Wild Summer Flowers (part one)
By hywel
I think spring is the best season for wild flowers but there are also some nice ones flowering in the
summer time.
I’ll show some photos of the ones I saw over the past few weeks.
Here’s a view of an area near where I live.
You can see some bits of the river Tywi, and the ruins of Dryslwyn castle on the right.
It’s around this area I saw the wild flowers in this blog.
Now first of all here’s a flower not seen very often. It’s called Blue Sow thistle – Cicerbita macrophylla.
It grows quite tall – about 5 feet. There was a lot of it all along the roadsides
In the same place these tall Hogweeds were growing – Heracleum sphondylium.
There were lots of flowers on the brambles – Rubus fruticosus, so we may get a nice crop of blackberries this year :o)
Here’s Dryslwyn bridge, and the river Tywi (Towy) meandering it’s way towards Carmarthen ….
I loved these grasses growing along it’s banks. They always look so graceful
Old Ash and Alder trees also grow along the banks of the river
Could you see the swan ? There are lots of them along this river …….. I hate them lol
And I saw these Hypereicums growing there
I believe this next one to be Scentless Mayweed – Matricaria inodora
Growing at the water’s edge was this Amphibious bistort – Polygonum amphibium. Some of it was in the water. It likes wet soil.
And also liking damp conditions is Lythrum salicaria. I found some growing by the river
I also found it growing by a pond at a farm.
Near the river is a disused railway line. Here’s the old level crossing gate :o)
Here’s the old station.
I found a nest of bees in an old post there.
I think it’s a pitty the railways have been got rid of.
I’ve got more wild flower photos but I’ll put them in another blog. This one is long enough now.
25 Jul, 2011
More blog posts by hywel
Previous post: A view for TT
Next post: Wild Summer Flowers (part two)
Thanks for doing that TT :o) I'm pleased you like the views and flowers x
25 Jul, 2011
:o) xxx
25 Jul, 2011
25 Jul, 2011
Hywel we were in Carmarthen at the weekend at a wedding and the reception was at Narberth. It was a beautiful day and the country side around is gorgeous, I just love your photos especially the castle & hypericum. beautiful. Thanks so much.
25 Jul, 2011
fantastic views! And such pretty wild flowers I love them. i bought 2 packs of wild flower seeds last year and this year with over 100 seeds in each I planted them in the middle of the front garden.and all I got was weeds :(
beatiful pics :)
25 Jul, 2011
Some beautiful shots there Hywel.
25 Jul, 2011
wonderful blog Hywel such a lovely place, I love all the wild flowers it was a pleasure to read. But why to you hate swans?
25 Jul, 2011
very pretty , a mine of info hun ................. keep it comeing . going in favs !!
25 Jul, 2011
Hywel, what on earth have the Queens swans done to upset you????????. They are so beautiful and graceful, bit protective I know.
Lovely photos of your local area, Wales is such a lovely place.
25 Jul, 2011
Loved this blog and photos what a lovely place.
25 Jul, 2011
This is lovely,Hywel..and you have given me the answer about the lovely blue wild flower in the first pics..I saw it in a wildflower garden at a park near us,a couple of weeks ago..but there was no label,or anyone to ask..I loved it,so thank you..:o) Love the river pics and all the other wild flowers too. I have added it to my Favourites,so I can remember the name of it ...
25 Jul, 2011
What lovely pics Hywel - you certainly live in a beautiful area.
25 Jul, 2011
Great pics Hywel - love the scenery - the grasses always get my attention - love daisies also - we have the purple loosestrife- Lythrum salicaria - love the stuff too as well as the Hypereicums - love the flowers on these !!! Lovely views in your blog Hywel :)))
25 Jul, 2011
Thanks for all your comments and stories :o)
I don't like swans or any other birds because I've got a phobia of them - Urrrrgghhh !!
:o((( Can't stand the things :o(
Do they belong to the queen then Grannyb ? - well she can come and get them lol :D
Thanks Sandra - I'm glad I was able to help name the flowers for you :o)
25 Jul, 2011
I would never have known what it was,Hywel,as I have never heard of it before,or seen it .:o)
25 Jul, 2011
You've taken some stunning photos Hywel, you live in an absolutely beautiful area of the world! I'm very impressed with your knowledge of your local flora!
25 Jul, 2011
Lovely photos, Hywel! Lovely scenery too - so peaceful.
26 Jul, 2011
Lovely blog, Hywel, with such fabulous scenery. Will you be picking Blackberries in the Autumn then? . . . . .
26 Jul, 2011
There are a lot of berries on every berry bearing bush and tree this year. Have you noticed the huge crop of rowans and apples etc. I dk if that is because of the winter past or if it is a sign of another bad winter before us. We can forget the bad weather so easily when we lose ourselves in these lovely photos. I love those blue daisies. I would not mind having them in my garden and they are a great height. Thank you for the escape hour. I do look forward to your blogs.
26 Jul, 2011
Thanks everyone.
Scotsgran - Lots of berries/friuit mean we had good weather when the insects were pollinating the flowers. I don't think it's got anything to do with next winter.
Shirley - No I won't be picking blackberries. I always did, but no more - you've got to cook them :o(( And I don't cook things now - too much bother ! lol I just get something quick and easy :o)
26 Jul, 2011
lovely Hywel..... love seeing the wildflowers in the countryside....
26 Jul, 2011
Beautiful photos, Hywel, and stunning scenery. We're lucky in my village as we still have the railway running here :)
26 Jul, 2011
Lovely pics as ever Hywel :)
27 Jul, 2011
Lovely blog and pics Hywel.
My young Granddaughter planted Wild Flowers in the back garden. I've had a fantastic selection of mixed flowers, but only know what a few of them are, like the poppies and the cornflowers.
The mixture of colours I've had are beautiful. Only trouble is, when I let her scatter them, I didn't think anything would come of them.
Now they seem to have taken over the bottom half of the garden, with more still popping up here and there. lol.
28 Jul, 2011
Another smashing blog Hywel, I love to see all the wild flowers and you certainly have plenty near you..
31 Jul, 2011
hywel love , you dont have to cook blackberries ........ just give them a gud wash ........... and eat . yum ... nice with icecreame
1 Aug, 2011
Another great blog on wildlife, Hywel! I'd love to be able to have scenery like that! All we've got are the backs of the rows of houses on the other side of the road! :-((
It's a shame you have a phobia of birds :-(( There are some very pretty ones around & I love to see Swans on the river here. If I see them I always go down to the water's edge! I love to see the Blackbirds & thrushes as well as the Robins following me around the allotment. But I suppose for you that would be like Hitchcock's film called "Birds"!
I don't know why you say you have to cook Blackberries, I eat them straight from the bushes! I can make myself almost sick by scoffing them! But then the same goes for almost any fruit!
1 Aug, 2011
Beautiful colourful wild flowers, and what stunning views my favourite is the river views I adore them. Great you found the bee s nest
7 Aug, 2011
Doesn't mother nature do a grand job when left on her own? one of my favourite flowers is the Ox eye daisy and the scentless mayweed reminds me of it, lovely blog Hywel and what a lovely part of the country you live in :o)
14 Aug, 2011
I like to look at the wild flowers an imagine there garden cousins.
23 Sep, 2011
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What fabulous scenery, Hywel, and such pretty flowers..
yes, too many railways were taken away ....
Added this blog to my favourites. :o)
25 Jul, 2011