Guess where I have been today??
By Stickitoffee

11 May, 2012
This was such a lovely day ~ wonderful plants, very nice weather and even more ~ GoY friends to meet, laugh with, chat to!
Comments on this photo
11 May, 2012
i liked it SL ~ thank you
got it in one Oji!!!
11 May, 2012
I think we need that colour right now Sticki. Glad you had a good time. :0)
11 May, 2012
actually pimms it made me think of your photo with all your plants together [and the vase] ~ just shows what can be done with lots of things all put together.
11 May, 2012
How lovely :)
11 May, 2012
Nah...I just bung mine in where there is a gap.
11 May, 2012
nice and cheerful i thought pixi!!
i wish you could have come too HB, it was lovely
maybe they bunged these in too pimms???
11 May, 2012
I doubt it...We could do a GoY stand...We all turn up on the day with whatever and bung it in and see?
11 May, 2012
Oh that would be really good! A few of us met up today but we paid money for new plants instead!
It would make an interesting blog - what would you bring to the flower bed? - and then maybe bampy (when he gets back from his travels) could put them all together in a picture!?
11 May, 2012
Oh totally! Its jsut beautiful :)
12 May, 2012
does it make you smile pixi ~
it made me :-)
12 May, 2012
very nice :)))))
12 May, 2012
thanks mark!!! i rather think they have put all their best plants in pots and pushed them tightly together ~ but it certainly makes an eye-catching display!!
12 May, 2012
It would make a fabulous jig-saw Sticki , I'm glad you had another lovely day out it's too far away from us i'm afraid :o(
12 May, 2012
That is exactly what I do Sticki..All in pots, and when you get bored you lift them up and move them about.
12 May, 2012
what a shame amy, would be lovely to meet you, im lucky arent i ~ lots of people nearby and a show to go to!!!
i think pots are great pimms, but i havent quite got the hang of them, got a corner spot that would look great with a planted pot but really very very little sun ~ any suggestions?? tallest plant ideally 2 ft???
12 May, 2012
Have you seen this site Sticki
I think it is brilliant for shade gardens....I don't have any shade..:(
12 May, 2012
oooooooooh thats a lovely site ~ thanks pimms ~ hope i dont have to work too many extra hours to afford some of those!!!
12 May, 2012
no shade??? i will share mine but i have to say its probably the shade loving plants i love best.
12 May, 2012
I really like the Actaea 'Black Negligee'
12 May, 2012
is that a plant or some clothing pimms??
12 May, 2012
Could be both ;)
12 May, 2012
i did wonder!!!
is the non-clothing item in the picture??
12 May, 2012
No, it is on the website in the link...Lol scented and Shade loving.
12 May, 2012
ah i see, one suitable for my garden, sorry i thought you meant for your garden!!
i shall have a look. i was trying to find it in the photo!!
12 May, 2012
oh i found it ~ its really nice.
12 May, 2012
Pleased you had a lovely day.
12 May, 2012
thanks clarice, it was a good day
12 May, 2012
beautifull display sticki and glad you enjoyed your day :o)) think clarice was going as she asked me but wasnt sure i would be well enough, i will get there one day ;o))
12 May, 2012
Glad you had a good day. Lovely photos, such a lot of colour and shape.
12 May, 2012
oh sanbaz thats a real shame, i really hope you will get to one of them
clarice did you go on a different day?
thanks gee, quite bright isnt it!!
12 May, 2012
Looks a lovely day out Sticki. Lots of colour there.
14 May, 2012
wow Sticki - that's a lovely photograph
14 May, 2012
It was lovely, thanks Linda, and thanks Paul, they make it easy to take photos with all the lovely colours they put together!
14 May, 2012
That's a WOW photo there Sticks.
16 May, 2012
almost needed the sunglasses!!!
16 May, 2012
Indeed! Lovely eve here tonight also. Had to fight over a chair with Sluggy...she was trying to weedle her way onto my lap!
16 May, 2012
aw, bet its lovely there!!! there is a beautiful copper beech i can see from my window just coming out ~ but its not a patch on your garden!!!!
16 May, 2012
Aw thank you. Those copper beeches are just fab though.
16 May, 2012
it is pretty but it hasnt got the space and the light you have ~ nor are sluggy jazzy and pru running round.
16 May, 2012
Lucky you, I love that show, too far now for us to attend, did you see Vicky Fox (Heucheras) she had a beautiful show and won a gold....
16 May, 2012
I saw vicky's husband, he was nice, she had gone shopping he said! Their stand was beautiful, I got a tiarella from them.
17 May, 2012
They have some beautiful plants for sale, I hardly dare look.....
17 May, 2012
im afraid i could only afford one!!!
17 May, 2012
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that's lovely Sticki,,,
11 May, 2012