sitting among some shrubs or perennials. Sometimes plants can spoil the look of a lovely pot :o)
20 Jun, 2011
Hi Hywel, nice to hear from you, now that's a new take on it, I read your comment out to H and he nodded in it's empty at the mo, so it wouldn't hurt...
20 Jun, 2011
Nice to know he agrees :o)
I haven't been on here for a few weeks
20 Jun, 2011
It's nice you're back then...I had so much time away, and had lots of catching up to do, but I'm managing to get on more regularly now, and also able to get into the garden at long last...
20 Jun, 2011
That's good :)
20 Jun, 2011
Crissue have put on some pics with pots some with succulents, some with sempervivums, and some with a mix......I know what Hywel means re leaving it empty, but the pot needs to be taller and then placed in the border with plants surrounding it, see my blog about Alan T, a perfect example of using a pot in a border......
22 Jun, 2011
I agree with Dd, if the pot is tall, it looks good on its own, but smaller pots do need something in them, some great ideas above crissue... have you decided what to plant in it yet?
22 Jun, 2011
Great minds!!!
22 Jun, 2011
I agree with both of you...the shell pot looks as it is just Empty...but i have chosen Succulents for the Bronze Pot, I've left a list of my choice on the Succulent pic - page you kindly left for me DD
22 Jun, 2011
You have a pretty pot there....succulents seems an excellent choice...very easy maintenance for you. I was not a member of GoY during the time of your incapacity but it's lovely to know you are so much better now and able to get into your garden. :)
22 Jun, 2011
Thanks Lass, i'm waiting in anticipation of the succulents I've ordered...and I will post here when I've got it all looking good...I wanted something that could grow inside in Winter, as I am rubbish at growing Houseplants :(
24 Jun, 2011
Just thought i'd update you Succulents arrived Wednesday, and are recovering in a little water, they are all beginning to perk up now, and i have posted the pics individually and the names on my photo page...except one, that is a bit tiny...
Thankyou one and all for your contributions... :))))
30 Jun, 2011
A big thankyou to Cinders who kindly sent me a Heuchera 'Marmalade'....pic posted on my page also...H chose our bronze and gold dragon pot for her to be planted in, and i'm very thrilled...
30 Jun, 2011
Well done on your beauiful prize you must be so thriled as we are for you.
Looking forward to seeing it all planted up.
I have many heucheras my favourite has been Marmalade and it has stood up to be covered in snow and the flowers are so beautiful on it to.
13 Jul, 2011
Hi Scotcat ...yes I was thrilled, it's a long time coming...the Bronze Pot is now planted with the Succulents, and they are settling down well...I lost one tiny one that didn't travel very well...I'm now waiting for H to hoist it up onto the table for a will post one for you all to see....I've kept it inside in my sunroom, as its been unbearably hot here, and I can shade it well...I love Heuchereas too...and found another one called Peach Flambé, and i've got it planted in a pot at the moment stood in semi shade in the garden...I have decided that I will plant it in this space, as it seems to be happy enough....Thanks for your info about Heuchera's lovely...
14 Jul, 2011
I love the ideas...haven't read them all...and obviously I am too late now...but if it were me, to bring in during the winter....would have to be a dwarf citrus tree! The pot screams out 'Olive tree' to me too, but you probably have those outdoors there! :)) lucky you!
16 Jul, 2011
Hi Karen...thanks for your input anyway...The Citrus hasn't gone amiss...I look at them a lot...just haven't plucked up the courage to take the plunge...Olive trees, yes they do grow here, but with the changing weather patterns, we now get horrendous frosts,and snow.. and they have to be protected...We didn't replace ours after we lost it...
16 Jul, 2011
Oh, that's a pity. Sounds like it would stand more chance here than there I live a mile from the sea.
16 Jul, 2011
Gosh you ought to see the sizes and prices of the Olive trees in the GC's here...and these trees are gi-normous
not that I've got the room, or money to spend...
We're a good couple of hours drive fromthe sea now...
16 Jul, 2011
I had an Olive tree, a tiny one, in my old house. It grew so well that I had to get rid of it as it was too big to bring indoors in the winter! Bonsai?...funny, I actually saw some lovely bonsai'd Olive trees at Chelsea!
16 Jul, 2011
Really...whatever next lol... :))
16 Jul, 2011
My bonsai Olive tree didn't survive last winter! :((
Hope you can find Heuchera Obsidian Crissue - it's lovely, and I like the idea of a tall(ish) grass with it: Pennisetum rubra (red, obviously!) would look good.
20 Jul, 2011
What a gorgeous prize you must put a pic. on when you have decided what to do with it , you could try something different each year until you have the ' look' that you are most happy with ..
21 Jul, 2011
I think you're right Amy, I have put pics on of the Succulents I've chosen and planted already....but I was only saying to H this morning over a cuppa, as you do...I think when these plants are settled and grown some more I'll change the planting...I haven't acheived the 'look' I think the bowl should have been a shallower one for this type of plant...Thanks for your sugggestion...:)))
21 Jul, 2011
A quick update:- I have almost finished replanting my little Succulents into individual Pots....and I like it much better...So I shall be back to deciding on a planting plan for my Bronze pot....:o)) Will post pics when ready...:
1 Aug, 2011
Looking forward to the pics . . . no pressure!
1 Aug, 2011
Pics posted now...Not sure if I edited correctly...but did my best, hope you all like the changes....:o)))
ps I lost two...but that's the luck of the draw...the rest are very healthy...
2 Aug, 2011
Loved this blog C...beautiful pots and plants...:>)
25 Jan, 2012
Thanks Moti....It was a trial for me, some of the plants survived, some didn't...The Pot did, and houses the Zonals from two of the Summer baskets...:)))
26 Jan, 2012
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its a lovely pot ~ what about some water and a tiny waterlily??
18 Jun, 2011