Absent Without Official Leave..
By lincslass
Hiya everybody, Susie has been in the wars again, as most of you know I am having my radiotherapy treatment, unfortunately a couple of weeks back I had a nasty reaction and my glands swelled up, I had been warned that this could happen and obeying instruction I sought immediate help from my own doctor who put me on a course of strong antibiotics, we already know from past experience that penicillin is a big no go for me so doc prescribed something different, they were huge, tasted nasty but they did do the trick and my glands went back to normal within a couple of days, unfortunately they were too strong for me and to put it in laymans terms I quite literally flipped my lid, everything went into hyper mode and I ended up being rushed into hospital, I have lost two days whereby I simply did not know where I was or what I was doing, (its not something I’d recommend) I spent nine days in hospital, been tested for just about everything including a MRI Scan on my poor bonce, it was very distressing and scary not only for me but my poor family as well, at one point we thought I’d suffered a mild stoke as I was unable to speak properly for five of those days, pleased to say I was able to go back on my therapy last Monday and so far apart from feeling tired for a few hours I have had no recurring nasty side effects showing up, my speech is now back to normal, a great relief to my piece of mind I don’t mind admitting..
Due to the fact that I was very upset at the state I was in, my hubby waited until I was back home again before informing me that I’d travelled to the hospital accompanied by a young policeman who held my hand all the way there and even went into the hospital with us, evidently I wouldn’t let anyone near me to start treating me, in these circumstances its usual for the police to be called, something that in normal circumstances I would have been petrified and mortified all at the same time. Would you believe it, 68yrs old and I get escorted into hospital with a police escort, I guess I was the gossip up our street for a few days and its now my claim to fame….
I am running a couple of days late but now will finish my course on Oct 1st, got to have more x-rays in approx four weeks time to check out my heart and lungs and due to see the specialist again in January…..He has given me the thumbs up and says I am back on track yet again……Sigh, we are getting there slowly…
27 Sep, 2015
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Oh dear,Sue..what an experience for you,and your family..that was some reaction you had..but so glad you came through it ok,and you are back on this planet! :o) It gives a whole new meaning,to 'keep taking the tablets,'doesn't it? Thank goodness for our NHS and the Police etc ,to be able to deal with circumstances like this..I hope you continue to make good progress,take care,and thanks for letting us know..I thought it strange I hadn't seen you for a while.. xx
28 Sep, 2015
Hi Sue ...
You are being very brave ... good thing people from NHS and police helped look after you... thanks for giving the update and I'm thinking of you and glad you are sounding so positive and looking forward to better days ahead.
x x x
28 Sep, 2015
Thank goodness for our brilliant police force and the NHS they do a wonderful job. We all moan at some times about them but in cases of emergency they are no doubt absolutely brilliant.
Hope you are soon feeling better and that all the treatments are effective. Keep smiling and you will get there in the end. With all the love and help from your family you will be out of the woods very soon. :O)
Best wishes to you all. :O)
28 Sep, 2015
Oh dear LL just take good care of yourself keep being positive .
28 Sep, 2015
Good grief Sue, how terrifying for everyone concerned, especially you! You are being very brave - what a relief to hear you are feeling rather better and that the end of the course is in sight.
Very best wishes - hang on in there.
28 Sep, 2015
What a terrifying experience for you - and everyone close to you. We're all so trusting about the drugs we have to take . . . not knowing any alternative . . . but when they combine things often seem to get worse. I'm so sorry that you had to go through such an ordeal, and wish you a good and peaceful recovery: lots of luck.
28 Sep, 2015
Oh my dear .......what a time you've had xxx
hope all goes smoothly from now on, big hugs ?
28 Sep, 2015
I wondered where you were Sue ... awful experience for you ... so pleased you have come through this and I know exactly how you felt during the MRI scan ... all that whirring and clanking ... been there, done that! Thank goodness for our emergency services :o))
28 Sep, 2015
After all that its lovely to hear you have the green light from your GP and you nack up and running nut take it easey. Life has its way of us feeling great and then a sudden doward fall glad you ve picked now though.
28 Sep, 2015
I'm so sorry you've been through a rough time of it Sue and am pleased you are looking up and on the mend , keep up the good work !! both me and my OH can't have penicillin its not always easy to let people now in an emergency , get well soon x
28 Sep, 2015
Crikey one step back but.....lots forward, let's hope!!
What an awful epxerience. Medicines are great things but also have a lot to answer for at times like that!
28 Sep, 2015
OMG, what an awful experience for you & your family. How scary! It's so easy to take it all for granted until something like that happens then we realise how vulnerable we are.
What a relief to hear you have the green light now tho.
28 Sep, 2015
I agree with all these comments. I always say ' When you are in trouble an Angel always appears' and 'God bless them for being there, and knowing what to do.'
You were able to write this long blog, which is an excellent sign. Well done !
28 Sep, 2015
Sue what a nasty thing to happen. Good to hear you are on the mend take care Denise x
28 Sep, 2015
Oh my goodness, you have been in the wars haven't you, you poor thing? You must have been so frightened as must your family. I'm pleased to read that you appear to now be making a full recovery. Why does it have to take such a terrible experience as this to make us realise we have a great NHS and a wonderful Police force. Although I'm sure you of all people already knew that. Sending you love and positive vibes for a continued recovery.
29 Sep, 2015
Oh Sue, what an awful experience ! At least you have come through it and I hope the rest of your radiotherapy goes well ! I can't have penicillin either and also get a bad reaction to antibiotics !
Thinking of you ! xxx
29 Sep, 2015
So sorry to hear the awful time you have had and so pleased you were treated so well and pleased that all is now progressing well for you very best wishes for your continued improvement x
29 Sep, 2015
Thankyou all, I am well on the way up now, easy steps is the way forward, lol, have been doing a couple of hours each day sorting out my g'houses for winter, potted up my geraniums and moved all my succulents back inside, the fuschias are still doing well outside but have space ready for them, also been changing the tubs and mangers over and they now have their winter heathers and violas underplanted with spring bulbs...
6 Oct, 2015
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Whew!!! Sounds like you ran off the road alright. Nice to see that you have others to take over the wheel and get you back onto smoother pavement. I wish you and your family a quiet and long respite from these difficult times.
28 Sep, 2015