A Fantasy of Fuchsias ... Singles
By hywel
My Fuchsias have flowered fairly well this year, in spite of the poor growing conditions,
and I’ve put a few photos in a blog for you to see, as a sort of catalogue.
I’ve got such a lot that if I put them all in one blog there would be too many too look at,
so I’ve made three :)
In this first blog I’ve put the single flowering ones and a few semi-doubles, which still seem too many lol.
I love Fuchsias and I’m sure I bore people when I go on and on about them :D
but I hope you enjoy looking at them :o)
I’ve also tried to put them in alphabetical order.
Some have such strange names …
1. Aalt Hillie Van De Veen :-
2. Albertina :-
3. Alison Patricia :-
4. Anita :-
5. Anna Sunshine :-
6. Annie M.G. Schmidt :-
7. Ant and Dec :-
8. Autumnale :-
9. Bella Nora :-
10. Bland’s New Stripe :-
11. Brian McFetridge :-
12. Careless Whisper :-
13. Carmel Blue :-
14. Checkerboard :-
15. Crosby Soroptimist :-
16. Dark and Delicious :-
17. Debron’s Beau Dean Richard :-
18. Forget Me Not :-
19. Hanna :-
20. Hannah Amelia Dowling :-
21. Hidcote Beauty :-
22. Jack Shahan :-
23. Jadi Messingtetra :-
24. Katy Flyn :-
25. Land Van Beveren :-
26. Lady Kathleen Spence :-
27. Loeky :-
28. Maetsukier :-
29. Maria Landy :-
30. Moonlight Sonata :-
31. Ocean Beach :-
32. Roesse Meton :-
33. Rose of Denmark :-
34. Valerie Bradley :-
35. Wassernymph :-
36. Waveney Sunrise :-
37. Winifred :-
You must all be fed up by now lol … sorry about that :D
Actually there’s more, but they didn’t flower this year.
Maybe they will next year.
I’ll put the double flowering ones in another blog
soon …
but I’ll give you some time to recover from this one first ;o)
An amendment :-
I have discovered the Fuchsia previously labeled ’Huet’s Beryl’ is really called ‘Jadi Messingtetra’.
I have now amended it.
24 Oct, 2016
More blog posts by hywel
Previous post: Rhipsalis
Next post: A Fantasy of Fuchsias - Doubles
An astounding variety Hywel. Thank you for sharing this!
24 Oct, 2016
Amazing and Wow! My favourite would be For-get-me-not! Have added to my fav's as a good reference... ;o) Thanks Hywel, for sharing this with us all... :o)
24 Oct, 2016
Wonderful collection Hywel. I can see your passion for them. I also put it in my favorites for future reference.
I like them all but if I have to choose just one it would be 28. Maetsukier. (one of those strange names?)
24 Oct, 2016
Never bored with any of your blogs Hywel, what would we do without members like you who know the names and take the time to add them, its definitely going in my favs as well, I know where to look then when I need a name, its always appreciated, I honestly never knew there were so many until I discovered you and your garden, bit like your cacti, lol...
24 Oct, 2016
Fabulous collection Hywel. My favourites are 15, 22 and 28, but all so lovely. Look forward to seeing more soon.
24 Oct, 2016
I'm gob smacked (as they say). So many and all so beautiful, lucky you.
24 Oct, 2016
Well I started making a list of favourites but soon gave up. Think I have to choose Huet's Beryl in the end. Do you have a favourite or is that too hard a question?
Alphabetical order is great, so gone into Favourites.
24 Oct, 2016
An amazing collection. I just wish that mine were half as good yours. I have have had what I think was a disease,a lot of brown leaves and not many flowers. In fact quite a few plants have been disposed of in the garden rubbish bin.
24 Oct, 2016
I love all of them. I am putting it in favourites too because I will let you in to a secret. I have started a tiny collection. I blame you of course because I think your enthusiasm is infectious. I try to buy hardy varieties because I am not a good house plant person. This has not been a good year for them and they are flowering very late. I look forward to seeing your other fuchsia blogs.
24 Oct, 2016
WOW! this is a great blog on Fuchsias, Hywel! As I also like them very much, & as a reference for the future, this has also gone into My Favourites, too!
Except for a few that didn't pull through my 3 weeks absence in July the rest have flowered pretty well. The majority I have are nameless because I bought them as tiny plug plants from the Blind Society charity shop in town last year. Unfortunately they haven't had any plants at all this year.
I'm going to try & keep them again over this winter, not knowing their names means I don't know if they are winter hardy or not! You may possibly have some amongst your collection that looks like some I've got so you "catalogue" is a fantastic idea! Looking forward to your next blogs on Fuchsias!
24 Oct, 2016
Thank you all for looking through my Fuchsias, and your comments :)
It's nice to know I am being of help to people who are interested in them :)
I have no favourite Steragram. I can't choose one ...
I'm sorry to hear of your losses Marjorie. I hope you can get some nice new ones next year :)
It's nice to know you've got a little collection Scotsgran. That's how I started - a little collection :)
I'm going to put my hardy ones in a separate blog. I want more of those next year, because I am running out of room to keep the tender ones in the winter.
Balcony I'm going to put my hardy ones in a blog of their own - doubles next, and then hardies :)
24 Oct, 2016
Wow. What a fantastic blog and to hear you going to do a hardy blog is brilliant!!!!!!!!! I've only got the one but plan to slowly add to it but only with hardy ones as I know I will be a death sentence on others so your blog will be SO helpful. :-)!!!!
25 Oct, 2016
Such a wonderful collection you have Hywel so pleased you have a safe place for winter for them now. I recall the year you covered some with a quilt and lost some at least you ve not got that worry any more. ? love the Maria Landy
25 Oct, 2016
Jen I have a small Lady Thumb that needs planting out and nowhere to put it. I will try to remember to bring it with me next time we go up to Stoke (its a rare occurrence so don't hold your breath)
25 Oct, 2016
My Goodness I had no idea there were so many, I started off trying to choose a favourite, but there are so many lovely ones to choose from I couldnt! love them all, Well Done Hywell;0))
25 Oct, 2016
Thank you all :)
Jen maybe I could send you some cuttings next year.
When you've seen my blog tell me which ones you'd like.
Thrupenybit I won't cover them with a douvet again. It went mouldy lol
Maria Landy has really beautiful shades :)
Carole it is very difficult to choose a fav - actually I would say almost impossible lol
25 Oct, 2016
? like the song Mouldy old doe .
Shades like a rainbow Hywel from how I see it ?
25 Oct, 2016
An impressive collection, each one is amazing
25 Oct, 2016
Sorry only just seen both your comments, I've got yet another cold :-( and yesterday afternoon, evening curled up and felt sorry for myself.
Sue that is so very kind of you. Thank you.
Hywel, thank you to you too. As said, I waiting with bated breath for you Hardy fuchsias :-)
26 Oct, 2016
I'd be interested also in seeing a blog on hardy varieties as well, Hywel.
Hope you get over your cold soon. Take care.
26 Oct, 2016
Lovely collection Hywel, and I echo everybodies comments.Looking forward to your blog on hardy ones. You know how much I love looking at your fuchsias!!lol My two favs. are Winifred(mums name) and Valerie Bradley.....for obvious reasons!!
26 Oct, 2016
Thanks everyone :)
I haven't got a cold Balcony. That was Jen Lewis ...
Thanks anyway :)
I hope you're better today Jen ... :)
Winifred was my gran's name Gralew :)
Why Valerie Beadley ? Sorry but it isn't obvious to me - I am thick so you have to explain lol :D
Doubles in the next blog and then Hardies :)
but I don't know when I'll finish writing them so I hope you all have patience :)
26 Oct, 2016
Thanks hywel, much better today. If there is a cold going around I always seem to get it. Think this is my 4th since moving in. :-(
26 Oct, 2016
Glad you're better :)
I hope you don't catch any more colds ...
26 Oct, 2016
Jen & Hywel, I apologise for the confusion over the posts yesterday, nevertheless I'm glad you are both OK now! Good to hear you are feeling better from your cold Jen!
27 Oct, 2016
Wonderful collection Hywel and beautiful photos. Seeing this blog reminded me that I had Checkerboard years ago and what a good basket plant it was. Must think about it for next year. Looking forward to your next "episode".
27 Oct, 2016
Thank you Balcony.
27 Oct, 2016
Thorneyside - Checkerboard is a good variety to grow standards from cuttings too! ;o)
27 Oct, 2016
Thank you all.
I agree Petaltracey :)
27 Oct, 2016
This is honestly one of the very best blogs I have ever seen on here.
It is visually stunning and the precision you have used to sort the fuschias into alphabetical order is impeccable.
So many of them have such lovely names too.
27 Oct, 2016
No need to apologise Hywel, they're all beautiful, it would be hard to chose one I prefered, but if I was pressed I'd pick Brian McFitridge.
27 Oct, 2016
Thank you both for your kind words :)
Waddy did I promise you a cutting of Brian McFetridge last year ? My memory is hopeless.
It nearly died but I managed to save it somehow, and it is quite a nice size again now ...
so next spring I'll be taking cuttings from it and I'll send you some :)
27 Oct, 2016
All wonderful Hywel, but I must say I think if pressed I would choose Huets Beryl ... Loeky ... Maetsukier putting the blog in my favourites for future reference.
28 Oct, 2016
Absolutely gorgeous Hywel so many beautiful ones but if I had to choose one as a favourite it would be Hannah Dowling, looking forward to your next blog on double Fuschias, I haven't been on here for a while so am just catching up. :o)
28 Oct, 2016
My name is Valerie!
28 Oct, 2016
Thank you all :)
I cant' choose a favourite lol
I didn't know your name was Valerie Gralew :)
28 Oct, 2016
Much too hard to choose a favourite. They are all lovely. I love Fuchsias but l have met one or two crazy people who for some unknown reason have a thing against them. The flower shape alone is so nice it's hard to understand what they are seeing!!
28 Oct, 2016
Thank you :)
I heard that Fuchsias are not in fashion any more lol ... what sense there is in that I don't know.
Anyway, I've never followed the fashion - always had a mind of my own :D
29 Oct, 2016
Oh Hywel, this is a really good blog, especially for me as I had to dispose of so many potted Fuchsias recently. They had Fuchsia Gall Mite, it distorted the growing shoots and the flowers and I have since discovered it is prevalent in Brittany, the Channel Isles and the South coast of England.
I shall put this on to my Favourites as it will be a good reference when I buy new Fuchsias in the Spring, thank you so much for sharing. :o)))
29 Oct, 2016
I read somewhere else that you had to get rid of your Fuchsias Shirley. That's annoying. I hope your new ones next year will be free from that disease.
29 Oct, 2016
I love the photos. 18, 21 and 28 are my favourites. Do you use the berries at all?
30 Oct, 2016
Thank you.
I've never used the berries. I cut them off before they develop properly.
30 Oct, 2016
I tried eating one or two and found them rather tasteless and not worth cooking with.
30 Oct, 2016
Thanks Hywel ... at least I still have the hardy 'Lady Boothby' and 'Mrs. Popple' as they seem healthy.
31 Oct, 2016
Oh my goodness me...... what a fantastic show! how do you keep them looking so healthy, I not only love the blooms, but the names as well.....as for a favourite....... absolutely impossible, can't wait for your next blog Hywel, thanks so much.....added to favourites.
31 Oct, 2016
I've never tried eating the berries Sue. I don't fancy them :)
Glad you've got those Shirley :)
Thanks DD I'm pleased you like the names. Sometimes I buy one just because I like the name lol ...
31 Oct, 2016
I would do the same ......pleased I am not the only one!!
31 Oct, 2016
1 Nov, 2016
Just today I found some old photos of Fuchsias on my computer that I forgot I had! I found several of 'Swingtime' from 2006!
3 Nov, 2016
Why not try one just for curiosity Hywel? They are very mild - a bit like Mahonia berries but I doubt you've never tried one of those either??
3 Nov, 2016
Will you be posting them on here Balcony ?
Yach ! :( Sue. I am very fussy as to what goes into my mouth :(
3 Nov, 2016
Lol Hywel. How did we get weaned off milk - only by trying new stuff... :))
4 Nov, 2016
Sometimes the sight or smell of certain foods will make me feel nauseous :(
The thought of eating a Fuchsia berry gives me a sick feeling. They look horrible :( I just could not do it.
4 Nov, 2016
Hello Hywel, yes you did say you would send me a cutting of McFitridge, but don'the worry about it...I have the same memory lol! As for eating the berries from Fuchsia, I have often added some of the fat berries to a salad...they are not unlike a grape. Go on...give one a try next year...you might just like them.
5 Nov, 2016
I'll get you some cuttings next year. They haven't been very good this year. They look better in the photos than they actually are.
I don't think I'll try a Fuchsia berry. I'm not very adventurous with food :(
5 Nov, 2016
Thank you kind sir :))
6 Nov, 2016
Yes, Hywel, I'll post a couple of photos in My Photos page so you can have a look.
6 Nov, 2016
Thank you :)
6 Nov, 2016
I love them all Hywel, but maybe i should buy 'Anita' since that is my name :>)
6 Nov, 2016
You have a pretty name :)
I'll try and get you a cutting next year if you like ...
6 Nov, 2016
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
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My goodness,Hywel.I knew you had a lot of Fuchsia's but not as many as these..and there's more ! and no,I never get bored with looking at your fantastic collection,of all of them..Thank you for naming them too,which is so helpful..lI love them all so far,so I can't choose a Favourite,but I'm adding this to my Favourites,so I can look them up at some point...looking forward to the doubles now. :o) xx
24 Oct, 2016