A Walk in the Garden
By labdancer51
I decided it was time to venture into the garden and have a proper look at my plants. Before Winter had set in I fleeced and mulched more than usual in case of a repeat of last year…I`m glad I did after the heavy snows and freezing temperatures.
Heucherella Tapestry and Heuchera Obsidian, both doing well. I have heard Obsidian can be a bit tender so we`ll have to wait and see if it makes it through Winter.
Midnight Rose
*Daphne `rebecca`, with luck I`ll get some flowers this year.
Cornus `sibericas` I`m looking forward to it getting much bigger when it should look stunning in Winter
My new gardening mug. I bought it from the shop at work as I thought it would just right for my afternoon coffee in the garden….in Summer that is…lol!
Also Perry is absolutely fine today and hopefully will stay that way, thank you all for your good wishes, they are very much appreciated.:o)
4 Jan, 2011
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Pleased to know that Perry has been well today, and good news that your heucheras and other plants look happy ...
... pretty butterfly mug ... :o)
4 Jan, 2011
thats good news about perry, very pleased to hear that. i just fancy a cup of coffee out in the garden ~ have to wait a few months yet though!!!
4 Jan, 2011
Heucheras are looking good, Sandra, I've never used fleece, just put a deepish layer of compost around everything. What colour will the Daphne flowers be please? Good news on Perry too, do you think it was just a 'blip'? I noticed Daffodil leaves poking through, no sign of the Snowdrops yet.
4 Jan, 2011
Really pleased that Perry is ok, getting lots of TLC as a pickmeup I bet!!!!!!!! Your plants are looking good and I`ll join you in a coffee break June 21st at 11am, lol.....
4 Jan, 2011
lovely blog and super photos. I hope they all survive as you have some lovely heucheras.
4 Jan, 2011
Good to hear Perry's ok, like the mug and the plants, Le Papillon, Butterfly,. I got the dvd for Christmas, ( Papillon ), as I read the book again a short while ago,3 times now. The film is nowhere near as good, but a true story nontheless. Worth a read, whilst you have a coffee with your new mug.
5 Jan, 2011
whats the book about LL?
5 Jan, 2011
Cheers I have the very same mug......I agree have read Papillon twice, not every ones cup of tea, very graphic in places also you would not be able to put the ' goingings on' that occured in a film!!
Back to the garden love your Heucheras plenty of colour there, and your Daphne looks in excellent condition, as they can be rather difficult plants.
5 Jan, 2011
Henri Charriere, his nickname was Papillon, he was wrongly convicted for killing a pimp in 1931 and he was sent to the French penal colony of French Guiana.
He always maintained he was innocent and he eventually escaped, its a true story and he wrote the transcript himself. I don't know if you can still get the book, but I came across it in a charity shop. If you want Sticki, I could send it to you. Its a fascinating book on how things were not so long ago. PM me if you want it.
5 Jan, 2011
thats very kind of you ~ lots of charity shops near here and one next door to work so i will have a little look and then let you know if i cant find it. i like true stories. reminds me a bit of les miserable except its the wrong era.
5 Jan, 2011
Sorry Shirley, I can`t find the label so have no idea what colour the Daphne flowers will be. Whatever they are it will a pleasant surprise. Linc, I actually do have my coffee break and work as near to 11am as possible so the shared coffee morning would be nice...I can`t think of the significance of June 21st so please let me know! I`ve seen Papillon several times LL and love the story. I know from past experience that films seldom do justice to the book so I think I`ll try to get a copy..I`ve seen copies in charity shops too. :o)
5 Jan, 2011
aren't daphne flowers pink?
5 Jan, 2011
I'm pleased to hear Perry is all right now. I hope he has a great 2011 !
Nice to see things have survived so well in the garden for you. I like that Daphne. I've never seen a variegated Daphne. It must look nice in flower.
6 Jan, 2011
You've done very well Labdancer51. Well done......
9 Jan, 2011
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like you sandra my heuchera look a bit tired but once spring is here and new growth starts, away they go, cant see any bulbs apearing yet, maybe a bit soon though i havent even seen any snowdrops either, oh well can only wait and hope,glad to hear perry is alot more himself today to, may it continue, big hug for the brave boy :o))
4 Jan, 2011