Bonsai ~ my wonderful Welsh Terrier ~ 26 October 1995 ~ 21 November 2008
By Terratoonie

23 Nov, 2008
Bonsai is now in doggie heaven. I hope you enjoy this happy photo taken in my back garden of Bonsai surrounded by spring flowers.
Goodbye to my special furry friend ~ companion, garden helper, show-dog, and a delightful performer at charity dog trick displays.
This photo is a celebration of fun-filled, happy years with my beautiful boy :o)
Comments on this photo
So sorry Terra..Goodbye Bonsai we will remember you..Percy and Deida XX
23 Nov, 2008
I'm so sorry to hear about Bonsai.
It's a terrible time when you lose a very much loved friend.
23 Nov, 2008
Thank you Amy, Percy, Deida and Hywel.
And thanks to all GoY members who have been so supportive at this difficult time. Your many private messages have been a great help.
Please be assured this is a happy photo. This is a springtime picture, full of hope, to celebrate the years of fun-filled times and love Bonsai showered upon me.
23 Nov, 2008
How very sad,can#t stop crying for you, good bye Bonsai, know how much you were loved, treasure all your precious memories Terra, take care, luv Pansy P. xx
23 Nov, 2008
So sorry you lost your special friend, I couldn't help but cry when I read the news. He couldn't have wished for a more loving, caring owner and I know he will always be with you in your heart.
23 Nov, 2008
~ I know there is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better~ but please know that we are thinking about you and if there is anything we can do to help~ just say!
23 Nov, 2008
Thank you PansyP ~ I can't stop crying either.
The past two days I couldn't even focus on my keyboard, but times will get better.
Gillian and Arlene ~ thanks for your kind thoughts. I loved that little dog so much.
23 Nov, 2008
I checked on you yesterday TT when I finally got back my internet connection. I saw that you had been quiet, most unusual! You made all the right decisions for him and he will have known that. Bless Bonsai, take care of yourself.
23 Nov, 2008
You did as PG said make all the right decisions and with perfect love Terra..I know that is one of the things we always wonder about were a true blessing for him as he was for and hugs and kisses ~Cj
23 Nov, 2008
Aw....TT....I have been thinking the same as Pottygardener and wondering where you choked too, he was a beautiful friend for you.....take care XX
23 Nov, 2008
Even in the short time that we followed his exploits Jacqui and I (and Ed) had started to think of him as a friend and true character. Just try to be happy about his life as well as sad about his leaving.
23 Nov, 2008
Your photo of lovely Bonsai and your words say it all. Thinking of you, Special regards from Steve.
23 Nov, 2008
Sorry to hear of you lose. He was a beautiful looking dog.kind regard to you and Bonsai.
23 Nov, 2008
Pottygardener, Catfinch, Janey ~ All your kinds words are helping to heal the emptiness I feel inside right now. Thank you.
John, Steve, LynWV ~ Thank you.
I surprised myself by being brave enough to call a halt, and helped Bonsai to doggie heaven, just before I thought he was going to start being in pain.
So he didn't suffer and that's a comfort.
23 Nov, 2008
Lovely photo Terratoonie,
We all felt we knew Bonsai, glad you let him go in peace.
Best wishes to you,
Thinking of you,
Doctor Bob.
23 Nov, 2008
Thanks Doctor Bob and Sylvia ~
Springtime photos always seem the happiest, full of hope for the new season.
The support I'm getting from GoY members is easing the pains of my loss. Thank you.
23 Nov, 2008
Hello again TT,
We loved the photo so much, had to add it to our favourites, will love looking at it.
God Bless Bonsai,
Bob & Sylvia.
23 Nov, 2008
Beautiful Bonsia Sitting There
With The Sunlight Putting Gold In Your Hair,
No More Pram`s Or Mower`s Will You Push
But My How You Enjoyed Honey Around Your Mush,
So In Doggy Heaven You`ve Taken Your Place
Bringing Tear`s & Sadness To Our Face,
You`l Be Missed By 1 & All
How You Ran & Chased The Ball,
Many Many Tricks TT Taught
So In Doggy Heaven Youl Be A Fab Sport,
Bet Youl Get A Oylmpics Team Going Up There
Chasing Rubber Whellies No Balls Like Down Here,
So TT Heres Some Love & Thoughts Coming From Me
Your Dear Caring Friend JACQUE XXXXXXXX
23 Nov, 2008
~ I'm glad about that TT ~
~it is the most awful decision to make but I'm sure it was the right one for him and you~you can take comfort from the fact that you helped him right to the end~and that he appreciated it!
look after yourself!
23 Nov, 2008
What a beautiful photo of lovely, clever Bonsai. RIP, furry friend.
TT - I am weeping too - it's so sad for you, but you did the right thing and just remember that he had a happy, happy life with you.
Hugs, Spritz. XX
23 Nov, 2008
Oh, Jacque ~
That's a brilliant poem.
You've got everything in there.
mowers, and honey, and sunshine, and olympics and wellies.
Thank you so much.
I reckon Summer helped you with that line about the honey. Lol.
What a lovely thought to write that. Thank you. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
Your more than Welcome TT glad u liked it :)XXX & Summer sends her Love & Deepest Sympahtys 2 & Z Yummi Honey ;)
23 Nov, 2008
Our messages are getting beautifully muddled here, but I reckon we can all work out the threads.
Arlene ~ thanks. You look after yourself too. We've both had a few tough weeks haven't we. :o)
Thank you Spritz. Please send Henry a hug from Conker the Sheltie, and Crocus the budgie, neither of whom quite understands what's going on.
Crocus thinks it will help if he moults even more pretty green feathers, and Conker is keeping busy by stacking up blue B&Q flower pots all around my kitchen and studio. The pets are doing their best to keep me cheerful. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
Doctor Bob and Sylvia ~
Thanks. I've just found your message about making the photo one of your favourites. I know this puts it next to Shirleypoppy's field of poppies and Jacque's poppy Remembrance card, so a special thank you, as that is such a lovely place for Bonsai to be ~ among the poppies. I'm going over now to have a look at him on your favourites. Thank you. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
Sorry for belated condolences only found this by scrolling back through photos.
So sad as he obviously meant the world to you and sure you will feel a large gap has been left in your life.
Jane has been through this 4 times in the last 20 years and her philosophy has been to give them all the love they need when they are alive and even more when time is right for them to go.
Its to your great credit that you found the strength to put your own feelings to one side and do the right thing for Bonsai.
Both thinking of you.
23 Nov, 2008
Im so sorry to hear about Bonsai TT, im also in shock as i thought he had a while left with you .. You both had a deep love for each other and he had a great life ...You were with him untill the end which will be a comfort to you ..... Love Dee...
23 Nov, 2008
Bonsai is in my favorites too TT...I have almost as many as you though so it may take a bit to find it...~Cat
23 Nov, 2008
It's hard not to be sad, for we should be glad that Bonsai is now pain-free and at peace. Best Wishes from all of us here. XX
23 Nov, 2008
BB and Jane ~ thanks.
Yes, Jane has the right philosophy. Love for the pet can be so strong that your own feelings at that very important moment don't matter. You do what is right for the beloved animal.
Hi Dee ~
I was lucky that the vet's magic medicine meant Bonsai did enjoy his 13th birthday and a few weeks more. As with you, I'm still in shock. He was so very fit up until end of September, so all rather sudden.
Cat ~
I'm glad that Bonsai is on your favourites. Thank you. I will check it out to see what pictures he has nearby on your page. I seem to have a lot of wellies, budgies and amazing Sausage Trees. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
Hi David ~
Yes, please be glad that Bonsai had a good life.:o)
It's often puzzling as to whether to give a picture a like ~
Some recent GoY examples ~
Islander's lovely wall blowing down,
Hywel's plant stand torn to shreds in the gales,
and Spritz facing the amazing cow invasion.
But I gave them all 'likes' as a gesture of support !
I hope none of them thought I like what had happened.
Thanks for you kind wishes, and I hope young Lucky the Border Terrier is doing well. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
TT, please accept my apologies for offering my late condolences. So shocked and upset as I type with a tear in my eye. Time to take care of yourself now. He had a wonderful, fun, long life, loved by a wonderful Mum. My thoughts are with you TT. Dawn
23 Nov, 2008
Awww - hugs for you TT - I was just wondering how Bonsai was getting on. Bless him.
23 Nov, 2008
Hi Dawn ~
Thank you.
Yes, I'm having trouble sleeping, but I guess that's not surprising.
Conker the Sheltie has just practised a super trick routine with 'real noises' vacuum cleaner, mops, buckets and brushes, so we're bravely moving onward together.
Though, as usual, Conker is doing far more than his share of the housework. I just tell him my motto :
Gardening forever, housework whenever. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
Oh toonie my heart goes out to you.
I had to make a similar decision with my dog the year before my husband passed. She was 16 and so faithfull. She was Border collie & Lab, so sweet and always herding us her pack and loved to play frisby in her younger days.
She was suffering and in pain and we couldn't bear it any longer so it had to be. I was with her on a blanket on the floor with her head in my lap and would not have wanted any other way.
Your Bonsai had a wonderful life with you and you have that to remember. Bonsai is always with you toonie, you just can't see him with your physical eyes.
Gloria x
23 Nov, 2008
Sid ~ thanks for the hugs.
I'll give them to Conker who is a bit confused by the changes going on. xxx
Gloria ~ Thanks for your support.
Sixteen was a very good age for your faithful old dog, and you were very brave to face the decision to save her from pain. Yes, Bonsai will always be in my heart. xxx
23 Nov, 2008
Sorry to hear your sad news TT xxx
23 Nov, 2008
I am so sorry for your loss. I am new to this group so I have not seen or read all the postings about your special Bonsai but those I have seen have greatly impressed and amazed me. He was truelly unique. I have been where you are now and I feel for you. Blessings.... x
23 Nov, 2008
Deeply sorry for your loss! : (
23 Nov, 2008
Beautiful photo of your boy..
Take care.
24 Nov, 2008
So sorry to hear that you lost Bonsai......not been here long but everyone is like family.........just thank heavens for memories and your photos.......Cory
24 Nov, 2008
Janette, Joyoustub, Wohlibuli, Newfienurse, and Cory ~
Your many messages are helping a great deal to fill the emptiness here. Some of you are newer the group, but we are all one big friendly worldwide GoY family.
Thanks so much for your thoughts. Conker my Sheltie and Crocus my budgie are doing their best to make things cheerful. :o)
24 Nov, 2008
Sending a hug TT so sorry for loss of beautiful Bonsai.
24 Nov, 2008
Thanks, Scotkat.
I'll pass the hug onto Conker who is still confused about where Bonsai has gone. xxx
24 Nov, 2008
I so feel for you take care .
24 Nov, 2008
This poem on a sympathy card I recieved on the loss of my parents means a lot to me and has special place inmy heart .
This for you TT.
A rose once grew where all could see.
Sheltered behind a garden wall,andas the days passed swiftly by,it spread its branches straight and tall.
One day.
A beam of light shone through a crevice that had opened wide .
the rose bent gently towards its warmth then passed to the other side.
24 Nov, 2008
Scotkat ~
That poem is so beautiful.
I'm making a special book for Bonsai and I'll put this poem in it.
Thank you so much. xxx
24 Nov, 2008
I thought you would like this.
24 Nov, 2008
TT,I am so sorry for the loss of beautiful Bonsai.I was hoping that with medication he would be able to go on for a bit longer.No words can help the pain you are going through but please be assured that it was for the best and even though Bonsai has now gone over the Rainbow Bridge he is now Healthy and Happy along with all the new doggy friends he has made over there.
He will always be with you every day in whatever you do and wherever you go.Always keep the memories in your heart of the special relationship that you both shared.....Take Care Tina2xxxxx
R.I.P. Bonsaixxxxxx
24 Nov, 2008
Tina 2 ~
Thanks for your kind words.
I still can't believe he has gone.
I'm missing him so much, but keeping the memories. xxx
24 Nov, 2008
TT Keep your pecker up Bonsia will always be part of you.
24 Nov, 2008
Scotkat ~
You're always there with encouraging words.
Thanks. :o)
24 Nov, 2008
~how is Conker coping?is he ok?Are you OK?
24 Nov, 2008
Can't say where I've been that I missed this...Oh heart goes out to you.
25 Nov, 2008
Lori ~
Thank you. I've sent you a personal message.
Please don't worry about missing Bonsai's photo.
It's not easy to keep track of everything.
Lately I've understandably missed a lot on GoY
and I haven't yet caught up with everything,
so apologies to those members whose photos and blogs I might have missed.
25 Nov, 2008
Arlene ~
Thanks for asking about Conker.
I've started practising more trick routines with him, and he has even tried out Bonsai's birthday mower. Conker has volunteered to take over Bonsai's mowing duties.
Conker does sometimes actively look for Bonsai, but I keep it simple, if painful for me, with the words "all gone", which Conker understands.
I've had proper sleep for the first time in several weeks. What a difference that makes. So we're making progress :o)
25 Nov, 2008
You must be totally exhausted we are all here for you TT.
25 Nov, 2008
So glad that you are sleeping better.
Please rest and take care of yourself. We need you here when you feel better.
Love Bob & Sylvia
25 Nov, 2008
Hi Scotkat ~
How are you ?
I've had some rest and sleep.
Makes everything that bit easier. :o)
25 Nov, 2008
My wife loved your poem, she has copied it off. Hope you don't mind.
Doctor Bob.
25 Nov, 2008
Hello Doctor Bob and Sylvia ~
Gradually getting back into things.
Your kind messages have been a great help. :o)
25 Nov, 2008
Fantastic poems above from Jacque and from Scotkat.
And also Skippy has separately uploaded a photo with poem, which is another good one. I'm so thankful for all these. They will all be with other photos and photos of Bonsai in a special folder. Thanks. :o)
25 Nov, 2008
DoctorBob I certainly dont mind thsi is special to me its on a sypathy card which is very close to my heart as 2yrs ago I lots my Dad then two weeks after my Mum shame they coudl not have had joint funeral but scattered ashes together then 6months afer my brother birth family wipe out.
Sorry to take over TT but yes Doctor Bob this is a lovley poem.
25 Nov, 2008
Scotkat ~
You're not taking over.
Everyone is welcome. :o)
It's interesting to know how special that poem is for you. xxx
25 Nov, 2008
Oh TT sorry I got to hear this rather late, Bonsai is surely in Doggy Heaven RIP Bonsai Dearest, you lovely cuddly pet.
Take care of yourself TT and stay blessed always.
25 Nov, 2008
Thanks Panther.
I'll reply to your lovely private message tomorrow.
25 Nov, 2008
what can I say but second everything the others have already said much more eloquently than I could do, I'm sure I speak for the others when I say we share your pain, even from his picture we could all see what a delightful little chap he was, and he was lucky to have you as his friend
25 Nov, 2008
John ~
You are VERY eloquent because "delightful little chap" so well sums up Bonsai the Welsh Terrier.
Thank you xxx
25 Nov, 2008
We are so sorry to hear of the sad loss of your faithful and loyal friend.
We are sure you will have lots of happy memories, and we are thinking of you and send our love.
With kind regards,
Grenville and Alan.
25 Nov, 2008
So sorry to hear of Bonsai's passing. I know he will be deeply missed, as he was deeply loved by you and your family. You are in our thoughts, take care of yourself, and best wishes for a brighter tomorrow.
25 Nov, 2008
Grenville, Alan and Flcrazy ~
Thanks so much for your messages.
Yes. There are so many happy memories.
Bonsai is very deeply missed.
Conker my Shetland Sheepdog and Crocus my budgie are both helping to keep me cheerful.
The support of everyone on GoY has been amazing and thank you all so much. :o)
26 Nov, 2008
TT im so sorry to hear about Bonsai's passing.
a beautiful loyal friend who is runnning around now in doggie heaven xx
26 Nov, 2008
Hello Irish ~
Yes, Bonsai is definitely in doggie heaven.
Panther told me today that Doggie Angels are serving Bonsai all his meals. Isn't that a lovely idea.
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
Much appreciated. :o)
26 Nov, 2008
that is a beautiful thought TT,
hope Bonsai is up there with my old dog scrappy
26 Nov, 2008
Scrappy is having meals served on a golden dish. :o)
26 Nov, 2008
Awwwwwwww, I'm so sorry ((((((Friendly hug))))))
Bonsai will meet Arabela in Doggie's heaven... they will make company to each other...:o)
27 Nov, 2008
Hello Aleyna ~
Arabela is a lovely name for a dog.
I bet she was wonderful. :o)
There's a whole group of them up there with their wings on, having a great time in doggie heaven. Thanks for your kind thoughts and hugs.
27 Nov, 2008
Oh terratoonie i am so sorry i logged in after not being on for a while and was so sad to see your news, Bonsai had a wonderful life and you must feel blessed he shared it with you, my thoughts are with you and the rest of your family.
28 Nov, 2008
Hello Sewingkilla ~
Thanks for your kind thoughts.
It is just me with C & C now.
Conker the Sheltie and Crocus the budgie.
They are both doing their best to make me happy :o)
28 Nov, 2008
Xela has just uploaded a photo of wonderful 17 year old Jasper.
Any dog lovers, please take a look
He's lovely. Thanks. :o)
30 Nov, 2008
Very sorry about Bonsai. A sad time. Fantastic photo and no doubt wonderful memories. Lots of love xx Leo
1 Dec, 2008
Thanks Leo.
Your lovely photos of Roxie are warming my heart, so keep on putting those on GoY please. :o) xxx
1 Dec, 2008
TT I am so sad. I have just seen Bonsai. I am so very sorry. There are no words. Im thinking of you Maureen
1 Dec, 2008
Thank you Maureen.
I didn't tell you the news yesterday.
Wanted you to enjoy showing your holiday photos.
I'm missing Bonsai so much.
Conker and Crocus are doing their best to get me in the Christmas spirit.:o)
1 Dec, 2008
I think Everyone on GOY will miss Bonzai, He as such a lovely character
and that is a lovely poem Jaque it sums up how we all felt about him passing on
8 Dec, 2008
Islander ~
Nice to hear from you.
My house seems very empty without Bonsai.
I hope Lassie is doing well up there in the Orkneys. :o)
8 Dec, 2008
Hi TT know the feeling well....this is Jane...that empty feeling stays with you always....but you fill it with other things love to you x
14 Dec, 2008
Thank you Jane. I'm still have trouble adjusting.
You're right. The empty feeling doesn't disappear.
You just get more used to living with it.
I am so lucky to have Crocus the budgie and Conker the
15 Dec, 2008
am new to this site, and thought what a clever dog..wish mine was too..sorry to hear that..I like to think he is clowd mowing up there..
16 Jan, 2009
What a wonderful thought, that Bonsai is mowing the clouds.
Thank you. :o)
Your Greyhound looks lovely in your photo.
17 Jan, 2009
Tis always sad to have to say goodbye to our pets, isn't it? Are you after a while going to have another pet? Ours is this Jan. 5th 12 years old and we know that by the time we have to say goodbye to ours. we won't be in a position to have another one and raise it. As we'll be having to think that we might not outlive our pet and we don't want to be in that position. We cared too much how our pets are taken care of and we see so often that it just isn't the way we would like it to be, you see?
But if you can have another pet in a little while, it might fill an empty space in your heart! I wish you well in the coming months. kind regards from brush
2 Feb, 2009
Thank you, brush.
I am lucky in that I still have Conker the Shetland Sheepdog, and Crocus the budgie which you can see on my other photos.
Your dog is doing well at 12 years old. One option for you in the future might be to take on an older dog from a Rescue Centre. There are often very nice dogs of perhaps 7 or 8 or 9 years old, looking for a comfortable home. Just an idea.:o)
best wishes, TT.
2 Feb, 2009
poor lad crackin photo love it thats well drawable.
11 Feb, 2009
Yes, I just can't afford to pay you what you would rightly deserve for such a drawing. :o)
11 Feb, 2009
maybe not maybe you do something i dont and we can swap skills.maybe you got something you dont want that i always open to offers.
11 Feb, 2009
I could give you advice on getting the Terrier to look right for your fountain. Lol.
11 Feb, 2009
~sometimes the local RSPCA centre has to take dogs who's owners have died but still have 2~3 years left,
Nice animals who have been well looked after and need a good home .
They can specify who they want as owners ie no boisterous children etc. and they nearly all find homes after home visits to asess suitability.
The staff try hard to make sure they have a happy final few years and are genuinely pleased when the owners keep in touch and bring them along on open days. It is very worth while.
11 Feb, 2009
That's right, Arlene.
Also, some rescue centres, in certain circumstances when re-homing older dogs, will pay towards vet bills associated with elderly pets.
12 Feb, 2009
when you bye a pedegree and im guilty you leave another dog homeless.
12 Feb, 2009
Ironically, a lot of pedigree dogs are homeless.
12 Feb, 2009
Yes pedigree pets can be as badly handled as any other and forced to act out...then the owners expecting them to behave sweetly no matter what send them off or abuse them as easily as a mutt...I took in my Sasha, Maltese pedigree, when she could no longer be kept by the grand daughter of a lady who had passed away...She was a love and I had her for 10 years...she was people oriented but when another dog came into our home...she did well with it...even when the pup would reach under the chair Sasha had gone under to get away from the pup and drag her out by her tail...ever so gently mind youand in slow motion it pup was a black lab and shepard she grew up,Sasha became her idol and she followed her was comical to watch this big black dog trailing after a minature certainly know no difference in who is pedigreed and who is not among them...
12 Feb, 2009
Lovely to hear the stories of wonderful relationships which build up between pets !
12 Feb, 2009
Bet Bonsai would have been well chuffed that he has made people think about re-homing well done Bonsai!
12 Feb, 2009
Yes, with the credit crunch, animal rescue organisations are getting even more dogs, cats, bunnies etc, to re-home.
12 Feb, 2009
lets face it i know im a hypacrit theres a good reasen mongrels generaly do better.its because they have a large gene pool.the kennel club excepts still father and daughter mixes .surly that is moraly wrong.there would and should be uproar if people behaved that way.i know if got a sharpi but the other 2 arnt pure.even jerry is one part clumber and seven parts going to in my defence breed sausage with a french bulldog but not another sharpi i dont think.pedegrees will nearly always get homes .mongrals dont realy.dogs go out of my house in a box if you know what i mean.people dont realy apreciate just how inteligent animals many of you have herd someone say ,its only a dog .
12 Feb, 2009
We can get attached to any pet.
Yes, I've heard 'It's only a dog'.
Also heard 'It's only a budgie'.
If it is a creature which you love, then no matter whether it is a rabbit, hamster, cat, gerbil, whatever. They are all special :o)
12 Feb, 2009
And dont they make us feel better and they only ask for a warm place to sleep and food and affection, more people should be like animals!!
12 Feb, 2009
I agree, Sewingkilla.
Our pets give unconditional love.
12 Feb, 2009
definatly ive put that blog back up that i took down i just reworded it.if you want to know anything about any of the pictures just ask
12 Feb, 2009
I've just looked at your blog, Noseypotter.
Lots of good photos :o)
13 Feb, 2009
thanx terra you going to get another dog and if so what would you breeding my sharpi with a french bulldog in about 6 months.check out bull pi`s on google or ow pi`s bye for now
13 Feb, 2009
Hi NP ~
Check out my latest photo.
Might answer your question. :o)
terra x
13 Feb, 2009
lovley puppy but they all are realy
13 Feb, 2009
Yes, they are all lovely :o)
13 Feb, 2009
unlike us humans
13 Feb, 2009
NP..I like to think I am lovely....and I like to think you are the dog world they have their feelings about their own interactions with each other entertain me to no end...LOL...and look how they all clamour for our over the other...and how they all are long as they all get the same amount of attention...but sulk when they don't for one reason or another.
13 Feb, 2009
well there like us in that sense just a lot more honest about it lol
13 Feb, 2009
Oh they can be sneaky about it...I have seen the little games they play with each other...little sneaky rascals stealing blankets and bones from one
13 Feb, 2009
i love watching but i try to do it calmly and subtly so they dont catch on .got my own wildlife program in my living room lol
13 Feb, 2009
Beautiful dog - so sorry you had to lose him. Bet he did well in the show-ring though?
17 May, 2009
Thanks... Yes he was a super show dog and clever performing tricks too.
Wonderful temperament. Very much missed. :o)
17 May, 2009
What a sweet looking dog so cuddly it looks. So sad, but a nice memory left of a good friend that was.
20 May, 2009
Hello Morgana ~
Bonsai, my Welsh Terrier, was a wonderful boy, and will always have a very special place in my heart. Thanks for visiting his picture :o)
21 May, 2009
glad i came to see this picture terra, he was a beautifull boy and i can tell he was truely loved and looked after, to me they are like children, our children grow and leave us but our pets need us forever,, my lab died over 8 years ago now but i still think about her all the time and long for another doggy but i have angelia at the moment my cat,, she cant mix with other pets that was the agreement when i recued her,, so she gets all my love at the moment,, sadley you have another sad chapter in your life but keep strong TT,, your a special person i can tell that,,, sandra xxx
7 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Sandra....
It's clear how much you love your special Angelina cat.
Not surprising you still miss your lovely Lab.
7 Jun, 2009
:o))) x
7 Jun, 2009
As new on here as I am, I don't know how I've missed coming round to your page TT Bonsai was a fine looking and handsome little chap, so sorry he's moved on from your life and the lives of all who knew him and his talents .From all the comments here its clear he was well loved and a very special companion, my heart and prayers are yours....
27 Aug, 2009
Thanks so much for your kind comments, Indypendant...
Sadly my 5 year old Sheltie is now suffering from cancer. I write about him on my World Wide Wagging blog. I would be very grateful if you would include him in your thoughts during your meditations. Thank you. x
27 Aug, 2009
Of course we will TT all are welcome for healing Bless all gods creatures!
27 Aug, 2009
Thanks so much.... xxx
27 Aug, 2009
We don't need to thank each other for our capacity to love, we just need to live life knowing that love is the most precious thing there is...
and that love will heal all if we let it!
27 Aug, 2009
A good comment...:o)
27 Aug, 2009
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23 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
31 Jan, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
5 Feb, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
25 Aug, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
11 Mar, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
3 May, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
19 May, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
1 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Mar, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
13 Jun, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
25 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
18 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
13 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
5 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
2 Nov, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
10 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Mar, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
2 Jul, 2008
Oh TT ,, You,ve made me cry . Goodbye Bonsai you lovely faithful friend .
I feel for you TT .. I really do ... Have a cuddle from me , take care xxx
23 Nov, 2008