Gardening in this heat..
By lincslass
Well actually there is not a lot to be done whilst this hot weather continues, I had a MRI scan on my knee and it shows there is a tear in the cartilage, I have to see the speciaist next Tuesday so will possibly know whats to be done then, I’m ok if I don’t try and kneel and do things in easy stages, the weather in a sense is helping me as everything is so dry, the grass has to be left alone and luckiy the weeds aren’t growing either, I have managed to empty one of the compost bins and thats been spread around the beds and borders, the extra mulch seems to have done good as my poor plants look a lot healthier now, like me they were wilting, we don’t get a happy medium do we, its good to have a summer at last but gor blimey ain’t it hot… So we’ll take the camera around instead, that’ll pass a few more mins, the roses are loving all the sun and every day I am busy deadheading, bit different to last year when the few we did get were soon a soggy mess..
Down the bottom into my shady area, its like a completely different garden and so much cooler, much nicer to sit down here when we have days like this, not knocking it mind, its good to have a summer for a change, even if I have to put up with a dry lawn for a while, lol..
Really pleased with the next one..
All thats left of the old pine that was outgrowing the garden, now its a bird feeding station cum hanging basket stand with a lovely Boston Ivy growing up the old trunk..
Toms doing well now ..
Cucumbers and a few more toms in the bottom…
Out into the front, its mainly a carpark so I make do with pots for my bit of colour out here, the sun doesn’t get around here until late afternoon so these ones always last longer……..
19 Jul, 2013
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Smashing g thing with a dodgy knee...just keep taking pictures..the garden will look after itself.I like your little Lighthose and that Gallardia is geat.I've had a few but they are always short lived here.must be my soil!!
I'm trying not to moan about the heat Hywell but trouble is, it's getting hotter and more humid here next week!!!!!
19 Jul, 2013
Plenty of colour there Sue, and the lawn will recover in due course (as we will, lol). Good luck with not doing too much, and take care of that knee!
19 Jul, 2013
So sorry you're having knee problems Lincslass - something you can't forget about isn't it? Lets hope the tear can be repaired. I don't know how you managed to spread compost in this heat!
I love the sun but this is too much for me. We went to Aberglasny today on a local WI trip,(thought about you Hywel but you were just too far away to hear if I shouted hello) but didn't do it justice - just scuttled from one shady bit to the next and enjoyed it when the rotating sprinkler came our way.. We did enjoy the home made lemonade though!
19 Jul, 2013
too hot for work in the garden for me, lovely at this time of night, when the sun has gone. One of the problems of having a large wood, it keeps in the heat and stops the wind from blowing from the east so we are absolutely sweltering here. Hoping for less heat this weekend. :O) Your garden looks so pretty and lasting well even with all the heat we have had. :O)
19 Jul, 2013
Plenty of colour up there Sue. Believe it or not I had much colour last year. This year is nearly nothing.
All my roses finished flowering very early and hope to have another flash later, if the weather cools down a little. For the London area it is going to be fresher on Saturday and Sunday but it won't last I am afraid. Even hotter by Monday. I feel terrible. I am melting!!
19 Jul, 2013
Very hot up here too (makes a change) I'm enjoying doing little in the garden but catching up with some of the fictional books I've been given for Christmas this last couple of years!
I hope you get good news re treatment for your Knee.
Lovely plants and I especially like your selection of Lilies.
19 Jul, 2013
Sorry to hear about your knee Lincs. As you said the hot weather is doing you a favour.Your garden still looks lovely, don't worry, plants recover quicker than us!!Lol :-)
19 Jul, 2013
Hope your knee gets sorted soon Lincs, it can be very debilitating. Your garden looks great. In this heat I don't really venture out till early evening to water and do little jobs, at least the forecast for the weekend is a bit cooler ?
20 Jul, 2013
SODS LAW hits again, big family party organised for today, my youngests garden, people travelled all the way from Yorkshire, the sun has cleared off but rain not due until Weds so should still be okay, LOL...
20 Jul, 2013
i love your roses, was that a orange coloured rose in the 3rd photo? or am i imaging things? ive not seen a orange coloured rose before! sorry to hear about your knee, hope its not giving you too much pain.
21 Jul, 2013
hiya lincs
well its been the best summer for years up ere in cumbria me palm trees are shootin up like triffids only they dont walk about lol all pots and baskets are bloomin luverly av even ad the barbie out, orf to tatton park flower show next week so hopin the weather holds out,sorry to hear you got knee trouble theres nothin worse than that for gardners ope it gets better soon
21 Jul, 2013
S'bree it is an orange one, I also have another one a bit brighter in colour but that ones blooms are in clusters......
Hi gadgit, its a shame but cannot come your way this year cos we do love it in the lakes, we had a cool weekend but the suns back again now and its very hot, still in desperate need of a drop of rain, my knee is not too bad, bit like permanent toothache, off to see the specialist in the morning....
22 Jul, 2013
Just catching up, or trying to Lincs. What a lot of pots and baskets you have, your daughter must have been exhausted lol, no wonder some needed tlc when you got back:-)
4 Aug, 2013
Excellent blog, Lincs!
9 Aug, 2013
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I haven't been able to do much today either, except eat a chocolate icecream when I met a friend in the town at lunchtime lol
Your plants seem to be doing well in the heat Sue. I'm pleased to see you have some colour in the front, even though it's mainly a car park.
I agree that it's nice to have this weather for a change. We moaned enough when we had wet summers .... but I wish it would use it's sense and come a few degrees down :o)
19 Jul, 2013