Pink clouds
By green_finger
This morning at 7.30 the room was bathed in a pink glow.
I went out to do the bird feeders & the sky was just amazing. It was very windy & the clouds were coming in fast from the east just as the sun was rising.
They were pink & they spread across the sky in an unusual formation so I just had to get a picture to show you all.
5 Dec, 2015
Previous post: Friday 13th & I was Feeling Lucky
Next post: The good & the not so good.
Maybe your printer wasn't set for black & white photo printing.
My morning sky pic is just as it looked - if anything it was even pinker than it shows.
5 Dec, 2015
Nature at one of its more regal moments...and fleeting.
5 Dec, 2015
Well captured, I love beautiful skyes not usually up in time to photograph though! lol
5 Dec, 2015
Lovely to see Greenfingers, I have my hours all mixed up at the moment so don't see sunrise, I can tell you we have been having some starry early hours lately though, lol.....
6 Dec, 2015
Thanks everyone, I'm glad you like the picture. We had 2 pink sunrises in a row but this one had the strange cloud formation, I believe this is called stratus fractus.
Definitely worth getting up to see.
Lincs, starry early hours, eh - I think I better not ask!
7 Dec, 2015
The sky can be beautiful at times :) I love to see clouds. Much better than a flat blue sky ...
8 Dec, 2015
A lovely photo Gf , I did see this I went in to tell my Hubby about it ....
9 Dec, 2015
Did you see the sunrise the following day, Amy, that was lovely too but not had one since.
9 Dec, 2015
I couldn't see it properly Gf I could see a glow through and beyond the trees we don't have such a clear view from here , the stars last night coming home about 10.30 pm from a horticultural quiz were so bright they really were twinkling.. ...
9 Dec, 2015
Amy, you can see my pic of it Sunrising in December, one of the advantages of living on a hill, lol.
10 Dec, 2015
How beautiful Gf, my favourite times of day are dawn and sundown......
11 Dec, 2015
Janey, it is a beautiful sight & well worth getting up to see.
11 Dec, 2015
I'm often awake at 5 Gf, so often see the sunrise, not such a good view as you have though!
11 Dec, 2015
11 Dec, 2015
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Someone sent me copy black and white photographs and
they printed up pink.
5 Dec, 2015