Making the most of it, might snow tomorrow...
By lincslass
Up and out while the sun shines and yes I made the most of a good day, it was a very productive day.
I finished preparing my beds in the top g’house, I dig in lots of homemade compost in the beds every year and then plant my toms in the circles, I have a dozen circles, one of the best choices I ever made, its so much easier to control the watering, especially if someone else is doing it whilst I’m away on my hols..
Dug over this bed and popped in a few new plants to fill the gaps, added Cosmos and Helichrysum, my Sweetpeas have been in a couple of weeks now…
Moved two of my shelves out of the bottom g’house, its shuffle around time now as my bedding plants need to be hardened off..
How clever is that then !!!!!!! Brynner keep your nose out I DO NOT want them knocking off…
I needed somewhere to balance these half baskets as I was planting them up, they look good so thats where they’ll probably stay for the summer…
Geraniums and Dahlias, haven’t a clue where they’ll go but I’ll fit them in somewhere…….
As I still had some good compost ready I’ve set up my red bags for my cucumbers in the bottom house, they did well in these bags which I purchased online last year, I lost my cucumbers a couple of weeks back and have had to set some new ones, fingers xx for now otherwise I’ll have to buy a couple of plants and that’ll be a first for me…
As you can see my Acers and one basket is already back indoors for the night…
Lilies coming along quite nicely and brought up to the house, I have some new ones bought this year but they have only just broke through the surface so remain near the g’house, thats good though as I don’t want them flowering all at the same time…I was tempted to pop the new ones in the garden but decided to place them into bowls again, what are others thoughts on this please…
……………………………………………………………………….. Good days enjoyable graft and now I have one compost bin completely emptied and moved to a different hideyhole ready to fill up again…
Snap happy with the camera as I head back to the house, I need a coffee break before preparing dinner..
16 May, 2013
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All looking good Lincs - what a busy girl you have been!
I moved a shrub today and I had no sooner turned my back and one of my cats was under there digging in the soil - he got the fright of his life as I screamed at him!!
Can I ask what the white flowering shrub is 3rd from bottom pic is please.
The reason I ask is that my neighbour has it and as I sort of borrow it over the top of the trellis - I'd like to learn what it is so I can 'train' him properly in pruning it.
He clips all his shrubs and he looses the flowers. It doesn't bother him but it does me!!
16 May, 2013
Gosh you have been busy lincs and it shows in your lovely garden...:>)
16 May, 2013
Kidsgran I am running out of room so I figured it was time to actually plant out, we have to put up with our daft weather so the plants have gotta get used to it as well......
Scottish we have a huge garden with plenty of places for them plus a cat loo for bad weather days and Casper decided my bulb bowls were better, lol. The white shrub is Spiraea otherwise known as Bridal Wreath, its a favourite of mine, I prune as soon as the flowers finish usually about the middle of June, its late flowering this year so will probably be a few weeks later...
16 May, 2013
A real plantswoman's garden. Most interesting blog.
17 May, 2013
Wonderful Lincs, well worth all your hard work....I hope your prediction of snow is wrong! There was a distant storm last night though
17 May, 2013
Thanks for the garden tour, have so much space..lucky you..lovely planting too..and I just know you will find room for all those Cosmos and Dahlias..:o) It is a credit to all your hard work and dedication..we had a lovely day here too,so did a bit of shuffling around as well..I will be so glad when they are no longer in and out from the growhouses..and outside where they belong..can't wait to plant out now ..
17 May, 2013
It all looks good Lincslass, you have been so busy. I was the same yesterday. It was good to get out and get some grass cut and borders tidied up. Love all the planting and love how good you have been with your greenhouse planting, it will all be used and fill your beds with loads of colour this summer. I haven't got the patience to plant seeds and pot them on. Great work. I did look at cucumber seeds this week £4 + for four seeds decided to give them a miss. lol. Maybe buy a plant or two later on when it is a bit warmer and put them in the veggie patch and see if they will produce some cucumbers for me. Well done again it looks great. :O)
17 May, 2013
All looking very nice, you have been busy.... :))
17 May, 2013
What a lot achieved in one day . . . amazing! And I'm glad you mentioned when you prune the lovely Spirea: wondering if I should do the same when my Exochorda has finished flowering?
Thanks for the inspiration Sue!
17 May, 2013
Snoop there are more dandelions in my garden this year than I have seen for donkeys years, most of them in my top lawn I don't like to use the weed and feed because its so close to the fishpond, they've had their tops chopped off so don't show as much, I go around with my trusty old kitchen knife and dig them out when I'm in a paddy, lol....
Only g'house potting on and housework today, its gone back to miserable yet again, I'm in serious danger of becoming a good housewife...
What have we done to deserve yet another dismal summer???????'
17 May, 2013
Ah Lincs you have worked hard and you will have a lot of colour later on because of that. Your plants are so healthy and like me i have all my lilies in pots now in a sheltered position so I can enjoy them when sitting out, if we ever get a chance! Isnt it cold???? i have the heating on AGAIN and I wear my fleece jacket around the hosue, it's ridiculous.
17 May, 2013
Oh how you love your garden and it shows. I`ve no doubt at all that you will find room for those Dahlias and Geraniums. Is that clematis in the penultimate photo Lincs and which one is it, it`s a gorgeous colour.
17 May, 2013
Sorry Stroller its one of the supermarket buys labelled only as Clematis, its the same colour as my President but the flowers are much smaller on this one.
Nobody to visit since I lost my mum and dad Stroller, both daughters at work all day and my son lives in Boston, both grandchildren at senior school now, grandaughter will be 16yrs in August and her brother is nearly 13yrs old, means nannie is only needed in emergencies and occasional night times for childminding, that means lots of time for the garden, good job I love doing it....
17 May, 2013
I go to an art group Lincs, (nice friendly folk) gets me out and I enjoy flower painting amongst other things,
But it can be just as frustrating as gardening when the picture in my head doesn't look the same on the paper.....
17 May, 2013
The Clematis looks a bit like Multi Blue, I have it and it is lovely but a bit of a poor performer in my garden, as are most of the clems.
17 May, 2013
Thanks Lincs ... Although it was cold yesterday I managed to do a bit of weeding and tidying around shrubs and honeysuckle which I cut back a bit and lo and behold I think that the clem which I found growing through it is `Mr President` shall have to wait now until its in flower.
18 May, 2013
So busy, so much achieved - so satisfying. Lovely pictures of your garden.
18 May, 2013
Olive I have five clems now but to be honest they don't really do that well, my own fault really as I grow them amongst my roses so they are a bit overwhelmed, the strongest is my evergreen winter flowering one, I gave it a mega prune last year as the arch was in danger of falling down...
Pam I cannot draw or paint, never have been able to, lol..
Stroller my Mr President has huge buds on it so won't be long now, I've done a trough and two urns that stand in my front garden and popped them in the bottom g'house for a few days and been around popping a few marigolds in gaps, also been crawling around on the lawn digging out dandelions, lovely task...
Thankyou T'bear..
18 May, 2013
A fair old bit of work, Lincs.
Excellent blog, as usual.
19 May, 2013
You've been busy busy busy, LincsL. I love the yellow white blue border!
I've actually manged to do a bit myself today......planting up pots etc!
19 May, 2013
I bet you feel very satisfied Lincs, it's all looking great. How quickly the plants grow once they start, one minute our gardens are pretty bare, then boom's all systems go:-)
19 May, 2013
Oh yes its action stations in a big way now, I've even been around my youngest daughters today helping her sort out a couple of trees, one has been caught by our bad winter and looked dead on one side however we have been treating it to a trim and hopefully it will recover....
19 May, 2013
Hi Sue..
you've been busy and your garden is looking good..
let's hope for more warm weather to enjoy it :o)
20 May, 2013
Oh well, don't know about other areas but it's back to late winter/early spring type weather here today.Dull, chill, breezy and light drizzle on and off all day!!
20 May, 2013
Hi Terra, at least our colours in our gardens are making up for lack of sunshine, we are averaging about two sunny days a week so thats progress, lol.
My birthday today and hubby has treated me to a new coat, I chose completely waterproof with inner fleece for obvious reasons, lol....
20 May, 2013
Happy birthday Lincslass!! Didn't he buy you any new plants?
20 May, 2013
LOL, Thankyou, I did actually con him into buying me a new Acer Paul but it was only a baby one £3-50p in our local Wilko's..
20 May, 2013
Should've sent him to much we lock where Louisa went....Could've got 5 for a tender!!!!!!!!
21 May, 2013
belated birthday wishes all happy ones Lincs hope it was a good one for you :O)
22 May, 2013
Thankyou Olive, it was a very good one I received some lovely gifts amongst which are garden vouchers so I'll be able to continue enjoying for quite some time, lol....
22 May, 2013
Belated birthday wishes fro me also, you certainly have been busy, put me to shame, so lucky to have so much room to grow you fruit and veg, and still have a pretty garden...
22 May, 2013
Thankyou very much Dd, to be honest the veggies don't always do any good but I got a bit bored with only the flowers and shrubs so when I retired a few years back I thought I'd give them another go, I now pop a variety in amongst everything else, carrots and lettuces in huge tubs, beans hide amongst my shrubs, cabbage and broccoli hiding amongst the strawberries and sweetpeas and my potatoes and rhubarb share with my hideyhole and compost bins, all are surrounded with my flowers and shrubs so if they don't come good at least I still have my flowers to admire...
22 May, 2013
Very good idea might give that a try one day...
28 May, 2013
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I enjoyed a look around your garden all your plants look really good , think I will chance putting my sweet peas out this weekend fingers crossed the weather will improve !
16 May, 2013