By Terratoonie

13 Feb, 2009
My Shetland Sheepdog, "Conker" with my new Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, "Truffle" ~ a Vulnerable Native Dog Breed.
This little puppy has no idea that to collect him, we braved our way through 160 miles of ice and snow !
Last autumn, GoY members were extremely kind to me during the illness of my Welsh Terrier, "Bonsai". You helped me so much. Thank you.
Now I'm delighted to share with you the happy news of my new baby puppy. On GoY, my other dog photos are all pictures taken in gardens, but this had to be photographed indoors because we've had lots of snow outside for many days now :o)
Comments on this photo
Thank you.
Truffle is cute, but naughty :o)
13 Feb, 2009
OOOOOOOOOooooooooo TT Your New Family Edition is Adorable :) & Look@Conker was He excited to meet Him TT?x
13 Feb, 2009
Hi Jacque ~
Conker is doing a good job of looking after Truffle.
They play rope-toy games together !
But I have to write very short comments on GoY because Truffle is VERY mischievous. He's into everything ! :o)
13 Feb, 2009
i bet he is TT its great uv now got another little Friend for Conker i bet he loves Playing with Truffle? :)
13 Feb, 2009
Hi TT, Conker and Truffle are both beautiful. You'll have your hands full now. Truffle is doing what he's supposed to do - getting up to everything. lol. He's lovely.
I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of him as he grows. :o) I'm sure he and Conker will be good friends and company for each other.
13 Feb, 2009
Hello Hywel ~
You are so right.
I'm not getting any work done now!
I hope Blodyn approves of Postman Pat's cat :o)
Right now Conker and Truffle are curled up in the same bed !
I'll put more photos of Truffle on GoY as time goes on.
13 Feb, 2009
lol. I've just noticed the cat. - I was too busy looking at Truffle.
Blodyn sais ' Miaw ' to you all and a special welcoming ' Miaw ' to Truffle. :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Summer Z she wants a Lick The New Puppy Plez TT :) & Febe,Sox& Puss z hi 2 Jake :)
13 Feb, 2009
Truffle has a very friendly nature, and he'd love to play with Blodyn, Summer, Febe, Sox, Puss and all the others !
13 Feb, 2009
~so pleased you have taken the plunge and got a new adorable puppy~may you have many happy years together!
13 Feb, 2009
Awww,they are so gorgeous, i think i'm in love ! Do they all get on?
13 Feb, 2009
Thank you :o) Conker and Truffle are getting on fine.
They play together well with their toys.
After meal-time, Conker stacks Truffle's empty plastic food dish inside his own, and brings both dishes to me for washing up. Not that there's any food remaining in the dishes !
13 Feb, 2009
ill shut up terra lol very nice i see you like giving them mad names like me lol
13 Feb, 2009
My pets all have names of trees etc. ~
Conker, Bonsai, Crocus, Truffle. :o)
13 Feb, 2009
ow yes still a bit different i like it
13 Feb, 2009
Aww TT Truffle looks adorable
13 Feb, 2009
Hello Irish. Thanks.
He can be naughty.......
... and then his name gets changed
from " Truffle " to "Trouble"
13 Feb, 2009
I'm dead pleased for you, lovely new pup, I hope he gives you all the pleasure an love that you deserve, nice that conker has already accepted him and is allowing him to share the toys, I look forward to seeing more pics,and cant imagine what you will teach him and dress him in for the shows
13 Feb, 2009
Aw....look at Conker proudly posing next to the new puppy......beautiful TT...you'll be thrilled with a new little one.....and I bet Bonsai is looking and smiling too X
13 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Janey. xxx
That's a lovely thought about Bonsai :o)
Hello Islander ~
Yes, my main consideration was that Conker would be okay with the new puppy. And that seems to be working fine. Looking forward to taking Truffle to the charity dog shows. :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Your new little puppy is so sweet, the name Truffle suits him. Post a close-up of his face soon, please.
Glad to hear that Conker approves of the new pup. I'm sure they will be competing at mail delivery in no time.
How big do you expect Truffle to grow?
13 Feb, 2009
What a cutie TT, you are in for some fun and games!! :) I am sure that Conker will be teaching him how to behave once he has settled. Nothing like a well behaved adult dog for teaching a newcomer the ropes!! Have fun!
13 Feb, 2009
Oh TT .....Truffle is gorgeous....does Conker stand guard while he sleeps.....How lovely for you to have a new additon...........Lol
13 Feb, 2009
Truffle will grow about the same size as Conker. Might look smaller because of having less hair ! Lol.
Yes, the name really does suit him.
He is certainly lively and into all kinds of mischief.
This afternoon, he's definitely been called "Trouble" more often than "Truffle" Lol.
Conker has sometimes let Truffle sleep in the same bed. They look cute curled up together :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Congratulations| Terra he looks gorgeous. will certainly keep you busy now, and its lovely to hear that Conker is enjoying having a little one to keep him company, lots of fun in your house now! Another one for my favourites,
13 Feb, 2009
Hi Pansypotter ~
I'm so pleased you like the photo.
If I needed to slim for springtime, this would be the way to do it.
I'm eating jam tarts and all kinds of cakes just to put a few calories back, lost by running around with Truffle :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Seems the ideal way to lose a few calories, but not sure my hubby would agree lol
13 Feb, 2009
Truffle...oh Truffle...what a dear little gift you are...so much joy to give...oh...what a pleasure to meet you...LOL...you have got you work cut out for you now TT...you are going to have so much fun...happy for you..hugs & xx's ~Cat
13 Feb, 2009
get him a tread mill
13 Feb, 2009
Get PP's husband a treadmill ?
It seems Truffles are not fattening after all, eh, Pansypotter :o)
Hugs and xxxx's across the ocean from baby Truffle to Cat. xxx
13 Feb, 2009
13 Feb, 2009
ahhh...love the puppy kisses..nuthin sweeter...thank you Truffles...
13 Feb, 2009
Truffle still has that lovely sweet baby puppy aroma. :o)
13 Feb, 2009
yes all pups are the same it must be the poo lol
13 Feb, 2009
I worked as a dental assitant at one time...the secretary there loved to do copies on the copier they had back then...the smell she said reminded her of puppy breath...so I smelled it and you know...it did me too...very strange. Puppy's and baby's breath are both always so pleasant.
13 Feb, 2009
Awwwww He's a Darling TT and a lovely new playmate for Conker.. Awwww Kisses..
13 Feb, 2009
Hmmmm..wondered what could possibly be so important for you to brave all that ice and snow last weekend ! Heres the answer lol...a beautiful and contented looking puppy..hello Truffle !
13 Feb, 2009
Truffle sends kisses back to Dee :o)
I thought it sensible to check Truffle's health for a few days before I announced him on GoY. You are so right, BB, that it was about the only enticement which could possibly make me travel with snow around.
At the last minute, I was asked to collect him a day early, but I refused reluctantly, because of the snow coming down. Luckily the sun was out next day for the journey, and the roads clear. Truffle managed all those miles with no travel sickness. He sat for the whole trip, in his little furry 'igloo' on my lap. A very special delivery :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Well done! I am glad you have a new puppy! I do realise that he can't take Bonsai's place, but he will certainly help you...and Conker! What a star to share his bed and toys with the newcomer. It shows his temperament, Tt.
13 Feb, 2009
Aww TT, I'm so pleased for you, he looks lovely, what a fab decision. Sounds like he is keeping you very busy, brings back memories. Hope he's sleeping at night. Lovely photo, Conker looks so proud of the new edition to your family.
13 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Spritz and Dawn.
Conker is being very patient with the energetic puppy. :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Aaw, Terratoonie, they're so beautiful. He was well worth braving the snow for! Congratulations on your addition, may you have a wonderful life together!! Take care. I love your pics!
13 Feb, 2009
Naughty puppies forever! ;-)
13 Feb, 2009
Just popped back to give photo a like, I forgot before. :)
13 Feb, 2009
Here I am back at my computer for a few minutes before I collapse into bed. Lol.
I think Ams must have spies over here ~
" Naughty puppies for ever" ?
Truffle has just spent an hour running around trying to be as naughty as possible. :o) But, yes Avocavale, he was well worth braving the snows !
Hello Pottygardener. :o) I'll make more sense when I've had some sleeeeeeep :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Oh TT i,m thrilled to meet your new addition , welcome Truffle , you are a little sweetheart , just in time for Valentines day to steal TT,s heart , Conker is such a lovely dog to take care of little truffle i,m sure they will be the best of pals . does Conker really collect up the empty dishes TT ?
Night Night x
Cant wait to see them up to their tricks ..... :o)
13 Feb, 2009
Awwww - Truffle looks a lovely little chap - so glad Conker has got a new playmate :-) Funnily enough, my brother announced last week he was getting another dog (a second-hand one from a shelter). Not seen him yet...will prob have photos before long tho - He only went to pick him up yesterday. He's a terrier cross :-)
13 Feb, 2009
thats what pups are fr terra builds character lol
13 Feb, 2009
~can't wait to see more photos TT ~give Conker a hug for being such a lovely boy to accept Truffle so readily~what a star!
Lots of fun in store for all of you!
13 Feb, 2009
and me lol sure you will
13 Feb, 2009
Pleased for you Terra,definitely worth all that travelling,who is doing the training first you or Conker? You are going to be busy for a while and like everyone else I,m looking forward to seeing and hearing of Truffles progress,not forgetting Conker of course.Have fun.........
14 Feb, 2009
An adorable puppy..and Conker looks happy and protective as well...=)
14 Feb, 2009
I think Truffle has it "made!" Life just doesn't get better than this.
14 Feb, 2009
Amy, Truffle is pleased to meet you too :o) Conker really does stack up the empty dishes and brings them to me. When the weather improves I'll try to make a blog with some of Conker's tricks.
That's wonderful, Sid, that your brother can take on a dog from a shelter.
How about 'unique' rather than second hand ? Lol. Mixed breed rescued dogs are one-offs and so special. Looking forward to photos of the terrier cross. :o)
Hi, Arlene. Are you super-fit now from all the extra Boxer-walking ? Hugs from Conker to you and Noseypotter. :o)
Lincslass ~ Conker and I take it in turns to train Truffle. He exhausts each of us in turn. Lol. And Raquel is right. Conker is protective of the little puppy.
Weeds ~ Conker and Truffle are currently cuddled up in a dog bed together. You said it : Doesn't get better. :o)
And for a while, Truffle's sleeping time will be the only chance I get to spend a few minutes on the computer. ! :o)
14 Feb, 2009
Hi Truffle's, TT he's lovely, looking forwould to seeing him again soon, Smokey says Hi to Truffle's & also to Conker.
14 Feb, 2009
Hello Clarice.
It's so lovely to have you back on GoY.
I missed you :o)
I guess you're very fit and ready for gardening after all the decorating !
Hi to Smokey from Truffle, Conker, and even Crocus was brave enough to say hello to your pussycat :o)
14 Feb, 2009
How could I have missed this! Truffle is just precious! Looks like Conker and Truffle are bonding well, lovely to see.
14 Feb, 2009
Hi Gillian
Yes, I'm lucky that Conker and Truffle get on well.
When I'm physically exhausted from the puppy's mischief, Conker takes over and tries to wear him out a bit.
Last night even Crocus the budgie looked cream-crackered from Truffle's games. Lol.
14 Feb, 2009
Hello Truffles what a little cutie you are,TT I hope this little puppy brings you lots of joy,Conker looks like he,s fallen in love with his new playmate already .look forward to seeing lots of photos .... :)
14 Feb, 2009
Hello Janette ~
Truffle's current hobbies are eating lots and being naughty lots :o) Lol.
Conker is being such a good boy in helping with him.
I'm taking photos :o)
14 Feb, 2009
I am so pleased for you TT..what a great looking little dog..nice to meet you
Truffles..be a good boy for your mum and Conker..looking forward to many more pic's
14 Feb, 2009
Truffle says nice to meet you to Deida and Percy :o)
14 Feb, 2009
Conkers is my hero for not being cranky or jealous of the attention Truffles is getting. Sweet dog, that Conkers!
14 Feb, 2009
Currently I'm working at the laptop with Truffle on my lap, and Conker at my feet. Conker is being soooooo good :o)
14 Feb, 2009
Happy New Puppy to you TT and Conker.
14 Feb, 2009
"Happy New Puppy" ~
Oh, I like that phrase.
Thank you Marge. :o)
14 Feb, 2009
Truffle looks very happy and contented in his new home and Conker very protective of him. And jess(the black and white cat) of course A happy family!
14 Feb, 2009
I remembered you asked about Jess the cat on the other photo, so I made sure Jess was in this picture for you. :o)
14 Feb, 2009
14 Feb, 2009
Tt - What a beautiful new arrival, Lucky and us send our love X
Are you sure they are named after trees? In our "book" Chestnut and Truffle are gorgeous "chocolate" shades of paint, which we will be using in the garden this year, and have just ordered some lovely chocolate plants from Crocus, lol!
looking forward to more pics X
15 Feb, 2009
Oh TT. How did I miss this??? Congratulations on your new puppy. And a Fox Terrier too. Lovely. Truffle is a perfect name. What a sweetie. How does Conker like his new brother? I'm looking forward to more pics in the future. :o)
15 Feb, 2009
Hello Gilli ~
Conker is being a good boy, helping me look after Truffle. They play toy games together which helps tire out the puppy !
Truffle sends woofs to Molly, Susie and all the Canadian canines. :o)
Hi David ~ Clever of you to involve all my pets' names in your Chocolate Garden ! I reckon Truffle would get on well with Lucky.
I'll certainly take lots of pics as Truffle grows up. x
15 Feb, 2009
they have a good owner ofcourse they will be alright
15 Feb, 2009
Thanks NP.
A very tired owner right now....
Truffle has LOTS of energy.. Lol.
15 Feb, 2009
hes a terrier got to have attitude lol
15 Feb, 2009
did you expect any less
15 Feb, 2009
No. I knew taking on another Terrier would be a challenge :o)
15 Feb, 2009
you know it will be worth it terra
15 Feb, 2009
Oh Terratoonie he is gorgeous, many happy days ahead even if a bit trufflesome!!!! LOL, welcome to GOY Truffle! :)
15 Feb, 2009
Thanks for that TT. A postman Pat story is not the same without Jess!!!! And the last delivery was a very good one (Truffle). He looks absolutely lovely.
15 Feb, 2009
finding trouble getting in cos everybody on the site seems to want to look at this picture, no wonder, conker seems to have had his hair combed to within an inch if it's life, conker clearly wanted to look his best for the family photo, and the new baby is obviously not phased by all the attention, (looking good for the dog shows), anyway sorry about the prolonged silence, (been in hibernation)
15 Feb, 2009
love the pics, im a real dog lover as well have three at home x
15 Feb, 2009
Hi Sewingkilla ~
Truffle has been a GOOD BOY all afternoon, so I guess my week of 'intensive training' has paid off ! He is currently curled up with Conker ~ both in the one dog bed :o)
Yes, Paul. I thought of your request when I put the black-and-white cat on top of the 'igloo' bed. Truffle wasn't aware of any of it. Tired puppy after all that travelling.
Hello John. I sowed some of your seeds last week ! All in my kitchen ! Don't know if anything will appear. Lol. I'm no expert with seedlings. I've missed you on GoY. I guessed you had been extra-busy. Conker loves the new baby :o)
15 Feb, 2009
Hello Nita ~
Just found your comment.
Thank you :o)
Those dogs on your avatar look really cute and well-behaved.
What are their names ?
15 Feb, 2009
Haven't had much time for GoY these last few days but couldn't not comment on your new pup - a little beauty. You wil have lots of fun with him and Conker. All the best to all of you.
15 Feb, 2009
Hi Gee ~
I hope Chloe is keeping well :o)
Truffle has fitted in fine here.
Thanks for your good wishes. xxx
15 Feb, 2009
What a sweetie! I'm sure Truffle will be out in the garden in no time TT :)
15 Feb, 2009
Truffle has ventured out into the dog run.
Seems interested in fallen leaves.
Maybe he's working on a leaf blog for GoY Lol :o)
15 Feb, 2009
TT... well... welcome to the new little one. I'm sure you must be over the moon! What a little sweetie... you're going to enjoy the next few months as you settle in together. I'm really pleased for you.
15 Feb, 2009
Thanks Sal.
I am delighted with Truffle
He's a little cutie.:o)
15 Feb, 2009
ah der lovely terra,, de collie is gorgeous, iv a black n white one.. her name is jessie. shes like my baby girl lol she near talks back to me at times..
15 Feb, 2009
Hello Adrienne ~
Love your blog on the Botanical Gardens ! Great photos !
Your Jessie sounds lovely. :o)
I'm glad you like my dogs.
They are such good friends.
15 Feb, 2009
when merkin had there pups for the first time i started training them as soon as they could make a noise.i think its hard to tell if it worked but i think it did.there all well balanced pups she had and there a power breed so i stopped lots of the growling and play fights if they got out of hand.im glad your dogs are doing well but i kkinda knew they would.
16 Feb, 2009
Yes, start young.
A quick 'No' for wrong behaviour ~
and LOTS of praise for good behaviour :o)
16 Feb, 2009
and it is as simple as that
16 Feb, 2009
Aww he is so cute TT, I am sure he will be knowing lots of tricks soon to join his mate Conker !!Congratulations TT and thanks for the lovely pic, gone to my favourites.
Conker already looks happy here that he's got a friend:-)
Warm Fiji Hugs to you allxxx
16 Feb, 2009
Conker, Truffle and Crocus all send hugs back to Fiji xxx
It's great that my dogs are getting on well together.
Conker has been so patient with the little puppy. :o)
16 Feb, 2009
:-) TT
16 Feb, 2009
well ya half way there terra
16 Feb, 2009
Hi TT, just wondering how the puppy is this week? :-)
17 Feb, 2009
Hi Dawn ~
Thanks for asking. :o)
Well, the little pup has been sufficiently mischievous to make his owner totally cream-crackered. Lol.
However, Truffle is fine, thank you. During daytime naps, he cuddles up with Conker. Then they wake up and play toy games together. I've taken lots of photos !
Truffle's special skills include eating lots and eating fast.... I've never before seen a Terrier with such a good appetite. :o)
17 Feb, 2009
Aww he sounds very healthy TT. When Bonnie was a pup I was exhausted too, if I dropped anything (like a sock when emptying the washer) she would run off with it, then she'd swing off the clothes when I was ironing. It must be so comforting for Truffle having Conker around. Looking forward to seeing the photos :-)
17 Feb, 2009
Lol. I can imagine baby Bonnie 'helping' with the laundry !
Conker's energetic toy games with Truffle have provided more strength in the puppy's little leg muscles......
so today Truffle was able to teach himself to leap onto the pouffe.......
which means from the pouffe his tiny puppy teeth can now reach items on my desk......
Happy times. :o)
17 Feb, 2009
You would think Conker's games would tire Truffle out. Oh dear, that's not good news about him reaching the desk - you wont need a shredder with puppy around, lol.
17 Feb, 2009
Hello TT, stopping by briefly. What fun you are having with Truffle! :) Like you I agree with starting the teaching from day 1. So, so much easier that way.
What fun you will have!
17 Feb, 2009
same as kids realy
17 Feb, 2009
Hello NP and Pottygardener ~
We are having fun :o)
Truffle is already very good, knowing to choose toys from the many toyboxes, rather than wrecking the house. Lol.
He has mad terrier moments, running round.
I trimmed all his little toenails, and he accepted that okay.:o)
I really don't want to miss a moment.
They are puppies for such a short time. :o)
17 Feb, 2009
brilliant lol
18 Feb, 2009
You have some very, very cute puppies! I wish I had a couple!
19 Feb, 2009
Delonix1 ~ Thank you.
These puppies would keep you extra fit.
They have LOTS of engergy. Lol.
19 Feb, 2009
Hi Truffles....nice to meet you! Mandy says WOOF! and WOOF to Conker, too. Congratulations TT. will be watching for pics...
19 Feb, 2009
Hi Lori and Mandy ~ Thank you.
Conker says WOOF and Truffle says WOOF.
You've asked for pics.
There's a new one of Truffle looking at the camera :o)
19 Feb, 2009
Okies! must check that out!
19 Feb, 2009
I'm sure they would...the yard keeps me fit enough....however, I'd love to get another puppy again. I absolutely love small dogs!
20 Feb, 2009
Delonix1 ~
I hope there'll be a time when you can own a small dog again.
They are so much fun. :o)
20 Feb, 2009
all dogs are good to keep
20 Feb, 2009
They are lovely TT, and i know that they give you lots of love.
Gail x
20 Feb, 2009
Hi NP and Gail ~ Thanks.
Truffle has been good boy today.
Playing with his toys :o)
20 Feb, 2009
good good good
20 Feb, 2009
They are so cute, you must spend all your time just cuddling them, I know I would.
22 Feb, 2009
Hello Sue ~ Thank you !
I do spend a lot of my day cuddling my dogs.
They also learn trick routines.
I really enjoy being with them. :o)
22 Feb, 2009
22 Feb, 2009
Oh TT.
What a beautiful pup. I need to ask you as you are obviously a terrier person, is it true that terriers are generally harder to train than other breeds? We have an 18month old jack russel bitch (named Ginger) who whilst being adorable is very naughty at every given chance. We never had this aggro with our border collie!
25 Feb, 2009
Hello Ducky ~
I have lots and lots of experience of training terriers and also Shetland Sheepdogs.
So I understand your question exactly !
My Smooth Fox Terrier puppy, Truffle, has just woken up so I'll write a longer answer later ! Your Ginger sounds lovely, but, yes, they can can VERY naughty. :o)
25 Feb, 2009
terriers are workin breeds so need a bit more exercise than some dogs.they are willfull to but like anything you get out what you put in.dogs are dogs realy but like people there personalities excuse my spelling vary just like people.just start as you mean to go on.watch the dog whisperer or bye a dvd hes brilliant.youve just got to be there pack leader or they become yours.if you burn of there pent up energy they will just want to relax if you dont just like people they get bored.i hope i helped and no i dont work for ceaser millan but ive had dogs all my life and im nearly 48 and hes taught me so much in perhaps the year or 2 ive bean watching him
25 Feb, 2009
Hello Ducky ~
If you would like to message me privately with any specific terrier training questions/ problems I'll be happy to send you a reply. I get quite a lot of private messages re.dog training, so it's absolutely fine to do so.
I'll be pleased to help. :o)
25 Feb, 2009
We've always had mixed breed dogs, so I can't speak to pure breds, but the first dog we had after we got married was a smooth hair fox terrier border collie cross. He was so smart! Understood everything we said to him....but sometimes the terrier in him thought it over and rejected the validity of the command. :-) He definitely had his own opinion about everything!
25 Feb, 2009
Weeds ~ I like your comments here !
Do you, by any chance, please, have a photo of the Smooth Fox Terrier/Border Collie ?
I can imagine such a mixed breed having the best of the terrier and collie characters ! And yes, the conflicts going on in his mind ~ whether to go with the collie or terrier instinct when it came to obedience ! :o)
25 Feb, 2009
ive never owned a collie but they are realy intelligent arnt they terra.im asuming weeds cross was lovley but i could imagine if you got the worst sides together you could have a handfull. my stburnard was just a big softy and my sharpi was aloof but friendly and probably the most inteligent dog i ever had.the son of them though was a real protective unfriendly willfull protective domminent dog that dimanded respect though he loved me and would of died for me.i think if i hadnt kept him someone else would of put him down.if he would of bean a cat he would definatly of used about 8 lives.hope ya pups doing well take care bye for now.
26 Feb, 2009
TT I may have a photo of him, but it would not be great. He looked like a small smooth-haired black and tan border collie with white on his nose chest and feet, (Terrier ears and eyes.)
NP This dog was spunky too and led his life "on the edge." Thought he was big enough to play with the big dogs. :-)
26 Feb, 2009
Hello NP ~
Truffle had his first inoculation at the vets today. Typical terrier ~ thought it all a big adventure and didn't even realise he was having an injection. Lol.
Hi Weeds ~
You've described your dog well.
Let's hope you come across a photo some time.
Seems like this was a dog with a lot of character. :o)
26 Feb, 2009
Welcome Truffle.
I did look the pictures backwards .. as always :P!
26 Feb, 2009
Truffle is growing fast.
They don't stay little puppies for long.
I must enjoy every moment. :o)
26 Feb, 2009
He was a character all right! LOL
27 Feb, 2009
cool the only dog ive had that realy felt his jabs was my datshund but lots of dogs tremble when they go .glad ya pups doing well
27 Feb, 2009
What a picture of innocence, how did I miss this? :-))
28 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Weeds, Noseypotter and Bornagain ~
Truffle is grown up now....
..he wouldn't fit in that fluffy igloo these days ! :o)
28 Sep, 2009
Got to favourite:-)
28 Sep, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
I'm so glad you like this photo...
... and pleased it is now on your favourites :o)
Love to Rosie, Meg and Ruby. xxx
29 Sep, 2009
Beautiful dogs TT
7 Nov, 2009
Thanks, CG. x
7 Nov, 2009
Thats a very lovely picture, Conker looks serene.I'm sure you will treasure this forever :-)))
12 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Annella ~
Yes, I do love this photo.
Conker accepted the new puppy very well... :o)
12 Nov, 2009
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Gardening with friends since
12 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
14 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
9 Sep, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
26 Feb, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
9 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
27 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Feb, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
7 Oct, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Feb, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
24 Mar, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
20 Jul, 2008 -
Gardening with friends since
16 Jan, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
19 May, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
12 Mar, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
3 May, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
18 Jul, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
1 Apr, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
27 Oct, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
5 Aug, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
3 Mar, 2010 -
Gardening with friends since
2 Nov, 2009 -
Gardening with friends since
10 Oct, 2008
They are both beauties! How adorable.
13 Feb, 2009