Enjoying Myself.....
By lincslass
Well thats what summers are for, dontcha think…
I’ve managed to keep on top of my gardening despite having my gammy knee, its not beaten me yet, lol, a permanent toothache in the wrong place, I’m ok if I don’t kneel down, thats a bit of a laugh as I can’t get back up again and definitely no digging, thank goodness I have my long-handled fork, best buy ever for my borders, I do have a torn cartilage and am hopefully having it sorted September/October, I’ve already got a date for the pre-op test and scans….
I’ve also been told that I have cataracts in both eyes, no wonder my worlds gone all blurred, my optician either didn’t spot it because of the scarring on my left eye or didn’t like to be the one to tell me and just left it for the eye specialist, it came as a complete shock when the doc asked me which eye I wanted sorting out first, how do you make a choice like that when you don’t even know?, I’ve decided to have my right one done, they can’t do both together so t’other one is possibly next year, we just have to wait and see, my eyes are giving me more grief than my knee as I’m having mega headaches, ( thats why I’ve not been on here so much) I’ve had all the tests and scans done so its just a case of waiting for a date, 6/8 wks unless they get a cancellation, thats good going I think….
As you can see the pavers haven’t been lifted and levelled this year, another job left until next year, hubby can’t do them for me as he is suffering with a bad shoulder, we’re a right pair at the moment…
That naughty black boy caught in the act is one reason for the dead brown patches near the seat, no good trying to repair until the autumn…..
The grass never does well underneath the Weeping Willow so I was going to strip this area this year and have another gravelled bed but those plans are on hold until my knee is sorted, hubby thinks I’ve changed my mind but watch this space, lol…
Not doing too bad with my salad crops and cabbages doing really well, unfortunately the brocolli have ran to seed….
Luckily I decided on mainly cottagegarden style planting for this year which has made it easier, they can be left to do their own thing apart from the deadheading stints, if the weeds appear they get lost amongst the foliage and the bees and butterflies were out in force today after yesterdays rain..
The bees and the butterflies all had a good day too, hope you all enjoyed your day as well….
2 Aug, 2013
Previous post: Gardening in this heat..
Next post: Summertime is OH SO GOOD!!!!!!.
Sorry to read of your health problems Lincs, you have my sympathy I've got a gammy knee too! Your garden looks lovely despite all the difficulties. You have some lovely crocosmia and your arrangement of baskets on the tree trunk is a very clever idea.
2 Aug, 2013
Good luck with the ops. You will do great and oh how I wish I could have a salad garden again, lots of space, but the ocean mist just kills anything, but the odd tomatoes.
2 Aug, 2013
You have done a good job Lincslass, it all looks really good, amazing how we still manage to get the work done when we are in pain. lol :O) Good luck with all your medical problems, it will all be fine and dandy once you get them sorted, pity they cannot sort out the eye and knee at the same time. Suppose that would be too much to ask of the surgeons working together in the same room. lol but it would save time and money, but too simple for words I bet. lol Hope you get things sorted quickly :O)
2 Aug, 2013
Your garden is looking very nice... hope you get your knee and eye sorted soon...
2 Aug, 2013
Your garden looks lovely Lincslass. So frustrating when you want to do things but your body wont let you. Hope your all sorted soon.x
2 Aug, 2013
Well Lincs you know the saying it never rains but it pour ! But your garden looks lovely I'd say the right pair of you are doing ok between you lol but best wishes with your health probs there comes a time when we all get something or other so keep smiling :-)))
2 Aug, 2013
Lincslass, I cannot believe the health problems you're having, especially when I look at the wonderful pictures you've posted here. Your garden is beautiful!
I do hope you get all your hospital visits and operations over and done with very soon. Keep your chin up lass :)
2 Aug, 2013
Sorry to hear of your ailments Sue. I hope the treatment will help you. Old age cometh not alone lol ... I know what it's like not being able to get up. Sometimes I just laugh at myself, and then I cant get up because I'm laughing too much !
You've got two wicker chairs like I had once. I got them from a place called Crazy Mack's ... and never used them, because they were too low and neither Beryl or myself could get up from them. That was another laugh !
You have some lovely photos of your summer garden :o) I think you should forgive Brunner (I think it's him in the photo) :o)
2 Aug, 2013
Oh dear poor you Lincs, but your garden is looking very healthy and colourful, hope you get your problems sorted soon;0)
3 Aug, 2013
Oh dear! poor old you & OH. what a pair. Hope you will all be sorted out Lincs and back to 'normal'. good luck for everything. Your garden is looking good regardless so keep up the good work :)
3 Aug, 2013
Not good news on your health issues Lincs ... but I'm sure you'll keep your spirits up ... garden looks lovely too! :o)
3 Aug, 2013
Agree with others that your garden is looking really good. Given all your health issues, you're doing an incredibly good job. Is the lovely dog yours? You couldn't stay mad at him for long, I'm guessing. Good luck with the ops.
3 Aug, 2013
Thanks all, I have jobs put on hold for the moment, luckily the filters on the pond are behaving so not had to get down on my knees to do that yet, if they block before I get myself active enough I' ll buy a new filtertank and just replace the whole kit and kaboodle, at least my fish will be safe that way, plus I'll have a spare in case of emergencies....
Hywel there is a sofa as well and all the cushions, stored in our big shed, my dad used to have them in his gazebo during the summertime, I saved them for my son's summerhouse but he hasn't taken them yet, you are right they aren't comfortable at all and when the cushions are in situ they make one feel hot and bothered.
T'bear thats Brynner, he's a Flatcoat Retriever, we have daughter's Morgan a Choc/Lab as well,he decided it was sensible to stay indoors whilst the sun was shining......
4 Aug, 2013
Sorry to hear about your health problems, Lincslass. Hope you manage to get them sorted out soon. Your garden still looks very neat & tidy & it does you a credit! :-))
5 Aug, 2013
Oh dear sorry to hear you both have ailments! But your garden is looking good regardless.Us gardener's won't be beaten. I hope your eyes are sorted out sononer rather than later! I can imagine I must be very frustrating not being able to see as clearly as you once did! But, the cataract operations are very successful now, so something to look forward to!
Your garden is looking good and the cucumbers are doing well, bett than mine as all three plants rotted and died!!!
6 Aug, 2013
Sorry to hear about your eyes & knee, Lincs & well done you to have gotten your garden in such good shape, despite the handicapps!
I can sympathise with the cartilage problem, as I'm up for a pre-op conflab next Wed for the same thing.
I'm hoping to get a brain implant at the same time, but feel the chances are slim. Lol.
Pulled my lower back a couple of weeks ago & waited two & a half hrs for an ambulance.
Meanwhile, one of my neighbours captured my agonised contortions, as my back entered continuous spasms & I screamed like a big Jessie on her new i-phone 5, then uploaded it to her facebook account & youtube, so I'm famous at last! =-O
9 Aug, 2013
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Oh dear Lincs.....a case of what to sort out first!
Your garden is looking lovely despite your gammy knee, sounds really painful, hope you get sorted soon xxx
2 Aug, 2013