Clearing leaves and Getting Wet!
By labdancer51
Yesterday morning OH and I bravely faced the rain and spent an hour and a half in the sweeping up the leaves and clearing away more dead foliage. It wasn`t that I LIKE gardening in the rain its just that Jim was home and he could do the donkey work…I mean he could help…lol! We filled six bags, three of which we disposed of via the green waste bin, one I kept for leafmould along with the other three from last year and the other went on the compost heap. At this time of year the green bin is only emptied once a month instead of fortnightly in the warmer months. Its already full and it was only emptied last Monday. I cut down the remains of a peony and returned its support along with several others to the shed. I chopped a sad looking Clematis `Paradise Queen`back to ground level..I know its not what you should do but I do it every year with no ill effects and always get masses of flowers regardless. Once the garden looked shipshape again I noticed that the bird feeders, which up till now had been neglected, had Blue and Great Tits and Goldfinches feeding again. Why I don`t know, perhaps they just didn`t like the falling leaves!
Thought you might like to see my latest bargain purchase.
Hippeastrum `Royal Red` and it only cost £1 too. I couldn`t resist having it to brighten up the living room. :o)
15 Nov, 2010
Previous post: Christmas Trees and Black Eyes
Next post: Doing the rounds
ive been sweeping up the leaves too ~ for the 4th time!! green bin full again, they will collect at the end of the month and then not collected again till march i think.
love the amaryllis[?]
15 Nov, 2010
still every two weeks here sticki,, and dont think it changes apart from xmas,
15 Nov, 2010
this is more than every two weeks ~ huge sacks of leaves ~ the type builders bring sand and cement in!
15 Nov, 2010
15 Nov, 2010
We don't have a garden waste collection service,on a routine basis,but can ring them to collect.We have a wild area behind the fence,so usually put them there,as they soon rot down..your plant is a lovely colour,and a great bargain there Sandra..:o))
15 Nov, 2010
Interesting about your Clematis, Sandra, I did the same to one in Mums garden and I'm sure it flowered better than ever the next season! I'm only clearing leaves from the path and patio now, the rest will just have to stay and protect the plants, that's my reasoning anyway! Beautiful Hippeastrum you've got there. : o ))
15 Nov, 2010
A job well done....sorting out the fallen leaves. Your £1 bargain is giving you a great show of colour too :) I have had my amaryllis for a couple of years and it flowered really well but so far this autumn it hasn't even sent out a green shoot. They are such a cheerful plant although the blooms aren't long lasting in my experience.
15 Nov, 2010
It's a beautiful flower. I don't have one this year but I do like them.
I'm pleased you got a lot of gardening done :o)
15 Nov, 2010
You were brave to do all that out in the rain! I still have leaves to clear up...where do they come from when the trees around seem to be bare now?
16 Nov, 2010
Glad you got a bit of help with all that work Lab, love to see the leaves when the`re on the Trees but oh what a pain in the neck they are when they fall, in the garden that is, love them in the park when its dry and you can crunch your way through them.
16 Nov, 2010
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glad you got some gardening done sandra and love your bargain purchase, stunning :o))
15 Nov, 2010