Woodland January Gems
By dawnsaunt
Nice to see a few beauties braving mid winter.
Lonesome Crocus
Lamium galeobdolon
Primula vulgaris
C coum
Winter Aconites, always remind me of dear Amy as she sent me these. I do hope her house move went smoothly in the end.
Helleborus foetidus
Hellebore niger, poor thing battered by the snow
Foxglove which I’m pleased to see as I’ve scatteted hundreds of seeds in the woodland, they only seem to grow where they want to.
Arum italicum
Euphorbia Robbia, wood spurge.
Hellebore Tutu
23 Jan, 2018
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well yours are so much further on than mine. no sign of aconites. the snowdrops are just showing white tips and my hellebores have tight buds.
so plenty to enjoy there Dawnsaunt
23 Jan, 2018
Thanks Stera. Seaburn, a week ago the aconites were still not showing and the tips of the snowdrops just visible, yours will be showing soon I guess.
23 Jan, 2018
No aconites here, and snowdrops way behind yours, plenty of hellebores bursting forth, and one lovely Camellia in flower, every little helps though doesn't it?
23 Jan, 2018
Dotty, any colour in January is welcome! I'm usually behind everyone and it's not been a great winter. What variety is your camelia? Sounds fab!
23 Jan, 2018
So reassuring to see plants braving the coldest time of year :)
23 Jan, 2018
Wow...you are way ahead of me Dawn! My ‘Tutu’ has no buds showing yet, and the crocus aren’t even showing their first shoots yet. I do have a few cyclamen coum and some Sarcococca flowers though. :) Am totally fed up with January now though. Only a week to go!
23 Jan, 2018
Yes Hywel I agree.
I'm usually behind everyone. Oh Karen, so am I, I'm getting slightly depressed, I normally get out in winter but this year it's been so wet. February generally colder but a short month and longer days yay
23 Jan, 2018
Great winter show - so colorful! Love the Arum Italicum leaves - does it flower?
23 Jan, 2018
Hi Bathgate, yes the arum flowers has spathes but the real beauty is the red berries that follow
23 Jan, 2018
It does Paul - the flower is shaped like other Arum flowers but is paper thin and pale green. It has lots of country names here - Jack in the pulpit and Lords and Ladies are two. The whole thing disappears in winter except for a lovely spike of bright orange berries. Have a look for a pic on google.
23 Jan, 2018
23 Jan, 2018
Lots to celebrate Dawn, like you I have a nice clump of Winter Aconites....Amy's too....I bet she'll be itching to make a start in her new garden soon.
I agree...the Arum leaves are spectacular, I wonder if the markings are different on each leaf...it looks like they are Dawn!
Lots of buds on your Tutu hellebore Dawn, is it in a sheltered spot? I have a yellow one just coming into bud, as usual just the one..lol!
23 Jan, 2018
I must Chech the arum leaves Janey.ni messaged Amy a day before her move to say the aconites were flowering, she said thanks for reminding her and got Tiny to rush out to dig some up to take with them, phew!
Tutu in an open aspect Janey, it seems to be an easy, reliable variety.
24 Jan, 2018
So many of these bright flowers are on such small plants. Don't they do well for us at this empty time of year?
Your photos are lovely.
24 Jan, 2018
Thanks Wild, yes Jan colour is very special
24 Jan, 2018
Lovely to see so many out already Dawn .
24 Jan, 2018
You are so fortunate to have so much colour in your garden. Camellias are beginning to bloom with us at the moment so we are looking forward to seeing those shrubs in full bloom.
Arum? We are forever pulling out arum in on our garden. They grow like weeds and try to take over everything. Agree the berries are pretty but they still have to go!
25 Jan, 2018
It's so strange how our gardens vary, arum are soooo slow here.
Camelias never do well, get frosted and the flowers fail then.
25 Jan, 2018
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Plenty to cheer you up there. I do like Arum, its so lush and cheerful while its around.
23 Jan, 2018