subject of weather againnnnnnnnn
By irish
I’m beginning to think i should not listen to any more weather forecasts. this morning i woke up to heavy rain and high winds but ever the optimist i was hoping it would clear up.
the long range forecast came on the radio and my god its not looking good. already parts of Ireland are flooded again and ferries have been cancelled.
9 Sep, 2008
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its unreal isnt it Hywel. i too was hoping september would have been nice, it usually is.
9 Sep, 2008
I always remember Irish , when school started after the summer hols it was hot and also I remember blackberry picking in Sep. The's hardly any to pick this yr. and they're very small. Even if there were any it's too wet to pick them. I hope this year is just a one-off freak. I couldn't stand it all the time. !
9 Sep, 2008
September is when i used to take my annual hols from work because you could almost guarantee good weather once the kids were back in school. hope your right Hywel and its just a bad summer, better one for next yr
9 Sep, 2008
So many garden jobs I haven't done this summer because of the rain.
For instance, several sheds which didn't get tided due to the wet weather.
If it's sunny next year I'll have the excuse that lots of plants need attention, so another good reason NOT to tidy my sheds. Lol.
9 Sep, 2008
lol always an excuse for that job.. my own shed is in a mess too
9 Sep, 2008
Yestreday, was a dry day here. I took advantage of moving about 7 plants, they were so easy to dig, ofcourse! due to the rain we have been having, I also replanted those plants else where, and put four, 4 feet Cordylines in, I am happy for the rain today, as the newly transplanted plants are standing quite erect, due to the constant watering they are getting. I always transplant plants, that I've put in, in the wrong place this time of year. The ground is so soft it makes digging so easy. Some of those plants were quite deep rooted, but it was a doddle to move. But am getting frustrated looking at the weeds laughing at me. Nevermind, I shall get them soon.
9 Sep, 2008
Do you know you lot have been thinking what i've been thinking this morning, about sheds, i've made up my mind that as its to wet to do anything in the garden i'm going to take a cup of tea in my shed and tidy it up in abit, i did say that last week i was going to decorate my front room next time the weather is really bad, but although its raining it's not cold so room can wait till its abit colder, and my shed is going to have a good clean this aternoon.
9 Sep, 2008
Good on you Clarice! I shall put my feet up now, and watch this black and white film, I love black and white films. No can do outside, here, it has been pouring, but my plants are happy!
9 Sep, 2008
Well done all you people ... tidy sheds .... I ,ve never seen mine tidy It would proberly take a forklift truck to make an impression on it , It,s one of those jobs that we are going to do one day , that day never seems to come LOL
We did have some dry interludes yesterday and were able to move some plants , the ones that had become to tall at the front and needed moveing to the back of the border .!
It,s raining again now though . :o(
9 Sep, 2008
My garage is like all your sheds I think. I can't get the car in there. This was going to be the year of sorting it out. lol It's next year now and the weather gets the blame. But my shed where I make pottery isn't so bad to sit in if you don't mind getting covered in clay. I enjoy sitting in there in the rain with a cup of tea and making a pot. The rain keeps everyone indoors and it's nice and peaceful - just me and a cuppa, - Blodyn peeps in sometimes and tries to climb over my pots. ( ! ) And I've even got plants in there.
9 Sep, 2008
When you finish with the forklift truck Amy may I borrow it My shed is in a terrible mess lol Yesterday afternoon was dry and I did manage to dig a few things up I did want to make a start on my bulb planting ,but you,ve guessed it started raining again some sunshine would be most welcome If I see a lot of people jumping up and down i will know they are GOY members lol
9 Sep, 2008
There's been too much rain here,
even for my plastic ducks.
9 Sep, 2008
ahhhhhhhhhh hang on, stop jumping....... am i the only irish person on GOY? lmao if you lot start jumping, ill either drown or ill be left here all by myself
9 Sep, 2008
theve changed the name of our road (well lane) to the river well :-)
9 Sep, 2008
Glad you are optimistic Irish. It's the only way to be, especially if you live in the British Isles. I'm really sorry for you folk and promise never to grumble about droughts ever again. Keep jumping it might help.
9 Sep, 2008
I'll do whatever it takes Eileen, Say jump and I'll jump. Anyway, I want to know what's happened to this global warming? GB is definitely not getting warmer. Jeremy Clarkson says people who are using smaller cars with less emissions to blame. They're slowing down global warming hence no summer!!
9 Sep, 2008
hi Irish
the weather down here in pembrokeshire is totaly deranged. i am lucky i get to work in my nursery shed when its to wet or windy.
with all this wet weather i'll have to change from succulents at my nursery to bog plants! fingers crossed it stops on saterday for my open day.
9 Sep, 2008
read in the paper today that we are getting the tail end of hurricane Hanna, hence the heavy rain and high winds.
9 Sep, 2008
ill keep my fingers crossed for your open day Sandra
9 Sep, 2008
I'm still jumping - will somebody please tell me when to stop? I'm getting tired!
10 Sep, 2008
Sandra ~ Good luck with your Open Day.
Let us know how it goes.
I bet you run out of bog plants
I saw a forecast on TV this morning where they were talking about Saturday
~ drier weather, maybe even sunshine ~
~ sssssshhhhhhh ~
10 Sep, 2008
sorry Spritz , looks like you will have to keep jumping , at least till Saturday lol
10 Sep, 2008
Now if you used a rubber mulch.... youd be able to get rid of all those tyres in one go Spritz! Make it easier for you to jump up and down as well.Dont say I dont think of your needs.
10 Sep, 2008
hi there Irish
My daughter who is committed to saving the planet-even to buying the car to give her most mpg on long runs etc tells me that global warming means the sea temperature slowly rising and melting the polar ice-hence those stories of polar bears drowing when they are in open sea and flooding.
She says we can expect more wet weather not less! and drought in the dry areas-there must be a way of giving them our rain-now if we all blow together the rain clouds will be heading east!
whilst jumping up and down!
10 Sep, 2008
My lap top broke this morning.
Can I blame that on the weather?
Arlene please ask your daughter if I can blame the polar ice.
Those of you who are not technically-minded might appreciate the way I mended my laptop. I tried some of the conventional ways. Then closed it up and took it for a walk around my house, talking to it VERY nicely.
Switched it on, and MAGIC, back with my GOY friends.
PS ~
If I disappear again for while,
you'll know my laptop hasn't had its daily walk.
10 Sep, 2008
lol Terratoonie, well you could get a job with Eircom over here , when the phone or internet breaks down that is usually what they tell me to do , just switch it off and switch it back on again, funny thing is , it usually works
10 Sep, 2008
lol Arlene, is your daughter going to join in with us?
10 Sep, 2008
Hi Eileen
Unfortunately she has not yet got the bug!.Although she is getting a serious lecture at work about growing organic veg, one of them even bought her a book.
We recently were in Wyevale and they had this pepper plant with lots of very large fruit and when I was there yesterday three of them had turned red-she is chuffed to bits!Thinking of getting her a mushroom kit as she also uses a lot of them.
Wonder if Hwyel knows where I can get one?
The real problem is that her husband Gary is the manager of the local RSPCA centre and has to remain onsite most of the time and lives in a house provided as part of his wages.
i know if it was their own place they would have the place sorted by now,
Caz got a first at Bath Uni and a Phd from Sheffield and is the most organised capable person I know while still being funny and kind,
Nothing like me-the organised and capable bit!
10 Sep, 2008
Just put a pic of dtr and son in law in relaxed mood!He works really hard-animals all go up to him as if they have known him for years!
10 Sep, 2008
Not long in from work Arlene, gona go have a look at the photo now
10 Sep, 2008
I thought you might like some more rain Irish, It's dry here at the moment, so you must have ours. : )
11 Sep, 2008
lol think Janette is getting all the rain Arlene, its wild out here this morning no rain yet
11 Sep, 2008
It's alright Eileen we have had yours!
11 Sep, 2008
Surprise Eileen it stopped raining this afternoon lol
11 Sep, 2008
we got the rain this afternoon Arlene
11 Sep, 2008
wow Janette lol
11 Sep, 2008
i have heard it on the grapevine - the sun may put in an appearance tomorrow-now all rush and out and have a look- it may be another two weeks before you see it again!
11 Sep, 2008
lol Arlene, i just checked our forecast and it says sunny spells in the afternoon wooo hoooooooo
11 Sep, 2008
in the garden everyone!
11 Sep, 2008
Arlene, any chance you could go to work for me so i can have the afternoon off?
11 Sep, 2008
get Aer Arran to pick me up at Cardiff in the morning-will I enjoy what you do?
11 Sep, 2008
today Arlene, you will be a driving instructor lol
12 Sep, 2008
Wow !Respect!
I think I might give that a miss Eileen-We were lucky to give the hire car back in one piece!The road in to Dublin from the airport needs nerves of steel!
12 Sep, 2008
lol so you mean i now have to work today???? car is fully insured if you change your mind lol
12 Sep, 2008
have a good day Eileen!I hope everyone is nice to you today!
Now shall I visit that local Fuchsia nursery or clean out the greenhouse ready for the winter?.......mmmn can't really decide!
12 Sep, 2008
aw thanks Arlene,,, visit the nursery i say
12 Sep, 2008
just been out with the dogs and guess what ?although it is soaking wet underfoot we have sunshine! yay !now if we all move quietly so as not to frighten it. it might hang around for a bit!
12 Sep, 2008
lol ok Arlene, shushhhhh everyone
12 Sep, 2008
Desperately trying to stifle coughs and sneezes ,
longing to get out and enjoy some DRY sunshine!!!!
12 Sep, 2008
aww Xela, hope your feeling better soon
12 Sep, 2008
Sorry I'm a bit late reading this blog. Sounds like no matter where we live in the world it sure has been a wet summer. I've been quiet in here lately because I have been very busy doing a big basemet project. I've been sealing all the walls and the floor with a product called Drylok. Considering that my house is 86 years old, we are very fortunate that we don't get any water in our basement but even with a dehumidifier there was a slight musty smell this summer and the walls felt damp. This Drylok product should take care of that. It was quite a project. One thick coat of Drylok and then a coat of primer and then white paint. Same with the floor which ended up brick red. I have also been sealing the outside of the foundation with the same product. Another ten foot section and the outside is done. Sure looks nice and bright and clean down there. Finished up today just in time for my partner to start bringing in all his orchid cactus from the shadehouse. Next weekend I hope to get back out into the garden weather permiting. Most of my plants are ready to be cut back for the winter.
16 Sep, 2008
Wow, Mikec ~
I feel exhausted just reading about all the work you've done!
Sounds like your efforts will be rewarded and damp will be gone. You'll be glad to get working on the garden.
16 Sep, 2008
wow mike you have been busy. but its great that you have it just done now. basement must look really bright now too
16 Sep, 2008
Sorry to hear you had so much work to do,Mike, but glad it has been worth it. I am also relieved to know that your absence from GoY wasn't due to anything worse and look forward to seeing you around again.
16 Sep, 2008
Welcome back from the basement, Mike!
16 Sep, 2008
Well what have you been doing down there Mike? You been gone a long while. Shouldnt really begin to speculate as if TT joins in that ll be another record blog!
Can you apply this outside ? The rain we ve been having here - it might be useful.
17 Sep, 2008
Look I have to trim all the nails on two dogs
( that's 34 nails - yes )
and then I must take a look at work needing doing on my shed.
Anyone got experience of fixing guttering to a shed, please?
With all the rain, I guess someone must have done that.
Oh, I can feel a new blog coming on... about my sheds...
Okay, we might be able to get this blog up to over 100 comments if we really try. (Spritz, = 1,000 - yes? )
Irish have you reported over on my BSB blog as to whether the woman passed her driving test ? We need to know.
Life is hectic. I'm simultaneously working on a century for Cluelesskev:
He's gone outside looking for clues .... and he could be some time......
...maybe some of the clues will lead us to understand what Mikec has really been doing in the basement.....
17 Sep, 2008
lol il go and report on your BSB blog now TT.
17 Sep, 2008
This stuff is GREAT Bonkers. It can be applied to concrete that is quite damp or wet.
22 Sep, 2008
hi Eileen
how is the weather in Dublin with you-definitely a turn to Autumn in the air?
Was busy in the garden yesterday and didn't look up while carrying trays of plants-went banging into the bird table you should see the lump on my forehead.Could double for something in a horror movie!.
22 Sep, 2008
Always welcome at my house of horrors Arlene ! x
22 Sep, 2008
ah Arlene hugggggg, hope there were no birds on the table at the time lol.
last few days have been beautiful here, meant to last the rest of the week
22 Sep, 2008
that's good and thanks to both for your commiserations!
I hit it so hard I knocked it over but fortunately no birds at the time!
There has been a cheeky little robin around who is really cute, but last week I threw some cooked baked potatoes on the flat garage roof in the garden and you should have seen the size of the gulls! Cleared everything in 5 seconds!They would have had Harvey for tea!
I hope you have having nice weather on the coast up there Bonkersbon!
22 Sep, 2008
yikes Arlene, you really did hit it hard if you managed to knock it over. you could have knocked yourself out
22 Sep, 2008
Full on steam train-my bird table is made with a log base and I had to get my husband to pick it up!
it just goes to show it's not just youth that's impetuous!
Is your son down from the clouds yet?Still walking on cloud nine?
22 Sep, 2008
my god Arlene, the more you tell me the worse it seems. amazing it didnt turn into a hospital trip.
aye hes back down on earth and back to school lol
22 Sep, 2008
I need a minder Eileen -you're nominated starting tomorrow!
Saturday night I put potatoes in the microwave -2 mins later nasty thick smoke everywhere-we had to get the plug out of the wall and get all the doors and windows open and dogs outside.
Too much excitement at the moment thanks!
Looking for new microwave!
22 Sep, 2008
lol no luck at all Arlene lately..... emmmm im heading to scotland on wed evening so janette will stand in then as my minder till i get back
22 Sep, 2008
got relatives there or you just like it?
We used to go quite regularly to Edinburgh from Newcastle and the Lake District but too far from Swansea!
Anyway have a good time!
23 Sep, 2008
love over there Arlene, my fella lives there so thats why im going over this time lol.
23 Sep, 2008
Regards to him and Scotland!
23 Sep, 2008
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22 Feb, 2008
There've been lots of floods in Wales too. Some houses were flooded in a nearby town and the doctor's surgery aswell. The rivers are almost bursting their banks. I was hoping for an Indian summer but we're not going to have one I don't think.
I've got 5 tons of soil to bring in and it's been there for about 2 months now. It looks like it will still be there next year unless the rain will have washed it away.
9 Sep, 2008