More Fuchsia Inspiration
By hywel
I didn’t think my fuchsia blog would get such a response lol
Here are some more from my collection, to inspire you to grow a few next year ;o)
As in the last blog, the names are on top of the photos
Careless Whisper
Billy Green
Hidcote Beauty
Anabel and Blacky
Pepermint Stick
Maria Landy
Bessie Girl
Flying Cloud
Old Somerset
Earre Barre
Rose of Denmark
Foxgrove Wood (hardy)
Mrs Popple (hardy)
Frosted Flame
Border Queen (hardy in a sheltered place)
Jose Tamerius
Phyllis (hardy)
Peter Pan (hardy)
Alice Hoffman (hardy)
Dorothy Hanley (hardy)
Beacon (hardy)
Herman de Graff
Magellanica Riccartonii (hardy)
Red Spider
I hope you’ve enjoyed looking at some of the fuchsias in my collection.
There are more, but I haven’t got pictures of them.
As I said, lots of the photos I’ve shown are from last year. This year they’ve been hopeless, and some have died.
Maybe next year they’ll get back to normal.
2 Nov, 2011
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Incredible collection Hywel!! I love Snowfire and the photo of greenpeace is just fab. Thanks Hywel.
2 Nov, 2011
Wow Hywel,
hope mine come as good as yours in the coming year. A lovely collection, started this year at Harrogate with a few new ones. Hoping winter is not to harsh for all of us. Really like Hermenia for the colour.
Would I be right to say lots of yours are single stems in flower??
2 Nov, 2011
WOW, that is some collection you have there. I like them all.
2 Nov, 2011
Beautiful pics Hywel..:o))
2 Nov, 2011
Stunning fuchsias from last year, Hywel.
Do you try to display them all up high so that you see the flowers better ? It can't be easy to find places for them all up high ?
I hope your fuchsias flower better for you next year.
2 Nov, 2011
I have just found you in the Guinness book of world records as the person with the biggest private collection of Fuchsias.LOL
I am really very impressed! All of them so beautiful. Hundreds? You can tell us the number.
2 Nov, 2011
They're such beauties Hywel - Anabel especailly I like
2 Nov, 2011
As with many plants and shrubs, I never realised how many different ones there are.
They are all lovely Hywel, I only wish I could keep them as you do, you have the magic touch....
2 Nov, 2011
How do you have time for anything else ? They are SO beautiful . Jeff says there's no fuchsia in it . [He will have his little joke .]
2 Nov, 2011
These are lovely, personally I'm not a fucshia fan - but I can see why you love them.
Could not pick a favourite....Elma looks like lots of little fairies flying around a tree :)
2 Nov, 2011
Doesn't matter if the photos are old or new, Hywel, they are lovely. I find that I am drawn to the paler pink varieties, Anabel is stunning.
2 Nov, 2011
These are lovely Hywel. The second Earre Barre looks like a ballet dancer up on a single point. Stunning display.
2 Nov, 2011
All amazing but I have to say Anabel is probably my favourite too. Great photographs Hywel.
2 Nov, 2011
Really, really lovely Hywel.
2 Nov, 2011
As always you have beautiful fuchsias, fingers crossed we dont get as bad a winter as last, infact the last two winters.
3 Nov, 2011
Thank you for looking at my fuchsias.
Geordielad - they are mostly bush or hanging varieties. I've tried to take pics of one stem on some of them, in order to have a close-up photo.
Costas there are hundreds of varieties, and they are added to every year.
Thanks for all your comments ....
3 Nov, 2011
another lovely blog hywel. there are some smashers there. :o)
3 Nov, 2011
A lovely selection Hywel....some familiar....some not :-))
4 Nov, 2011
Wow obsolutely wonderful Hywel.Well done seen some new ones for my garden next year .:))))
6 Nov, 2011
Thank you all for your comments.
Sorry I forgot to answer your question TT - I try to hang up the pendulous varieties. The bushy ones don't look right to me, in a hanging basket. I usually hang one basket from underneath another lol
6 Nov, 2011
Thanks Hywel :o)))
6 Nov, 2011
Is there one tip above all to Fuschia care? I love them, but have not payed much attention to their upbringing! Wonderful Pics as everyone says. And i do love the names.
6 Nov, 2011
Thank you both. I can't think of one main thing, and I'm no expert. It's just trial and error with me.
However, they don't like hot dry air, and they need a lot of feeding. I use tomato fertilizer because it's high in Potassium.
7 Nov, 2011
Wonderful collection of Fuchsias, Hywel ... another blog for my favourites ... and I may have identified one in Mum's garden as Cymru thanks to your pics! ... I shall pick a couple of blooms to compare ... many thanks for this blog ... :o)))
7 Nov, 2011
That's quite a collection, great favourites of mine as well!
7 Nov, 2011
Hi Shirley. I don't think Cymru would survive in a garden. It isn't a hardy veriety (but you never know lol) So many are similar, it's difficult to identify them sometimes.
Thank you Sue
8 Nov, 2011
Oh, in that case Hywel, I shall put a pic on later and see if you can name it for me! ... :o)))
8 Nov, 2011
Lovely again .... my favourites are Jose Tamerius & Maria Landy. But they are all lovely.
9 Nov, 2011
Thank you Dwyllis. Those are two lovely varieties.
9 Nov, 2011
With my weakness for Fuchsias it just had to go into my favourites - just like the first part did!
Have you ever tried to grow them from seed, Hywel? I got some Fuchsia seeds from a Goyer today! I shan't sow them until the spring. Never done this before though I have saved some of their fruits but always lost them later! I suppose because I've never been very serious on trying to grow them from seed. Now I have some seeds I shall sow them & look after them. It will be very interesting to see what comes of them! I'll have a theme for a blog here later next year! LOL!
I LOVE your Fuchsias! I have only three plants that managed to survive our last winter, I hope they make it through this winter!
15 Nov, 2011
I purchased my first fuscia and love it, however not doing so sell. I live in south Florida and had it outside until it started drying out. Took it inside but doesn't get much sun. Any advice?
1 Aug, 2012
Garden4kyro - Well I am no expert, but I do know they preffer cooler and moister conditions. Maybe you could find a shady spot for it, and if you've got a pond, maybe it would like to grow near there.
Hi Balcony. Sorry I missed your comment. I've never grown them from seeds. Good luck with yours. I will be interested to know how they do ...
1 Aug, 2012
I'm no expert gardener Garden4kyro but did you have the plant in a pot or in the ground. I think Hywel will be able to say it is fine to plant it in the garden and lift it to take it in to shelter for the winter. If you sink a piece of platic pipe in, alongside the plant, you can water right down to the roots, where it will be less likely to dry out. Also put a layer of stones or some other kind of mulch down to stop any water, that is there, evaporating.
1 Aug, 2012
Yes it's fine to plant a fuchsia in the ground for the summer. In the south of Florida you may be able to leave it there all year round if you get mild winters. I don't know what your weather is like.
1 Aug, 2012
I have a new Fuchsia - for me - called 'Lady Boothby'. It's a "climber", not that Fuchsias really climb, & it makes very long thin branches that push their way up through other plants. These long thin whippy branches can be trained up a wall or trellis & will, over time, reach several metres high. The first flower on my plant has just opened today!
I believe it's a hardy plant & can remain in the ground through our winters in the UK but mine is in a plastic tub on my balcony. I will take a few cutting that I will overwinter in the flat just in case the winter turns out to be another of the "once-in-a-lifetime" events! (Like the 2 winters of 2009/10 & 2010/11!)
I'll upload a picture of it to my photos later.
3 Aug, 2012
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Cordifolia
£11.50 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Alba'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Variegata'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Procumbens
£9.50 at Burncoose
Oooh beautiful again hywel...Gone straight to my favourites...:)
2 Nov, 2011