Pressing flowers.
By grandmage
Have you ever pressed flowers from your garden? It is something I did once and was so delighted with the outcome that I started to make my own cards. At this time of year I pick off the petals that I like the most and pop them into my press and then in a few weeks I can use them to start designing my cards. I do know of someone who makes pictures like this, then frames them which is something different.
My favourite flowers to press are the hydrangea. You can use anything you like really, geranium, forget-me-nots, also grasses and any leaves.
My hydrangeas were pink this year(two years ago they were blue & purple!) but if you have the blue ones they look really good and keep their colour nicely. I quite like this green shade that these ‘pink’ ones have gone.
This is my old press, I have had it for many a year, you dont actually need one of these though, old blotting paper and some heavy books would suffice!
1st. I lay out the petals into a pleasing shape. Then :
Using pritt stick and tweezers you can start gluing down your design.
and there we are, cards from your garden and a nice hobby through the cold winter months. Have fun.
10 Oct, 2012
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I use to do it with the children many years ago ..
10 Oct, 2012
Nice idea for Autumn days. Thank you. Will have a go.
10 Oct, 2012
I used to do this craft very often in the past making cards and gifts, , you have reminded me just how enjoyable it was, Harry made the flower presse's fror myself and our two Grandchildren when they were young, we used to enjoy our trips to the meadows and woods collecting materials, Thanks for this blog and the lovely memories it has awakened, might just have another go at this lovely craft;0))
10 Oct, 2012
Think the last time I did this was at school - thanks for bringing back memories :)
Personalized gifts and cards are special :)
10 Oct, 2012
I remember pressing flowers when I was a kid, thats when one was allowed to pick the wild flowers.......
10 Oct, 2012
did this alot when the girls were small, but not lately. I think I might re start. I'd forgotten the fun in this. thanks for the blog.
10 Oct, 2012
Very attractive cards - you will have started us all off grandmage!
10 Oct, 2012
Lol everyone!! As I started reading your comments I began to feel rather old!! you all mentioned......'bringing back memories', 'years ago', 'when the kids were young' etc. I know its a very 60's, 70's thing isnt it but to tell the truth I have only just started to do it again and yes it is relaxing and enjoyable, also you take a look around your garden more often, looking for little flowers and bits to press, i love it. I am glad I have stirred your memories and if you start up the hobby that is great also. Thanks all, Yorks, Amy, Diane, Pp.Scottish, Lincs,Sbg. Hb.& Stera, you are all so kind.
10 Oct, 2012
How lovely, and an interesting hobby. It's nice to do something artistic :o)
11 Oct, 2012
when the kids were young isnt that long ago. the youngest is 15 next week. so not that long ago. didnt mean to make you feel old :o)
11 Oct, 2012
I was only joking Sb. they say you are as old as you feel!! My youngest is 30 now, so some days I feel ancient Lol.
Thanks Hywel, its nice to share our hobbies isnt it? Are you making any pots at the moment?
11 Oct, 2012
Not yet lol ... There's always something else ... I'm doing lots of drawings though :o) I can put those down when needed ... but with pottery I need a whole day, because it's so messy :D
11 Oct, 2012
Pressed flowers are so important. I would love to have a free pass in the Kew archives & have a look at the specimens that historical plant hunters collected.
I have an orchid that I pressed & framed years ago. Odontoglossum Grande, cannot get that orchid now but the flower is on the living room wall as a reminder. Must be 22 years old now & faded but it's special.
I'll try & get a photo up if I can Grandmage.
11 Oct, 2012
Brilliant Bampy, maybe you should get in touch with Kew and tell them you have a rare specie on your wall! I had forgotten about the pressed flowers @ Kew, wouldnt it be wonderful to take a peek? Would love to see a photo Bampy.
11 Oct, 2012
Good for you, not done it for years, hands not up to it now, only good for gardening and cake making lol
11 Oct, 2012
Well Dd. thats enough to be going on with, must admit its fiddly when glueing and you need tweezers and glasses, strong lamp, magnifying glass etc...............Lol
12 Oct, 2012
Good blog :o))) Great ideas.
12 Oct, 2012
Thanks TT. just something to while away the dark nights!
12 Oct, 2012
That bought back memories, Grandmage. I made myself a flower press some years ago and made several flower collages, etc. I wonder if it is still up in the loft somewhere but think it may have 'gone' during my last move. I've just used a large book to press the corsage my daughter gave me for her wedding.
13 Oct, 2012
It was a very 70's thing isnt it Gee? but suddenly thought of starting up again! Lovely idea to press your corsage, it will be a nice memory for you of a lovely day.
13 Oct, 2012
is this as simple as it looks, i dont have a press but have plenty of big heavy books and greaseproof paper, would that work too, what are the best flowers to press, would it just be ones that are naturally flat like dasies or could y press any flower like a snapdragon or lupins, i think its a great thing, would be lovely to make xmas cards xx
14 Oct, 2012
Oh how lovely Grandmage, and what a gorgeous card! A really enjoyable blog my friend.. Have added it to my Favourites\0/x
15 Oct, 2012
Hello Andrea, yes this is really simple, pick the flowers you like the best, as you say flatish ones are easier to press and blue flowers especialy hold their colour well, I think you could disect lupins etc. and press smaller parts, also leaves and other bits too. Now I am not sure about greaseproof paper?? Blotting would be better if you can get some because it takes the moisture out of the flowers nicely and of course heavy books are just the job. I do hope you enjoy making your cards, it is a very relaxing hobby.
Dearest Flori you say the sweetest things x thank you.
17 Oct, 2012
thanks grandmage, yeah blotting paper i will get x
18 Oct, 2012
:) hope you find some Andrea.
18 Oct, 2012
Very pretty yes I have in between books then when I open the book little insects alive are in the page lol.
30 Oct, 2012
Hilarious 6d. hopefully squashed though!!!
31 Oct, 2012
The flowers squash but the little insects alive and running hehe. Use to watch my mum press the flowers in books.
31 Oct, 2012
Yes this craft does go back years doesnt it 6d. When my uncle died and we cleared his house we found pressed flowers galore, in books and old cards going back some sixty years and more.
31 Oct, 2012
Yes it does and would be a shame for it to ever die out, I wonder if you could put them into furniture like they do the paper flowers then varnish over.
31 Oct, 2012
Lovely blog g'mage. The answer to your question is yes 6d. My mother had an old 3 leaved draft excluder which she decorated with scraps - does anyone remember them, dried flowers and photos. It was then varnished. she still had it at her last move but dk where it is now. My aunt decorated a chest of drawers using scumble and then dried flowers before covering with yacht varnish. It is lovely.
I can go back 60 years to doing flower pressing. . Life was so uncomplicated then. Pansies pulled apart are good subjects for drying this way. Making rag rugs was another winter pastime. I don't think we would have had time for tv and computers we were busy from dawn to dusk.
11 Nov, 2012
Thank you Scotsgran , yes I too have pegged rugs, counting cross stich, tapestry, knitting, crochet, now painting when I feel up to it, not many youngsters want to learn nowadays, which schools don't have as many lessons on these like they use to, no wonder the kids turn to other things, not taught to occupy their mind with no jobs out there for them and no money to keep them not affording any of these things to occupy them, my mum always said the devil makes work for idle hands and she was right.
12 Nov, 2012
Lovely to see this again G......I used to make and sell pressed flower pictures years ago, I really loved it and main flowers would be voilas and anything flat, and that reminds reminds me I've some flowers pressing from last which book were they in???.......:))
29 Aug, 2013
Lol, Janey I used to put mine in books but found sometimes they spoilt the pages :( I don't think folk do this craft anymore, do they?
29 Aug, 2013
No I think it must be out of fashion right now, I used to enjoy stencilling too, our old house was covered in!
It is coming back in fashion, maybe more subtle colours, so who knows, flower pressing here we come....:))
29 Aug, 2013
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I pressed flowers some years ago Mage, but must have thrown the press out at some time,
10 Oct, 2012