Langley Park
By labdancer51
Last Sunday we visited nearby Langley Park, a place we haven`t visited for what must be 10 yrs. Considering its only a mile away and just across the road from Black Park where we always take Perry I have no idea why we stayed away for so long.
The park was first noted in 1202 when King John granted to its owner Richard Montfichet, 100 live does and bucks, as one could only have a deer park by permission of royalty. The location was perfect for hunting because of its closeness to both Windsor and London. In 1551 it was granted to Princess Elizabeth by her brother,King EdwardVI. Today it is owned by Buckinghamshire County Council and recently it has undergone a big and expensive makeover, which, in my opinion has improved it immensely without spoiling its natural beauty.
This is the ditch or moat surrounding part of the gardens, its been there for many, many years and maybe it was there when Elizabeth I was Queen.
We walked through the arboratum and were dwarfed by the enormous fir trees. I`m afraid I don`t know which type they are, but they are very impressive.
This sculpture is called `A Kernel of Knowledge`. I`ve no idea why but then I`m a philistine when it comes to art…lol! Its a nice piece of work though.
You can see just how big the firs are by Jim and Perry standing by it.
I took this through locked wrought iron gates. The immaculately kept conifer hedges must keep someone in full-time work.
I really liked this unusual conifer, any ideas as to which type it is please?
The big house. I can`t find out what its used for as there seems too little information available.
A mighty oak in the shade of the conifers.
Now..this path runs along the cow pasture that we`d just walked through,(very reluctantly on my part..I hate cows!) Actually there weren`t any in there but I still felt nervous. I felt even worse when we reached the gate and it was locked. Jim climbed over easily and Perry casually walked through a small gap in the fence. With assistance and not a little discomfort I managed to follow( Jim that is, not Perry!) but I didn`t find it as funny as Jim did!
Looking straight ahead along this gravel path you can see the round tower of Windsor Castle, I could see it but the camera couldn`t quite make it out. We`ll try the walk next time we visit.
Changing the subject, this is Flat Cat (Thats what the company who made him called him!). We gave him to Perry as a Christmas present and at the time he was a pretty light blue and had very soft fur. Now after just a couple of weeks he is a dirty grey, has no ears and is very smelly…and Perry just adores him!
11 Jan, 2011
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Same here, we often travel for miles to visit somewhere and yet there are a lot of local parks and houses still on the list waiting. The park looks lovely, I `m always interested in the history of a place so thanks for the info..
Lovely photo`s as well.
Perry is a good boy, our Brynner destroyed his and Morgans xmas presents within two days...
11 Jan, 2011
I know what you mean, Sandra, sometimes the places right on your doorstep, so to speak, are those you rarely visit! Lovely blue sky for you, I like that Conifer too, wonder what it is? We're looking after a Border Collie this week, bought him a toy after losing his own one in a tree, he's destroyed it in a couple of hours. : o ((((
12 Jan, 2011
It looks a nice place for a walk. Maybe you'll visit there oftener now it's had a makeover. I like the old house. I hope it isn't derelict.
12 Jan, 2011
Thanks for taking us on your walk, looks a nice place to visit.
12 Jan, 2011
Looks a very good walk L51, poor flat cat.
12 Jan, 2011
great walk and lovely pics sandra, perry is addorable bless him, bet it feels like he has been with you forever now, poor flat cat lol ;o))
12 Jan, 2011
A lovely park, and nice blue skies, too !
Flat Cat is beginning to look a bit like
Splat Cat... Lol.
glad to know that Perry has such fun with his toy :o)
12 Jan, 2011
You certainly gave me a chuckle with the antics of Perry with his flat I guess you can be thankful he's not pulled out any stuffing yet!
The natural beauty of Langley Park is very pleasing and I very much enjoyed your photos. It is an area of England I have not visited as are so lucky to have this on your doorstep. Maybe you can go back when the gates aren't locked and such a challenge! :)
18 Jan, 2011
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Looks a lovely place to walk. No doubt that you will need to find another flat cat for perry soon judging by the speed of destruction! :-D
11 Jan, 2011