Late Cosmos and Self seeded Cosmos
By neellan
I planted my Cosmos seeds late this year, they are only just in flower and quite short so I planted them in pots,
However the plants I grew for my daughter last year self seeded in her garden and have been really lovely healthy tall specimens!
the Wisteria is flowering again too and is beginning to grow over the new pergola my son in law built into his newly laid pathway.
I’ve added another shot from different angle.
25 Aug, 2012
Previous post: Late Cosmos and other flowers against the odds
Next post: Last years Fuschia cuttings
Yes. I like the path.
26 Aug, 2012
Always pretty with a nice range of tones.
26 Aug, 2012
They are pretty and I,d love to grow the shorter ones its too windy here for the big ones
26 Aug, 2012
Nice to see the cosmos doing well. (all mine failed this year lol)
I like that path too :o)
Strange for the wisteria to flower in August. Never mind, it's a bonus ....
26 Aug, 2012
I've never tried them in pots,Neellan..and didn't know they would self seed..I might try and forsake some of the dead heading to see if mine do..The shorter ones are very nice too..mine are huge this year..but I love them..That Pergola looks very nice,and I love the path..reminds me of the old stone setts,we had in our last garden..still a lot on the lanes round here...
26 Aug, 2012
I have some I started from seed in the greenhouse and others that selfseeded themselves, they are all huge as is everything else, the amazing thing is the fact that some are white, all sorted by themselves, I`m collecting seed again and hoping to have some white again next year.
Lovely pics Neellan...
26 Aug, 2012
Mine failed too :( although the seedlings came up and were healthy the slugs & snails ate every one in the border!! Nice photos Nee.
26 Aug, 2012
They are easy to grow Suey I hope you give them a try next year :o)
Thank you Diane :o)
I agree Dwyllis such pretty colours :o)
I just planted them later more in hope than expectation Pam - end of May beginning of June I think :o)
Sorry your Cosmos failed Hywel probably slugs they strip them in a minute!! I love the path too he did a good job!the Wisteria had flowered earlier this is a second blooming - a bonus :o)
I didn't realise they self seed either Bloomer it was a nice surprise, I love their Pergola and path too, they used reclaimed setts which took some finding! :o)
Thank you Linsclass I hope you have success with your white seed collection, lovely aren't they :o)
Sorry you lost yours too Grandmage some of mine in a different pot were gobbled too, Thanks for liking my pics :o)
26 Aug, 2012
Thanks for liking Sticki and Drc :o)
26 Aug, 2012
They look lovely :o)
27 Aug, 2012
Thank you Geranium :o)
27 Aug, 2012
I've only just caught up with this blog, Neellan - such beautiful flowers, cosmos. I only sowed some this year for the first time, and they've been magical, however, with the end of the hot dry and the onset of the hot wet, this year's flowers, which have been seeding themselves all summer, have yielded a brand new crop of thousands of baby cosmos, which are growing madly. Who knows, they may flower by November! Does this mean I won't get any seedlings NEXT year, do you think? I'm hoping there are a few stray ones lying dormant, because the current ones certainly won't survive winter. Maybe I should just dig all the babies up. Feels wrong, somehow. :o(
18 Sep, 2012
Hi Neena.
Those Cosmos are so pretty :o)))
18 Sep, 2012
Thank you Gattina I would imagine the remaining flowers will seed for next year but to be on the safe side i would dig a few baby ones up and pot them on for next year just in case. This is only the second year I've grown them, good luck with yours :o)
Thank you TT I was there today they are still lovely :o)
18 Sep, 2012
Good idea, Neellan. Thank you for that. Our seedlings are growing so darned fast, at least a couple already have flower buds on them!
19 Sep, 2012
Goodness they are doing well, I'll have to check my daughter's garden to see if her Cosmos are doing likewise!!
19 Sep, 2012
They certainly did well. Have you tried the new one which is pink and has a button sticking out in the middle?
20 Sep, 2012
No Wells mine were just a packet of mixed seeds, but I will look out for that one :o)
20 Sep, 2012
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do they grow easy from seed? might give them ago next time if they do. :O)
25 Aug, 2012