Winter project # errrr was anyone keeping count?
By ian_digs_v2
OK Winter project # next. Lol
Making raised veggie beds!
First you need the essential supplies!
Fags ……… Check
Coffee …….. CHECK ! ! !
First, You will need some soil, ……….. Check
Second, cut some posts to size! ………Check
Thirdly, Dig a ’ole! ……………..Check
Next, Plant posts in ground and attach lengths of timber.
(Floorboards obtained from Freecycle). ……. Check.
Continue in this manner until all four sides are equal in hieght
Backfill with soil until full! ……………. Phew
Finally cut off the raggy ends of the floorboards to make a nice neat job of it!
(The corners were nailed in initially and then brackets were added and these were screwed into place)
Total cost of this bed?
Timber: £2.60 (Floorboards free)
Brackets aquired some time ago from work! ! !
Two mugs of Carol’s ‘special’ coffee
To many fags to mention
One sore thumb, AGAIN!
One deep bubble filled bath.
Hopefully another massage before I go to bed!
Not a bad days work if I say so myself!
Just a final note to say there will be an equal brother to this bed on the other side. (Where I was sitting to finish the back fill!)
21 Oct, 2009
Previous post: Winter project #2 part two!
Next post: Purple flowery things
It might save me a fortune if I did, Lol but no these are for our veggies next year!
21 Oct, 2009
I know, I was only joking - bed looks good;-)
21 Oct, 2009
I'm impressed!!!!!.......when did you say you were coming up North? (I'm writing a list of things I want you to do when you are here xxx) lolo
21 Oct, 2009
great job ian well done you, bet you cant wait to get the veggies going now :o))
21 Oct, 2009
No use telling you to take it easy is it Ian?.. I'm no carpenter but that looks like a good job and I'm sure the veggies will be very happy in their new home. :o))
Is it an optical illision or has the poly tunnel grown? It looks as tall as the shed now, not been giving it some of Hywel's super duper growfaster soil have you! LOL
21 Oct, 2009
Well done Ian, Sandra saying bet you cant wait to put your veggy in next year, i can't wait for next spring full stop, Lilly said your pollytunnelloks if it as grown and she's right it as aswell ;o)))
21 Oct, 2009
Wow thanks GoY's.
Bamboo, I know so was I. Lol :~))
AA, I'm not coming if that list gets any longer, how are you at massage?
San, Thanks sweety and no I can never wait until spring. :~((
Lily, No, thank you, no and no! Lol :~)))
There is absolutely no use in telling me to take it easy, I've been looking at it for a couple of days now and it was driving me mad. I'm no carpenter either so it looks good to me as well. The poly tunnel is the same size so it must be an optical illusion and I wish I had some of Hywel's super duper growfaster soil but I wouldn't waste it on my poly tunnel! ! ! :~)))
21 Oct, 2009
A good job there Ian. But you can't do any more work now you have TWO sore thumbs!
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks Carol. I hate this time of year and always start my veggies off to early and then have to start again but this year I've got my tunnel to start things off in! :~)))
21 Oct, 2009
Hi Andrew, It doesn't stop me from typing though. :~)))
21 Oct, 2009
well done Ian you are a busy bee always working. Your jobs are always impressive to watch so keep at it!!! lol love to your girls x
21 Oct, 2009
Cheers Sue, I'm only catching up on the jobs I haven't done for the last three years!
21 Oct, 2009
4 projects up to now and winter hasnt begun yet ian, only autumn lol so lots to do yet
21 Oct, 2009
Oh Blimey, well I need to get as much done as possible before the bad weather sets in. I want a fresh start in the spring with nothing holding me back!
21 Oct, 2009
dont blame you ian, i want to clear the bottom end of my garden,, the trees are old and messy but not sure how much it would be to remove the stumps and roots once we chop them down, i have alot of wasted space there i want to use, but want a nice rowan tree there for the birds,
21 Oct, 2009
WEll Ian don't go spreading yourself too thin! xx
21 Oct, 2009
Great job, Digger! Well done! (no jokes this time, I'm really impressed!)
21 Oct, 2009
San, removing stumps is a very expensive job I think
Sue, I'm not any old muck you know, but I will be taking my time from now on. :~)))
Hatter, Thank you. :~)))
21 Oct, 2009
You're welcome! :~))) Credit where its due!
21 Oct, 2009
Very impressed, Ian, you have been working hard (between coffee and ciggie breaks!), well done.
Interested to know you would like a Rowan tree, Sanbaz. I am after one too but as I only have a small garden I am restricted to the one I can fit in. There are a couple of online tree nurseries that supply a range of rowans. I am a little concerned because I'm not sure now whether a rowan will like my soil :(
21 Oct, 2009
really ian, its a shame cause i have quite a big area if it was redone, well have to see what happens
Gee i think they do pretty well in most from what i have read,
anyway im off to watch a horror movie hehe nite all
21 Oct, 2009
You could always set Baz and a few mates on for the day. Supply plenty of hot drinks and custard creams and they'll have them out before you know it. Lol :~)))
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks Gee, Sorry I didn't see you there. :~((
The down side of just pressing the 'end' key.
21 Oct, 2009
i keep hinting ian, its got quite alot of stumps to it so may be a tough one to remove, :o(
21 Oct, 2009
Gee, I think rowans grow ok in pots! I keep finding rowan saplings up here!
21 Oct, 2009
I hope your not hinting at me coming up to Black(eye)pool I have enough on here. Lol :~)))
PS. the black eye came from a late night drunken punch up on the see front (with one of my brothers when I was about 19)
21 Oct, 2009
Well done Ian, you are really getting sorted out in your garden and I`m impressed. Have you decided yet on what you are growing,? no doubt Carol and Holly have ideas or is the veg bed your domain........
21 Oct, 2009
Great Ian :o)
I'm wondering why everyone is growing veg in raised beds now ( not that I'm criticising mind ) But just don't remember it being done years ago. Is it to do with drainage maybe ?
21 Oct, 2009
wow brilliant
half my questions answered from just reading your blog
thanks Ian
will be keeping a close eye out for further updates xx
21 Oct, 2009
Welcome to GoY Kimmy! Hope you'll have as much fun here as we do! (As well as all the learning you'll do!)
21 Oct, 2009
Hywel my son is gradually filling his allotment with raised beds and its a lot easier to work with them,one can keep up with both the planting and aftercare as you can tend them without actually standing amongst your crops, its also less tedious when weeding, if you get bored you just move to another.LOL....
21 Oct, 2009
Thanks ... lol. I suppose it saves a little on bending aswell :o)
21 Oct, 2009
Another impressive project Ian
21 Oct, 2009
Thats a great piece of wooden engineering Ian, a really nice neat job and ...... erm ..... oh dear ..... yes I think so ...... you missed a bit right hand corner post its not quite straight :o)))))))))))))))))))))))
21 Oct, 2009
Great job it will look even better when planted up, Ian you can come and do one for me hehe by the way there is a bloke that was on another site who was growing his own tobacco, it is leagal to do.
21 Oct, 2009
Nice job Ian! planning to come to the USA? Could I put in a work order too???
22 Oct, 2009
It's a long time since I grew veggies Hywel but I remember reading that raised veg beds save on digging too as the soil doesn't get compacted as it's not trodden on.
22 Oct, 2009
It's a good idea then :o)
I used to enjoy digging the garden though - that was when I could do it ... lol
22 Oct, 2009
Hi LL, the veggies are my territory until they are picked and then Carol takes over. :~))
Hywel, your last comment sums it up exactly. I am trying to make life easier for myself. They do make drainage better but that isn't an issue in my sandy soil but a good point for others to think about.
Hi Pip, thank you :~))
Bob, ............ Bob off. Lol
Morgana, I understand that tobacco plants are very decrative but need so much doing to them afterwards that I would rather just buy it!
HW, you pay the air fair and I'll gladly come along! Lol
Lily, Very true, another benefit of them is the total no dug system. Instead of digging them over you just add organic compost as a mulch and let the worms do the digging for you :~)))
22 Oct, 2009
this is really for morgana - you can grow the tobacco quite easily, but you need lots of hot sun to dry it out, or special equipment, so it is a right faff, Ian's right.
22 Oct, 2009
I thought this was the case Bamboo. Thanks for the info (Again Lol)
22 Oct, 2009
Well done your raised beds will be great 4 your veggies.....
22 Oct, 2009
Thanks Holly, I had such a bad year this year I was determind to do something about it for next!
22 Oct, 2009
You could grow tobacco plants & coffee plants in there Ian!! Your fags might smell a bit strange but the coffee would be lovely!!
22 Oct, 2009
He could drink the tobacco & smoke the coffee for a wee change!!
22 Oct, 2009
I bet he thought of that before you said it MP!! LOL!
22 Oct, 2009
Isn't tobacco a natural insecticide? I remember some story about tobacco being brought back by mistake - what they were really growing was cannabis or similar, and the tobacco was merely there to keep the insects off.
22 Oct, 2009
I know nicotine is used as an insecticide, so you could be right, Bamboo!
22 Oct, 2009
I don't think I will be growing any anyway, either tobacco or cannabis. Lol
22 Oct, 2009
I dunno, Ian, tobacco might be useful to keep the bugs away;-)))
22 Oct, 2009
Hi Bamboo, himself has gone to bed so I've got the pc for a while.
Dont encourage him, not that he needs any encouragment anyway. He has looked into growing tobacco but ruled it out as to difficult. :)
22 Oct, 2009
Well, I didnt mean for smoking - is it difficult just to grow it then? I thought that was easy, its the curing ready for smoking that's difficult, but maybe I'm wrong. And hello to you too, Carol;-)
22 Oct, 2009
I think he wanted to go the whole hog and smoke them :)
22 Oct, 2009
lol - my inlaws tried that, couldn't cure it properly.
22 Oct, 2009
I've got visions of him taking over the oven to try it:(
22 Oct, 2009
LOL! I wouldn't put it past him!
22 Oct, 2009
Bamboo, it's not the curing that's the difficult bit, it's getting the young Brazillian lady to roll the tobacco into a cigar on her thigh, hehehehehe .... oooh sorry mind in gutter yet again :o))))
22 Oct, 2009
When isnt it, Bob?? Lol!
22 Oct, 2009
Goodnight to all. :)
22 Oct, 2009
Night Carol, sweet dreams! I answered you, btw!
22 Oct, 2009
OK I'll sign back in, in himselfs id and have a quick look. :)
22 Oct, 2009
lol, Bob and Carol! As a smoker myself, I have to say if there was nothing else available, I'd smoke old rope...
22 Oct, 2009
I am an ex-smoker and yes when I was I would smoke anything :o)))
Yes Marie I'm a man, my mind IS always in the gutter :o)))))
22 Oct, 2009
Lol, Bob!
22 Oct, 2009
Here, whats been going on?
Have you lot been having a party without me?
Bob, Bamboo, I have TRIED to smoke old rope, they were marketed as herbal cigerettes and I DON'T mean the common idea of a 'herbal' ciggy either! ! ! ! !
23 Oct, 2009
Oh! Boy! yes Ian tried them once and nearly choked on them they were disgusting.
23 Oct, 2009
Your not wrong there Bob and they cost more than the normal one's do as well :~((
23 Oct, 2009
Brillll, Ian! Straight onto the "features", regardless of the how many were smoked, or what will be grown therein!!! :-D
23 Oct, 2009
Yuk, herbal cigarettes, like standing inhaling bonfire smoke, never coughed so much in all me life....
23 Oct, 2009
Thanks David, I've made another one today to go with it!
Bamboo, Good analagy there, it is just like that. :-((~~~~~
23 Oct, 2009
I tried them & got pulled up by a cop!! He thought I was smoking the other stuff! I had to go to the copshop & everything! They were vile!!!
Bamboo, I LIKE Bonfire smoke!
23 Oct, 2009
I smoked seaweed when I wa younger... only the once, we couldnt afford any ciggies between us so after trying dried grass cuttings and nearly dying we tried seaweed as it was readily available!
x x x
23 Oct, 2009
LOL! I've smoked tea!! Yuk!
23 Oct, 2009
Thats just wrong! ! !
23 Oct, 2009
Well I wouldnt drink the stuff! Eeeew!
23 Oct, 2009
I like bonfire smoke, just not in my lungs and up my nose, thanks, Madperth! I once tried using newspaper as a cigarette paper when I ran out one night (I roll my own) - ended up with a fringe by the next day, burnt one side of my hair, had to cut the other side too, lol
23 Oct, 2009
LOL! I've burnt my fringe a few times!
23 Oct, 2009
hehehe...never burnt my hair but remember using a page from the bible (may he strike me down now) it was a plain sheet from the back and very thin. Unrolled though as it wouldnt stay stuck down hehe
x x x
23 Oct, 2009
Jen! Thats really naughty! Lol!
I set fire to my jeans as well! I was upstairs on a bus, lit my cig, & thought i had put out the match, but it had lodged in the bottom of my jeans! I found out when some guy poured a can of coke over my leg to put the flames out!!
23 Oct, 2009
oh god... I remember going clubbing one night being in the back of my mates car she threw her fag out the window but it flew in the back with me... I didnt realise till I felt it burning my bum!!!!
x x x
23 Oct, 2009
Ouch! I have dropped one down my top, not nice!! But not sat on one! Lol!
23 Oct, 2009
I dunno, you lot, lol. Sensible choice of paper, Mookins, probably would have done a better job than newspaper as it was nice and thin, you just needed a Pritt stick...
23 Oct, 2009
you say that like youve used it reguarly Bamboo!! hehehe
Ouch down your top!
x x x
23 Oct, 2009
Its what I used on the newspaper - maybe that's why it went up like a rocket!
23 Oct, 2009
oh my!
hubby is currently taking notes as to whats good to use and whats not. He too rolls his own and when hes flush buys ciggies.
he burnt the lounge carpet the other morning so hes lucky hes still alive!!
x x x
oh dear Ian will be annoyed with us hijacking his blog :o(
sorry Ian
xx x
23 Oct, 2009
I'm just sitting here killing myself laughing at you lot. I roll my own when I'm at home but use 'tailor mades' when I'm out or driving. I smoke king size rollies that last forever but I stopped smoking them out doors when I got literally pulled by a police officer!
Carol and I were going down the main street laughing about something when we passed a pc (giggling to each other) He grabbed me by the back of my jacket and through me on the floor and knealt on my neck! He thought we were smoking cannabis and arrested me.
No I didn't sue the police and yes he did pick me up and apologize!
23 Oct, 2009
Well, if you will use the large cigarette papers, Ian! I once had my tobacco tin confiscated in the Hammersmith Palais, we'd gone clubbing and they did a pat down on entry, and took it away from me! I got it back ten minutes later though - they probably heard the noise in Scotland, I was so furious!
23 Oct, 2009
Nasty!! I hope you werent hurt,Digger!
I use a 'concept' machine to make my own, they come out like normal ciggies!
23 Oct, 2009
I know what you mean Bamboo but it was only a ciggy after all and I wasn't trying to evade capture or anything, he just over reacted. I did get his boss (sergeant) at the door asking if we were all ok!.
Hatter, It was about ten years ago (before either of us were diagnosed) and we were both walking/wobbling up the street. It did hurt but I wasn't 'hurt' if you know /ken what I mean! Lol
23 Oct, 2009
I tried one of those concept machines but it just kept tearing the paper. I managed about one in ten fags
23 Oct, 2009
Aye! I ken whit ye mean!
Oh, I dont have any bother with it! I only ripped one, cos I was putting too much baccy in it!
23 Oct, 2009
Ahhh well thats the answer then. Lol
23 Oct, 2009
23 Oct, 2009
I've had me FOTCS pills so I'm off to my bed! nite nite :~))
23 Oct, 2009
Night! Sweet Dreams!
23 Oct, 2009
:~)) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
23 Oct, 2009
Brilliant job Ian, Carol and co!
Well done on your hard work and a good helpful blog - it'll all pay off I'm sure. Now I must stop browsing and messing around on here and go and play in my real garden, tee hee. Looking like rain outside though (sigh).
Your hebe cuttings are still alive I think. I've resisted the urge so far to dig in the earth and see if any roots are developing...
24 Oct, 2009
Lol, Thank you weeding. I hope they do survive, by the way I have a Hebe with purple and white flowers on, would you like some cuttings taken from it?
24 Oct, 2009
grand job Ian :))
25 Oct, 2009
Cheers Grindle. :~))
25 Oct, 2009
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Raised Bed Canopy Support
£16.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Timber Raised Bed Kit Standard 1.2m X 2.4m
£45.95 at Unwins -
Link A Bord Raised Bed Kits X 2
£39.98 at Suttons Seeds -
Mini Raised Bed, Liner And Cover
£47.85 at Ferndale Lodge -
Garland Plastic Raised Bed Kit With Frame
£29.99 at Unwins
Thought you were giving up the fags, Ian? Or are you going to grow tobacco in that new bed?
21 Oct, 2009