Happy Hellebores :o)
By Terratoonie

11 Jan, 2016
Every winter, these flower well in my back garden.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Siris ...
They have lovely markings and super colours.
11 Jan, 2016
Beautiful little works of art.
11 Jan, 2016
Hi Thorneyside .. That's a lovely description !
11 Jan, 2016
I like the way these show their faces. All mine droop face down. Very pretty.
11 Jan, 2016
Hello Gee... thanks, yes... some of the faces droop over, but others tilt up to show off their pretty patterns.
11 Jan, 2016
Just beautiful Terra.
11 Jan, 2016
Very nice, TT! :-))
11 Jan, 2016
So pretty.
I like to see their faces too, feel like putting little props under the droopy ones.
12 Jan, 2016
Such a lovely colour Terra, some of mine end up with a greenish tinge.....not "good look!"
12 Jan, 2016
Thanks everyone ...
In the chilly months, these hellebores are real delight to see. :o)
12 Jan, 2016
Loved this on your blog too - very desirable!
12 Jan, 2016
Thanks Stera ... this is a different photo, very different angle, but same lovely hellebore !
12 Jan, 2016
A friend has giving me one and he said to plant it in a shady part of the garden which I have done. It is just starting to flower, it looks like a whitish green colour. If it takes I will upload a photo. I will be pleased
if it looks half as nice as yours Terratoonie .
12 Jan, 2016
Thanks Johnjoe ... I hope your hellebore grows well. Mine are in quite shady areas. The petal colours change a bit as the flowers open.
12 Jan, 2016
Oh TT, this quite took my breath away, it's stunning!
12 Jan, 2016
Simply beautiful TT such a pretty variety :o)
13 Jan, 2016
Thanks Julia and Neena. It is now producing even more flowers! :o)
13 Jan, 2016
Helebores are a lovely flower to light up the garden in wintertime TT. Your plant is so pretty with an upright habit too. Mine are in bloom now. I don't understand how there are white ones. Maybe self seeders do not come true?
13 Jan, 2016
Absolutely beautiful Terra ! I really should put these on my shopping list ! xx
15 Jan, 2016
Thanks Dorjac and Rose ...
Some of the flower heads are upright and some lean over a little, but they are very attractive. x x x
15 Jan, 2016
Very Pretty and rigid Plant, Terra :-))) xxx
16 Jan, 2016
Hi Junna .. thanks...
I'm very pleased with this Hellebore.
:o) x x x
16 Jan, 2016
They're lovely and they don't hang their heads either.
18 Jan, 2016
very nice!
18 Jan, 2016
Thanks Arbuthnot and Naoto ...
some of the hellebore flower heads look forward, and some hang down, but they are very worthwhile winter plants.
18 Jan, 2016
fab colour , much prefer a strong colour to washed out looks great, best pink I have seen on here
18 Jan, 2016
Hi Gnarly .. thanks ..
these have pretty colour petals ...
18 Jan, 2016
Such pretty ones, and so many of them too.
19 Jan, 2016
Thanks Chris ... even more buds now !
20 Jan, 2016
Very attractive TT, especially with the burgundy freckles...;o) Why is it that mine are bowing? I love being able to see the pretty faces... :o)
2 Mar, 2016
Thanks Tracey ..
some of my hellebores bow their heads
especially if they've been weighed down by wet weather.
7 Mar, 2016
Mine don't even look as if they are going to flower. Wonder why.
7 Mar, 2016
Are the leaves looking healthy Arbuthnot ?
Did they have sufficient drainage over the winter ...
not sat in very damp soil ?
7 Mar, 2016
Well, the soil is heavy clay and though we've added rotted manure a couple of times in the 2 years we've been here perhaps it's not enough. The leaves looked spotted and ragged too.
8 Mar, 2016
It's a good idea to take off quite of lot of the leaves and make sure drainage is good. Let's hope they flower for you next year. My hellebores in pots do better than those in the ground .. more flowers ..
8 Mar, 2016
Thanks Terra. We did bring these with us and I don't think they liked a move as there are very few leaves too. We have had a lot of rain though so if we have some dry weather they might recover. If not I'll replace them.
8 Mar, 2016
Sometimes it is just a case of finding the place in a garden which a plant prefers ... better drainage, and part shade perhaps.
8 Mar, 2016
9 Mar, 2016
Thank you Dotty ...
9 Mar, 2016
So lovely..I need to get some photos of mine that are just beginning to bloom.
6 Feb, 2024
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Pretty in pink.
11 Jan, 2016