Beating the rain..
By lincslass
In view of April reverting to type, I had to beat the weather today to mow the lawns, I had just finished and was busy putting things away when the heavens opened yet again, whilst the sun was shining it was quite warm but that didn`t last long…
We even had hailstones..
Luckily by this time I was back indoors with a lovely cuppa…
Pics taken from the comfort of my armchair, I can still admire the Amalenchier and the flowers from here cos boy its turned very cold out there….
All in all not bad going, some of my plants are ready to go outside for a few hours but I’ m so pleased I didn’t bother today….
14 Apr, 2012
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Its Sue Pansy, lol, so pleased I 'd not stood some of my trays out, I'd have been soaked putting them back, the daisy is a Doronicum, Paul named it for me, I started with just one small clump in my front garden and now have lots, as you can see that clump will need splitting this year ....
14 Apr, 2012
Sorry about that Lincslass - I don't think I have known hail to be so common in one week! hope it has not damaged anything
Great about the Doronicum - they're so pretty
14 Apr, 2012
You have done well between the showers Lincslass, I was doing the same, I almost finish my new patio, had to give up due to rain, shall carry on with finishing touches tomorrow. Your garden looks lovely :)))
14 Apr, 2012
I hope you get it done Michaella, the weather is taking the mickey now I think, we,ve had rain every day since the 4th and the ban started on 5th, lol...I have nowhere to store any more,lol...
14 Apr, 2012
Despite the unpredictable weather your garden is looking superb, what a view to savour while having a cuppa. Never heard of Doronicum before gonna look it up as I love daisies.
14 Apr, 2012
Looking lovely, Sue(!) . . . the Amelanchier is a treat, isn't it :))
14 Apr, 2012
Found it Lincs, now thats useful as its a spring flowering one. Says its good to grow with daffs as it helps hide hide the daffs leaves when they have gone over.
Now whats the white ones are they small daises or campanulla ~ can`t quite make them out.
14 Apr, 2012
I was working away in the garden today was quite warm. I came in for lunch and we had hail stones!!
It cheered up again in the afternoon, but it is to be -2 degrees tonight. Nice to see so much colour in your garden. :o)
14 Apr, 2012
Stroller the white is Iberis sempervirens....
14 Apr, 2012
Hope you enjoyed your cuppa from the comforts of your cosy armchair. The garden looking lovely - as always!
We had a couple of light hail stone showers this afternoon - but didn't come to much.
14 Apr, 2012
Think you should change your name Sue to Linda as it is not only me as it wrong Linda235 thinks it suits you too, blame me think I have started a trend lol
14 Apr, 2012
Your doronicum is grand. I've been looking for one this spring but could only find Little Leo and I wanted a taller one. Do you know what variety yours is?
14 Apr, 2012
I have been called it a few times over the years Pansy, guess its my fault really for choosing my membership name, lol.
Sorry Stera, I didn`t know its name myself until Paul told me last week, hopefully someone will come up with it.
Just checked in my RHS A-Z book and there are lots to choose..
14 Apr, 2012
Hail here too, not much gardening done as it was very cold
You garden is lookin good glad you managed to finish before the downpour.
must try to find a doronicum it's lovely:)
14 Apr, 2012
Was the same here Lincs..Nice to sit down and relas and look out inot your beautiful garden eh? :)
15 Apr, 2012
Your garden looks lovely Sue. I'm sorry you had those hailstones. Good job you got the mowing finished before they came. They look huge :o(
I like your Amelanchier. It's one of my fav spring trees.
15 Apr, 2012
We had the hailstones here as well Lincs and am getting fed up of putting all the plants out, just to have to put them back again. Not to mention going onto the allotment next door and half an hour later coming back in. Just get in and out comes the sun again. I.m getting dizzy going back and forth! lol. I love your amelenchier. When we first moved here 13 years ago, they were the first little trees we bought. I put them either side of the path, 3 on one side and 2 on the other. The blossom is beautiful isn't it. Your garden looks lovely.
15 Apr, 2012
Your view through your window is delightful, shame about the weather, the Amelanchier have excelled themselves this year.....
15 Apr, 2012
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Same thing happened here Linda but all my little plants were out in it Luckily they dont seem to have suffered damage
Your garden is looking lovely very colourful Linda what are those yellow daisie in the last picture [got a thing for daisie at the moment!]
14 Apr, 2012