By irish
Just finishing off a cupa before heading out to work. was having a look thru the photos and blogs and messages that were left for me.
it got me thinking,,,,,,, and that’s dangerous lol.
ive many loads of good friends on this site, people i would nevr have met otherwise.
how did ye all find GOY?
i came across it while reading Amateur Gardening. thought i would log on and see what it was like,,,, i haven’t been off the site since lol
20 Aug, 2008
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Yes, Eileen, I spotted it in AG magazine, too - but in May/June of 2007! So they must have mentioned us at least twice. Thanks, AG!
20 Aug, 2008
I received a newsletter from the NGS and they mentioned it - that's why you have the likes of Grenville and Alan and myself on here
20 Aug, 2008
i was looking for tips on alpine planting and came across it by chance, very very pleased i did :-)
20 Aug, 2008
I did what I always do if I don't know the answer, I used Google! So I asked a question and got so many great responses.
20 Aug, 2008
Yes, just like Wohlibuli, I Googled a question about climbers and GOY looked like a site where questions are actually answered, and reasonably promptly, even at times of year when we know folk are very busy outside with their gardening.
I'm very glad to have met you all. In the winter I hope I might get into photography, but for the moment I'm happy to view other members' photos, especially the recent one of Wohlibuli's crocs. Take a look if you haven't seen it.
20 Aug, 2008
Got it from google too, I asked for gardening chats. I got pages and pages of different gardening chats, but 'grows on you' is the only one I liked, after checking the others out.
20 Aug, 2008
BIy pure chance when i was looking at gardening sites Injoy your work will think of you wen am sitting with my feet up.
20 Aug, 2008
lol i cant Remember How I Found GOY Eileen? lol ?
20 Aug, 2008
Hi Irish.
We also saw it in the N.G.S newsletter the same as Andrew and we joined.
20 Aug, 2008
Found by accident and promptly posted your link on a Facebook group for London Gardeners - ALL IN ONE DAY!
20 Aug, 2008
AG Magazine
20 Aug, 2008
AG magazine thought i would just have a little look and then I was hooked
20 Aug, 2008
aye Spritz, AG must have mentioned GOY twice ,,, good for AG ,,,,
interesting to read how everyone came to be on here.
lol jacque, think woman , think.
20 Aug, 2008
AG mag - now I recommeng it to others with confidence.
20 Aug, 2008
i seem to recall there was an article in a local newspaper about gardening and mentioned GOY, so typed away and found a little gem!!
20 Aug, 2008
I asked a question on Google,can't remember what about, got the answer and checked the site. Lo I was hooked. Such a happy , helpful lot of Friends. I have already recommended it to two other Gardeners
20 Aug, 2008
Decided that I wanted to join an online gardening group so I did a google. Came upon Grows On You and thought that was an interesting name for a group. I came in and checked it out and have been back in every day since :)
20 Aug, 2008
I found GOY when I was looking for a plant I remembered from my childhood days but didn't know what it was called. I typed 'garden questions' into the google page and that's how I found GOY.
21 Aug, 2008
My daughter found it on google for me , she just asked for garden chat room & goy came up.
21 Aug, 2008
I had been researching blog sites in general as part of my job for my son, and when I got home I thought "what interests me" and so googled for gardening blogs. GOY stood out and what impressed me was that it was what it said, a genuine site for garden lovers and had not degenerated into mindless remarks that I have seen chat rooms/blog sites do. I love it, even though I no longer have a garden as such, I just enjoy everybody else's!
21 Aug, 2008
The National Begonia Society Magazine had an article about GOY, so i had a look...
21 Aug, 2008
I found GrowsonYou listed on the facebook page of a friend... checked it out and joined in the fun... I've made friends, shared laughs and have access to the combined knowledge and photos of all my fellow members...It's incomparable.
27 Aug, 2008
I have a Facebook page and I had added an application called Growing Gifts which had the link to GOY. Now I have this site as my homepage and visit every day :)
27 Aug, 2008
I was a member of another gardening web site and was getting really bored with it. So I was looking for a different site and selected GOY only on trial. Well I can't even remember the name of my former gardening site. When I thing Garden web site now the only thing that fits is GOY!!
9 Sep, 2008
wow so many ways we all came across GOY, as for other gardening sites GG, your right that are very boring
9 Sep, 2008
I googled for info on something and opened up a new world-it's lovely to meet you all!
16 Sep, 2008
I also found it while doing gardening surfing on the internet...I must say I have been pleasantly surprised! You are all a great source of garden information, and I love all of your pics-not to mention the humor. Many of you have an interest in animals, specifically dogs-which is one of my obsessions! As you can see I am now getting interested in the blogs, too...Think I will start my own in a few weeks, I have an idea in mind but don't want anyone to steal my idea..HAHA.
5 Oct, 2008
you go for it girl, look forward to reading your blog
5 Oct, 2008
NN ~
I've noticed your interest in all things canine ! That's nice. Any doggie questions, send them my way. :o)
Along with Irish, I'll be looking forward to your blogs...
5 Oct, 2008
I stumbled upon this site when trying to identify my friends houseplant she'd bought into work for me to look at coz she didn't think it would survive another week. She considers me a professional, knowlegdeable gardener and thought I could identify it just by looking at it! LOL! Not so. I needed the help of GoY. I did get the ID of the plant from this site, took the plant home to nurse it back to health and took a couple of cuttings - yes, you've guessed.....more plants for free. My little 2" cutting is now 14" high! Her original plant is now back with her and growing better than ever now she knows how to look after it - in fact she's now taken cuttings herself and created even more free plants! I find the site useful and and I've given my family the link so they can check out my plants and garden, as they live far away from me and wouldn't see it otherise. It's a fab site and it's all I look at on he internet now - I'm addicted!
22 Jan, 2009
well buy the sounds of it your id of Greenfingers must suit you.
sounds like you did that plant the power of good and also managed to get free plants for yourself lol
22 Jan, 2009
I looked something up on Google and it led me to here and I feel sure it's the best on the Web. Like Greenfingers I'm addicted.
24 Jan, 2009
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Eileen the words Stumble Upon seem apparent.
20 Aug, 2008