Ugly Frame Replacement....
By lincslass
Like doing a jigsaw puzzle on water, it actually turned out quite easy to fit together, unfortunately I need another half dozen pieces to make sure its completely covered over during the winter months when the plants are dormant, they only come in boxes of thirty so I’ll definitely have a few spares…
So much better don’t you think….
Lots of things being left to do their own thing this year as I am hampered with my knee problems but at least I still have lots of colour so thats a bonus to my mind and being so crowded does not seem to be bothering my plants, lol….
Sweetpea pods about ready for collecting, they have done me proud this year…
The shrub below has suffered badly with a very nasty infestation, I sprayed it and hoping it will be ok now, as you can see some leaves still falling but it is looking a wee bit better….
Myself, I’m crotchety at times when my knees are hurting and my eyes all blurry but definitely not when the days are as lovely as today and I have done a stint in the garden……
31 Aug, 2013
Previous post: There comes a time when they have to go..
Next post: September and still looking good.
A good idea that new pond cover...very inconspicuous!
Your Gladioli are wonderful bright colours.I love them....which reminds me, the few I had have disappeared this year!!
31 Aug, 2013
Its a Euonymus Meadowland, never had an infestation like that before, luckily it hasn't affected anything else, I keep clearing the leaves away from the ground under neath it and its had a couple of washes with soapy water since I sprayed it which seems to be helping....
Stera my son netted it and also put a little picket fence all around it as soon as our grandaughter was born, she loved to feed the fish but never once climbed or leant on the fence, her brother however was completely the opposite, little towrag was determined to climb even before he walked so the fence had to be removed and a stronger frame was used that could hold his weight if neccessary, no little ones around now just the dogs and cats, hopefully no Herons, I'll have to treat myself to one of the ornamental ones.....
31 Aug, 2013
Beautiful garden, love the new pond cover! :))
31 Aug, 2013
Paul there are supposed to be about 40 gladioli but some are showing no signs of producing a flowerstem, I also love them, they are a definite fav with me.
.I'm hoping the mesh works on the pond but its a bit of a trial and error exercise at the moment with the wire netting safey stashed away just in case it has to go back on, lol.....
31 Aug, 2013
Yes, must be a bit of a problem....I have never had a pond so never experienced it.
My soil is very heavy clay, as I've mentioned before, so I should probably lift my Glad's like I do Dahlias.
31 Aug, 2013
Love your garden and the new pond cover looks great Lincslass.
1 Sep, 2013
That cover looks great, does all your garden..lovely planting and colour..and lots more to come this month,we hope made me smile with the expression.'tow rag'.I haven't heard that for a long time,but have been known to use it ! :o) Hope you get your vision sorted soon,mine isn't so good either..annual check up due,so we will see..and take care with those knees !x
1 Sep, 2013
Thankyou Michaella and Gralew.
Bloomer I didn't really notice any problems with my eyes until June and then thought it was just a case of getting new specs, I was shocked to find it was cataracts in both eyes, at least they are doing one for me without having a long wait, good job as well as they have gone so quickly, I hate shopping anywhere except my local supermarkets as I can't read those huge signs that guide you to the items and recognizing faces in the street is a no/no as are light coloured vehicles, they just disappear in the mist, makes you appreciate how lucky we are really compared to some people, you'd laugh if you saw me using my laptop, its nearly upside down for me to read the words, which is why I don't come on site some days....
1 Sep, 2013
looks so much better with new cover plan, just wondered how will you go on with lily flowering with the protectors floating on top sue?
i have net and that can be a pain as i have to go around plants which can be tricky, like the look though of your new idea :)
1 Sep, 2013
Liking the new cover Lincs - it does look much more pleasing to the eye, I hope it works.
I can't believe the amount of colour your still got going on - all very jewel like, marvellous!
Don't know about you but not doing much in the garden has really help me enjoy it a bit more and if I'm honest, I think the plants are pleased I'm not fidgeting around with them.
Hope you are not feeling too bad this evening :)
1 Sep, 2013
It will be better San as they link together so can be placed where I want them and changed around if needs be.
1 Sep, 2013
Scottish I also think the plants are enjoying their freedom, makes you laugh when thinking of all the hours spent tweaking and replanting in past years.
1 Sep, 2013
I wouldn't laugh at you Sue,as I have difficulty sometimes too,seeing certain things and colours..but my problem was
diagnosed a few years ago,and I have no central vision in my left eye,only you say,there are worse just cope :o) x
1 Sep, 2013
Your garden is bursting with colour Sue :o) It looks lovely !
And the pond looks much better with those things on it, than it did before.
I'm sorry you're in so much pain, but glad to hear you enjoyed the garden and nice weather.
1 Sep, 2013
Your pond is truly beautiful and the plants in your garden are all looking so lovely. It is full of colour and so many eye-catching flowers still looking their best.
1 Sep, 2013
It's all been said, Lincs, but I'll add my congrats, too, for both the pond & the general well-being of your plants.
Jobs well done.
By the way, can sweetpeas be eaten?
Probably a daft question, but I've been snapping the pods off, as soon as the petals fell, 'cos I thought this would encourage more flowers.
2 Sep, 2013
First of all Lincs its good to hear that you have been able to get in the garden despite the eye and knee problems. I do hope the new cover plan works it enhances the area much better, as for the rest of the garden it lovely to see you still have so much colour.
3 Sep, 2013
Just read your blog Linclass. Late as usual. Your garden looks lovely & as you say, plants don't seem to mind being close together, as long as they have access to some sun & air. the new type pond protecters look very good & I hope they do the jobs or you. Best wishes F.
6 Sep, 2013
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Your original pond cover is lust like on OH made when out boys were small - and a good thing it was, as one of them did fall onto it! Yur new one is a great improvement if no children are around - looks so much better doesn't it? I wonder if it will deter the heron (money back if not...) Your flowers are grand, they look great all mixed up together like that.
31 Aug, 2013