Bit of a Worry
By labdancer51
Perry suffered a bit of an `episode` yesterday. I say episode because I`m not at all sure what else to call it. Jim was there and this is how he explained it to me.
Jim let him outside because he started to retch. Once outside he walked rather stiffly to the other end of the garden where he tried to cock his leg but fell on his back and couldn`t get up even though he tried. Jim went out to him but he seemed disorientated and growled at him which is completely out of character. Then he managed to get to his feet and though he was a bit quiet he waled normally up to Jim and looked at him as if to say “what was all that about?” Then he went indoors and slept for half an hour and when he awoke it was as if it hadn`t happened. Jim said the whole episode was over in about a minute but it has left him worried, I must admit that I am a little too. After much discussion we have decided not to see the vet unless it happens again, which hopefully it never will.
I just thought I`d mention it here in case one of you has seen something similar in your own dog.
3 Jan, 2011
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i dont know much about dogs but i think a visit to the vets may be best.
hope he is already on the mend.
3 Jan, 2011
It must have been frightening to watch. Things can make you feel helpless.
I would check it out with a vet just to be on the safe side. You could avoid a repetition.
3 Jan, 2011
will pm you sandra, dont worry, poor perry x
3 Jan, 2011
I can't offer any advice for you, never having owned a dog, but I'm sure you'll receive excellent advice from folk on here. I hope it was just a 'blip' for Perry.
3 Jan, 2011
i hope perry is ok Sandra,may be worth a trip to the ease your mind.
3 Jan, 2011
I'll PM you as well, Sandra.
3 Jan, 2011
Hoping Perry is ok Sandra, I can see you have received advice from people who can help..XX
3 Jan, 2011
hope he is fine,you do feel helpless when ita your pet,many times ive wished they could talk,best wishs
4 Jan, 2011
I agree with talking to the vet. You may as well just put your mind at rest by consulting a vet.
4 Jan, 2011
Hope all is well now and the advice has been of some use......let us know how things go please.
4 Jan, 2011
Sorry to hear that about your lovely lab . . . that's the trouble with pets, when all is not well you cannot talk to them. Definitely worth setting your mind at rest with a quick chat to a vet: good luck.
4 Jan, 2011
I had an English setter who had odd 'episodes' the vet said he could only really help if they happened often or if she had symptoms afterwards, she'd go stiff, her mouth would twitch and then her front legs then back then out through her tail,-- I'd giver her a chew to hold-- which she did and after it was over ( very quick) she'd eat the chew and that was that-- very intermittent and didn't worry her-- or me after a while
4 Jan, 2011
Sounds like a stroke or fit to me. Please do go to the vet if it does happen again as there are lots of things the vet can do to help.
4 Jan, 2011
its so worrying as they cant speak to us...hope hes ruby has the odd 'odd' moment...walks like a drunk and wobbles a bit and seems to not sure...but we have managed to pin point the fact if she has ANY contact with poultry...even gravey made with the juices it happens. hope u get to the bottom of it...
4 Jan, 2011
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Replied privately..
3 Jan, 2011