September and still looking good.
By lincslass
Making the most of a lovely day I spent last Sunday in the garden, we had spent the previous week away so there were quite a few jobs needed doing, once again mowed and trimmed the lawns, don’t know about yours but I swear mine grows as I’m putting the tools away, pruned two Budhlia’s, collected my Sweetpea pods, removed the stems and canes and lots of deadheading, phew!!!!!!!! well worth it though as still plenty of new buds forming, collected fallen apples, that took a while as the Worcester Pomaigne were dropping as I was working underneath and yes I did get a couple land on my head and that hurts, lol, its a shame but a lot of them have to go into my compost bins as they do not keep well and there is only a certain amount of space in the freezer, once again there is a lack of wasps this year so that makes the job a lot easier but one does wonder how many more creatures are going to disappear from our gardens..
Morgan and Brynner waiting at the gate ready to join me in the garden, the weather has been so good this summer that they have hardly ever been shut in the run, they will get a shock when the wet does arrive as they do love the freedom but I DON’T like the paddock look…
Even my shady area has some colour besides green……
The roses are having a much better year as well……
That was the good bit and now I have to go peel and prepare this lot for the freezer…SIGH!!!!!!!!
26 Sep, 2013
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Lovely! And I do like all your stones next to the pond - all looking great :)
26 Sep, 2013
I love your cottagey look garden too,Sue,and all those apples !..shame you have to compost some of the birds like them? mind you,we don't seem to have many about at the moment.or they might attract unwanted guests,I suppose..
At least the garden is winding down now,and you still have lots of colour,so just enjoy looking at it for now..with the odd bit of pottering :o)xx
26 Sep, 2013
It all looks great, hope the grass stops growing soon, mine is the same as yours, that is the problem when we get sunshine and showers it keeps the grass growing and we have to keep cutting it. lol. It looks lovely the dogs will soon be out there enjoying it, mine would have jumped the gate by now. lol. Must go and see what he is up to just now. Brilliant blog, lovely garden. :O)
26 Sep, 2013
It's all looking beautiful, It's a credit to you that you have managed to produce such a spectacular show, despite your knee problems. It puts lots of others to shame. :)
26 Sep, 2013
I love a Cottage Style garden it all looks so welcoming and colourful, no wonder your Doggies are waiting to explore;0) a great crop of apples there too;0))
26 Sep, 2013
Your garden is looking great Sue :o) and I do like those Hostas in pots.
I hope you enjoy the apples :o)
26 Sep, 2013
Thankyou all, I spent ages sitting peeling and slicing apples for the freezer and of course made us some pies, luckily the ones off the bottom tree will store over the winter so the birds will get a feast, its the bright red Worcesters that won't last, they are delicious to eat though........Its quite daft but a lot of people won't accept apples given freely, they'd sooner buy from a supermarket these days......
27 Sep, 2013
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As cottage garden beds go Lincs I don`t think that one could be beaten and the pond protectors have made such a difference it looks so much better. The apple harvest looks scrumpcious mine haven`t done so good this year.
26 Sep, 2013