a question really
By irish
im looking out the kitchen window and it is lashing rain, blowing a gale too, some of my planters have blown over and the umbrella on my patio table is about to do a Mary poppins and take off .
my question is , what month is this? by my calender is says august but maybe i have overslept and im now into november.
hope the weather is better for ye guys out there
5 Aug, 2008
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ah Kev, its rotten weather isnt it..... btw if you find an umbrella , you'll know its mine lol
5 Aug, 2008
It's the same here. These Welsh hills are a real magnet for clouds and rain, but I think we've had more than our share this year. I had 5 tons of topsoil on Monday of last week and only been able to bring a few barrowloads in. Most is still out the front of my garage and looks like it will have to stay there for a long time yet.
5 Aug, 2008
Blodyn have you still not been able to take in all that top soil?
5 Aug, 2008
OMG, you guys just can't seem to catch a break, can ya. I say a show on climate change a few weeks ago, but I think they had it wrong. They said that the wine industry in Europe would move mostly into the UK. Not unless the weather improves!
5 Aug, 2008
Sorry guys, it's hot and sunny here. Mind you we are having a welcome break today because there was a thunder shower yesterday evening so today is cooler like 26 C, which is a lot better than the high 30's that we have had recently. At least I planted 2 Astilbes, 2 delphiniums, 2 Clematis, and a Lobelia today. I had been saving them for a cooler day. Also tackled a bit of weeding. Now it's time to go grocery shopping. Can't you tell we're on holiday!
5 Aug, 2008
Oh dear me ! It's raining like it's never rained before. ! - Absolutely heavy continuous rain. It's making such a noise on my conservatory roof. I don't think it's ever ever going to stop : (
Is it any better with you now Irish ?
5 Aug, 2008
well Blodyn it has just stopped raining, still wild tho but ive managed to go out and up right the planters,,,
5 Aug, 2008
Chris im glad you managed to get some planting done, did you take photos?
5 Aug, 2008
Nasty here too - woke up to rain but it eased off enough for me to take Henry out in just drizzle. No sign of any change, though!
5 Aug, 2008
Weather is very hot here in the 100 degree range with very high humidity until tonight, then storms coming in.
the Hurricane in the area of Texas is too blame for our humidity with another coming in. Mother nature at her best or worse?
5 Aug, 2008
Wet here now Irish :( it did start off a nice morning ! O well i guess itl save us all watering l8r :)
5 Aug, 2008
Pouring ,lashing rain here in Bristol again today Irish. Its been dreadful and the skies are so grey.What a dreadful summer we are having in this part of the U.K....... I want to get out into the garden!!!!
Remember the old saying.....Things can only get better!
5 Aug, 2008
Didn't you hear - they have swopped the North and South hemispheres so now we are back in winter. But all this will change in September when they swop them back so we can look forward to winter again
5 Aug, 2008
aww grenville , and jacque i was hoping someone was having nice weather
5 Aug, 2008
lol funny Andrew, but you could be right
5 Aug, 2008
Hope so Andrewr, it was fine this morning up here, but soon clouded over, it's been very humid here, very fine drizzle, but no wind, but last 3days have been really nice.
5 Aug, 2008
omg ediegirl ive just seen your comment, 100 degress????
5 Aug, 2008
That's that continental weather for ya, too cold in winter too hot in summer, right ediegirl? Not quite that bad here, 95 predicted for today, but we haven't had any rain in 5 days! None forcasted in the near future either! Stay cool girl! lol,
5 Aug, 2008
well irish much the same here as the norm. isnt takin time to come down. i give up really i do.
5 Aug, 2008
hiya irish i hope ur ok, it was a lovely sunny day today untill about 4pm then its rained on and off
5 Aug, 2008
Well Irish, it's a bit after eleven here and the temperature is around 94 degrees!! A cool day for us desert lizards.
5 Aug, 2008
typical weather pattern , last week lovely , at last one think's....summer's here!!!!
then wallop, down comes the rain and temp's plumit.....and it's my''week off' after night's , so much planned , least i can't spend any money..lol
5 Aug, 2008
Raining here in Texas, thanks to Edouard, started raining early this morning and will continue until tomorrow, but it is steady rain, so hopefully we won't have too much flooding...rain is needed, in July we only had 9 days of rain, I believe...temps are in the 100 degree range as well, it's been as high as 104 F, it's cooled off with the rain but will climb back up to 97, 98 F by Thursday. Interesting there's so much rain in so many places...
5 Aug, 2008
Always look on the bright side of life, (i feel a song coming on) Dadee Dadee Lalala, :)))) Bloody Pe*ing down here in the great northeast of England, But its warm and Calm, Sorry irish, :)
5 Aug, 2008
nice singing lol, but it didnt stop it rain, its pouring down again today
6 Aug, 2008
OH ! sorry to hear it's still raining with you Irish : (
It's not too bad here at the moment. The sun even peeped out for a few mins a while ago. No good going in the garden tho - it's all drenched and soggy everywhere.
I'm hoping for a better autumn : /
6 Aug, 2008
unreal isnt it Blodyn,,,,,, i went out the garden just for a minute, its like walking thru a bog out there
6 Aug, 2008
I've never seen so many comments at once.....we're all behind you Irish and others with non-stop rain and chill! Again, we are in the 80's with humidity. We were supposed to get a rain storm the last 2 days...nary a drop in Portland, Michigan...and we need it desperately. Had to work in the garden yesterday because a friend of mine is coming over today specifically to see my garden!!! It was so hot and humid I was dripping wet in mere minutes...but labored on to make as presentable as possible. Good luck everybody...hope today is better.
6 Aug, 2008
i can send you some rain, ive more than enough of it lol
6 Aug, 2008
You say "I want sun" I say "I want rain". Mother nature is gonna be what she wants to be no matter how lyrical the comments, complaints, moans, praises, etc...
9 Aug, 2008
lol have a look at todays photos gardengnome, flooded out here
9 Aug, 2008
I checked them out and all I have to say is "You do swin don't you?" grin.
9 Aug, 2008
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Not much better here Irish
Wet n Windy here in the west midlands as well.
But i think the month is Octember or worse than that :)
5 Aug, 2008