A Visitor To My Garden
By nariz
I apologise to whoever I stole this blog title from – I know I’ve seen it a few times, but I just couldn’t think of anything else appropriate to show this lovely fella:
There he is! On the step above the thicker upright! I’ll move in a bit closer …..
Maybe from above …..
In leaning onto the top of the wall to take that photo I realised why he looked so cosy and happy …. it’s warm!
He stayed there for about half-an-hour, watching us watering the garden then, checked for him again – and he was gone – no doubt homing through the plants onto the huge snail I’d discovered hiding on the wall behind the sweet peas – and which was now a squashed mess on the patio! I’ve checked the squashed remains this morning and all I see are bits of shell – hope he enjoyed his snack. ;o)
14 Jul, 2012
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What a beauty! Lovely colouring - ours are much duller. A good sort of visitor, too - you don't have to feed them, make polite conversation or clean up after them!
14 Jul, 2012
Great! think i need one for my snails and slugs!
14 Jul, 2012
No apologies needed, Nariz - lovely to meet your lizard! (Our visitors were ducks - maybe you remember?).
14 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics Nariz, he`ll no doubt be back if you are on his route of places for finding food........
14 Jul, 2012
Ah - it was YOU, Sheila! I couldn't even remember what creatures the visitors were, let alone whose garden they visited! "Remember?" What's that? ;o)
Only sweeping up empty snail shells, Gattina! No probs there!
He's already a regular, Lincslass. We called the original 'George.' He used to live under my tray of tomato seedlings clearing off any beasties, then we kept finding him in various places in the garden - thought he was a quick mover - then discovered he was triplets! Since then we've spent many a happy moment on the lookout for 'George' - the best being last summer when a monster George used to lurk in the drainage hole from the above meadow, but never hung around long enough for a photo shoot!
14 Jul, 2012
BTW, Don't your pelargoniums look a treat? Such a vibrant colour. Very continental! I've got mine in exactly the same arrangement down the stone steps, but I must treat myself to some bigger terracotta pots - they set yours off so well.
14 Jul, 2012
Love your visitor and loved your photos and blog.
14 Jul, 2012
Thank you guys! Gattina, I bought six pelargoniums (confusingly referred to as 'geraniums' here!) in 2007 and took cuttings, then cuttings of cuttings, etc. etc. and now have around 42 plants, all of which over-winter on the balcony against the wall of the house. Not a bad haul at a starting price of €2.00 per original plant? Although I do possess several plastic pots, I have an aversion to them! Nothing beats terracotta! No doubt as my age progresses I'll revert to plastic as I'll be unable to haul them around as I do now.
14 Jul, 2012
I brought 6 tiny pelargonium seedlings from B & Q back in my suitcase back in May, and have filled the rest of the pots with cuttings taken from those. They cost £1.50. I lost virtually all the cuttings I made last year when we overwintered them in a too-well-insulated loft, and they all froze. :o((
14 Jul, 2012
Pelargoniums grow well from seed , and you two with your warmer climate ought to do nicely . You have probably done so of course .
We had lizards in Singapore , they lived in the house too , they called them "chit-chats " , I think an onomatapoeic name , as they could make an odd noise . Love your lizard , Nariz .
One lived under our dining table , and used to run over poeples' knees whilst they were eating , we didn't tell them about him, and odd glances used to be exchanged around the table !
14 Jul, 2012
That was a bit like Where's Wally lol lovely blog Nariz:)
14 Jul, 2012
Studied the first two pics....still couldn't see him! Once I saw the third pic - low and behold - he stood out like a sore thumb on the ones above after that...lol!
Lovely visitor to have Nariz - even more so that he eats the snails :)
14 Jul, 2012
How nice to see that in your garden :o) He's a lovely colour too lol
14 Jul, 2012
Yes, Driad - I've grown them from seed too. We visited a friend in India several times and loved the pattering sound of the little lizards' feet as they crept out at night from behind a picture on the wall (of fox hunting in Britain!) and gobbled up various beasties. Lovely creatures!
His colour is lovely, Hywel! Although he has to be careful as the colour stands out rather too well and he can be seen by flying raptors! We saw a Short-toed Eagle flying off to his offspring with a dangling snake yesterday. Lovely sight and everything has to eat but ... poor snake!
15 Jul, 2012
Like Nana & Scottish say it was a kind of "Where's Wally" moment but once found he did stand out like a "sore thumb"!
I spent many moments when living in Spain watching lizards only they weren't green but grey. They stay motionless for quite some time then they can dart away so suddenly that it gives you a start!
15 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics of the lizard he looked quite contented basking there :o))
15 Jul, 2012
Yes, Balcony - we're always watching where we put our feet! Although, as you say, the little wall lizards dart away so quickly! Handy little animals to have around as they clear up the beasties along the way. There's one who comes onto the balcony for 'coffee' with us - he waddles out into full view and just sits watching us with his head cocked slightly as though he's listening to us chat. We love watching them! :o)
16 Jul, 2012
They are beautiful aren't they - like miniature dragons.
20 Jul, 2012
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Interesting visitor .. glad you got the pics :o)
14 Jul, 2012