YIPPEE!!!!!!!!..... I' ve had my op. on my knee.......
By lincslass
Yes all done and dusted and went very well, lots of exercises to do over the next few weeks to complete the healing process, the staff were lovely and they even gave me lunch and two MUGS of tea, in at 7.15am and out again at 1.15pm, hows that for service. Gotta be good though, do my exercises, take lots of short walks with rest in between and leave the garden alone for a while, you never know I MIGHT catch up with all your blogs, lol, I am working my way through all the lovely pics though, its all done in easy stages at the moment, takes me ages to read and write as its all of a blur, only clear for a few mins at a time but should have one of my cataracts removed soon, television is used as a radio at the moment as I cannot see the faces, not always a bad thing, lol..
Just look at those eyes, naughty Caspar stalking the frogs again, little devil knows I cannot chase him tonight, lol…
26 Sep, 2013
Previous post: September and still looking good.
Next post: Our days in Paris ..Part One.... You have a choice of weather conditions. Wet, Wet or Very Wet...
Lincs it`s great to hear you sound so upbeat and following orders. Hope the recovery goes well and then you can get the eyes sorted.
26 Sep, 2013
Glad youve had your operation, and wish you a speedy recovery. Hope its not to long before you have your cataract seen too. Take care....
26 Sep, 2013
So glad to hear you being so positive Sue and I'm sure you will be up and about again in no time,with following orders :o)Once you get your eyes sorted,there will be no stopping you ..great news ,take care XXX
26 Sep, 2013
Have a good recovery and can I borrow you cat to get rid of the frogs in my front garden (they are coming from the brook that runs along one side of my fence, I think):) x
26 Sep, 2013
Great news Lincslass, take care and do as you are told and things will heal properly. Good luck with the eye op. hopefully it will soon be all over and done with. :O)
26 Sep, 2013
Wonderful news Lincslass, hope you have a speedy recovery and keep up on your exercises.
26 Sep, 2013
Great news!! Pleased it went well and that you are behaving, just don't over do it!
Best wishes xxx
26 Sep, 2013
What good news! now don't try to run before you can walk lol! Seriously, all the best for a very speedy recovery :)
26 Sep, 2013
Great news now its over take it easy and give it time to heal, hope you are soon fit and rested ;0)
26 Sep, 2013
I'm pleased for you Sue :o) And hope it won't be too long before you can get in the garden again ...
although it isn't really the weather for it today lol
Casper is lovely. I don't think I've seen a photo of him before. You seem to show more of the dogs - not that I dislike seeing them ... but you do show more of the dogs :o)
26 Sep, 2013
Hi Lincslass, glad your op went well, and you will soon be running round your garden.
Can you get audio description on your tv? my wife is registered blind, and relies tremendously on the a d, although most of the channels don't publish the fact that their programmes have it, the bbc in particular, either in the tv guides or on the electronic guide on the tv, you just have to put the programme on to find out, but it's a great help to anyone with sight problems, Derek.
26 Sep, 2013
Good news Lincslass - glad it all went well. It will be such a relief to get mobile again. Caspar is grand - Siamese colouring on a non Siamese shape - what breed is he?
26 Sep, 2013
Great news, hope you make a speedy recovery. Casper is beautiful!
26 Sep, 2013
Thankyou for all your good wishes, I am being good and doing my exercises, its felt a bit like dragging a lump of lead around today but I can get rid of the bulky dressing tomorrow so movement will be easier. I have discovered my tablets are too strong, made me dopey all day, not a good state to be in, LOL..
26 Sep, 2013
Caspar is the spoilt one in our house, he is a British Blue Pointer, his fur is very soft and his colour is best described as cream and mauve, they all have grumpy looking faces, quite the most comical cat we have ever had, he thinks he is the boss and therefore can go anywhere he chooses which even includes sharing our bedrooms during the day and the bathroom sink at night, its his favourite place to sleep, when he wants a drink we have to turn the tap on as that is how he prefers to quench his thirst,he is a talkative one as well and makes some really weird noises as he answers us, our son has his sister and she talks as well, lol, lovely family pet and likes to be with us although is a dab hand at avoiding the camera.....
27 Sep, 2013
Derek thankyou for that info, our telly has all sorts of programmes and settings, quite beyond my capabilities so I'll ask hubby (he's a Derek as well) to check that out for me, very important now Downton Abbey has returned.....
27 Sep, 2013
So pleased all went well Lincs, I'm sure your cataract op will go just as smoothly, apparently it works immediately:-))
27 Sep, 2013
that's brill news. yes do keep up the exercises and then you will soon be back in the garden.
27 Sep, 2013
I laughed when I saw the expression on Caspars face. He looks so disgusted with something we can not see. I'm glad the op went well and hopefully you will be back gardening soon.
28 Sep, 2013
Ba I can't wait to hopefully see things clearly, it does make you realise how precious some things are to us.
S'gran that expression is permanent, he is very grumpy looking, lol, the leg is healing well and pleased to say the stiffness is easing as the swelling goes down, tottering about now instead of a drunken wobble.....
28 Sep, 2013
Glad to read it all went well - wishing you a speedy recovery Lincslass.
I used to have a cat with a grumpy looking face just like Casper - he not only looked grumpy but was indeed a grumpy old man!
28 Sep, 2013
.Good luck with your recovery Lincslass, and I hope you're able to get out in the garden soon. Just take it gently.
29 Sep, 2013
Wishing you a speedy recovery and best wishes.
2 Oct, 2013
Just catching up again ! I hope you are feeling much fitter now , Sue.
4 Oct, 2013
I'm catching up too..............glad all went well Lincs, in for a few hours, they don't hang about these days do they? Glad you are able to get around, will you be able to garden again soon too? (Just to look around that is!!) :)
6 Oct, 2013
Thanks for the info on Caspar - he's gorgeous! I've never heard of that breed before. Sounds like a real character - hope we'll be seeing more of him!
6 Oct, 2013
Aha! I finally caught up with you! Hope the healing is going to plan...keep doing the exercises! :)
9 Oct, 2013
I see I'm not the only one playing catch here !
Great to hear your op went well & that you are able to get out & about once again! :-)) Hope you are still keeping up with your exercises.
10 Oct, 2013
Thankyou Karen and Balcony, pleased to say my knee is healing well although very stiff, so yes I have to keep doing the exercises....
10 Oct, 2013
Why is it that we all get lazy about doing exercises,even though we know they really help? Sorry...I don't know why I assume we all do that! but I certainly do, and it's very silly of me!
10 Oct, 2013
I know exactly what you mean Karen and to be honest I have surprised myself but the knee is so stiff its the only way to get it flexible again, I want to be able to run upstairs and be able to kneel down without someone having to help me get up again, plus be back in shape for next years gardening plans...
10 Oct, 2013
CK you ask : "Why is it that we all get lazy about doing exercises,even though we know they really help?"
Might it be because we find repetition to be very boring? I used to do some exercises for my back many years ago when I first began visiting a hospital in Madrid, Spain. I was prescribed back exercises & for a while I did do them but I became tired of doing t hem. I even tried watching TV at the same time but that didn't help much either.
Perhaps clubs are more effective because you are doing the same things as other people at the same time & perhaps that helps. Just a thought.
15 Oct, 2013
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Wishing you a speedy recovery, glad things went well.:-)
26 Sep, 2013