Weather, a tree and a car
By drc726
My husband did a small shop for me this morning. I let him go not realising how bad the weather was. After 1.5 hours I began to feel strange and stood at the window waiting for him although he was not late!
Thankfully he did arrive but with a smashed radiator, windscreen, bonnet and roof. A tree fell across him on the A21 as he was driving back.
The car is only 3 years old and may be a write off? but we are just so thankful he was not hurt and consider he had a very lucky escape. So take care and avoid driving in this weather when you can.
30 Dec, 2013
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so sorry to hear and pleased your husband was not hurt, thank you for advice.
30 Dec, 2013
Its interesting that you felt concerned although he wasn't late. There are still lots of things we just don't understand. Its good that your OH wasn't hurt even though his poor car was!
30 Dec, 2013
That is good news. A car can be easily replaced but OH totally the opposite. Its good to remind people that the weather can be much worse than we expect. A tree falling on you is hardly what one expects even in the worst gales.
30 Dec, 2013
A lucky escape for OH thankfully, it's strange how you somehow know when something is amiss, sorry about your car though
31 Dec, 2013
I'm pleased to hear your husband is all right. What a shock he must have had !
Strange that you felt uneasy before he came home though. It wasn't as if he was late. There are things we don't understand ...
31 Dec, 2013
that was lucky ,there,s a lot to be said for these feelings people get when something is wrong.
31 Dec, 2013
Hi Denise ...
OMG ...
I'm so glad to know that your husband is okay ...
I agree there is a '6th sense' we have about various events which have just happened, or those which are going to occur...
Stay safe ... xxx
31 Dec, 2013
He was very lucky, but also very unlucky drc you can replace the car. Roy.
31 Dec, 2013
Oh my!! thank goodness he was unharmed but he must have been in a terrible state of shock, thats certainly a very close call, his guardian angel was with him Denise......
31 Dec, 2013
Sorry to hear this Denise..but relieved your husband is ok..It's strange how we can be 'tuned in' when something happens to people closest to you..another of life's mysteries..not the way you envisaged the old year to come to an end..but how lucky he was to escape unharmed...x
31 Dec, 2013
What a lucky escape your husband had I bet he was really shaken up after that, thank goodness your both ok, it's very strange how we sense these things happening, take care xx
31 Dec, 2013
I just hope the car insurance covers the damage.
31 Dec, 2013
Hi Drc, I'm so glad that it was the car that was damaged, and not your husband, as said above, cars can be replaced, partners not so easily, don't let it spoil your new year, best wishes, Derek.
31 Dec, 2013
How awful, that must have been frightening for your husband. The main thing is that he is safe. How strange about how you felt just prior to his return. They say we should all trust our 'sixth' sense.
31 Dec, 2013
Sounds like your sixth sense really kicked in there Denise. As has been said he has returned safe and sound. Cars can be replaced, folks can't!
31 Dec, 2013
echo all above. thankfully he was unhurt. cars can be replaced.
31 Dec, 2013
Thank you all, he has been very quiet today his shock is still evident. I just keep thanking his Angel for watching over him. None of us looking at the car today can really believe just how lucky he was. Happy new year to you all.
31 Dec, 2013
Cars are replaceable.....I, m so relieved he's ok, what a shock x
1 Jan, 2014
It was Pam and we are still reeling from it.
1 Jan, 2014
Oh Denise.....I bet he got an awful fright. Glad he is OK. I will also be glad when the weather improves. I hate wind the most. I think when you hear high winds outside you think, 'Thank goodness I am not out there', and the fact your husband was would be unsettling.
So many people must be making insurance claims at the moment. I hope you don't find yourself without a car for too long.
We are expecting some snow here in the north before winter is through.....I just hope it isn't as bad as the USA.
13 Jan, 2014
Hi Linda,
We still think how lucky he was, as a man was killed in his car a few days later, by a tree just a few yards from where my husbands car was struck.
13 Jan, 2014
I've been wondering how he was doing Drc. Life will seem even more precious once he fully recovers from the shock. I hope you will be able to replace the car soon. My old aunt used to say "you can't go before your time". Why some of us survive while others perish is a mystery. Look after each other.
13 Jan, 2014
He is certainly in the wars Scotsgran, last week he had a fall in Battle high street so he has not wanted to drive yet, we get his car back in about 10 days.
14 Jan, 2014
It sounds as if the car is being repaired. He will feel safer in a car that helped save his life. I was worried that he might feel like giving up after such a nasty experience. I wish him a speedy recovery.
15 Jan, 2014
Thanks SG we are lucky the car was not a write off and will be back in a week or so. I think once he gets over his fall ( very bruised) and has his car back he will be ok driving. But at 75 things like this take time to get over.
15 Jan, 2014
Don't we know it. OH will be 85 in October and he had a couple of falls + a nasty overdose of antibiotics this year which left him feeling very vulnerable because he had no feeling in his legs from the knees down. He was feeling very unsure of where his feet were, but it was important that he keep walking. The feeling is starting to return for which we are truly grateful because the doctor did say it might not. Old age does not come itself. I'm just glad I also drive.
15 Jan, 2014
I hope you husband gets better soon SG what a worry getting old is.
15 Jan, 2014
One day at a time is the best way to look at it. We come from good stock both mothers lived on, to 96 in his case 88 in mine.
16 Jan, 2014
My Yorkshire side are long lived my fathers mother lived to 96 so hopefully I have many years yet.
16 Jan, 2014
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Phew . . . what a scare Denise. So glad to hear that your husband wasn't hurt :))
30 Dec, 2013