Truffle ~ naughty but nice.
By Terratoonie

18 Feb, 2009
Hello. I think I'm a clever boy. But I'm naughty. :o)
I can jump up here and reach onto the table and desk. Lol.
Truffle is a Smooth Fox Terrier ~ one of 25 British Native Dog Breeds which are considered vulnerable in that their numbers are worryingly low. Others on the list include the Welsh Terrier, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Skye Terrier, Clumber Spaniel, and the breed Best In Show at Crufts 2009 ~ the Sealyham Terrier.
Comments on this photo
Hi Irish ~
Cute and naughty. Lol. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
with a face that that tho you would get away with murder lol
18 Feb, 2009
What a little cutie you are Truffles :)
18 Feb, 2009
Truffle is adorable...
NO way he could be naughty with a face like that. :P
18 Feb, 2009
Thanks Janette and Irish.
Yes, he does get away with a lot.....
NN ~ you requested a picture of Truffle being naughty.
So far this is the naughtiest I can provide ~
but, believe me, he is very mischievous. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
Oh TT....Truffle is so looks like you have your hands full with him at the moment. ...............
18 Feb, 2009
TT .......please can I cuddle Truffle.......Percy would't mind
18 Feb, 2009
Butter wouldnt melt........worth that long trip TT !!
18 Feb, 2009
Hello Milky and Deida ~
Yes, Truffle is keeping me in a state of happiness and permanent exhaustion. Lol.
He loves being cuddled and kissed. Percy won't mind. Lol. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
Hi BB and Jane ~
Yes, very much worth the long trip in the snow.
Not sure Mr. Claptrap (our chauffeur) has recovered yet. Lol.
18 Feb, 2009
Lol : )
18 Feb, 2009
Ohhhhh, so cute!
18 Feb, 2009
Oh Hello Truffle you are adorable you couldn,t possibly be naughty could you , he is already learning to pose for the camera TT , he is so cute ...:o)
18 Feb, 2009
Hello Tasteyg and Amy ~
Truffle is sometimes called Trouble. :o)
18 Feb, 2009
Ooooo - Truffle you are a little cutie - lovely markings too :-)
18 Feb, 2009
TT, Truffle is adorable - don't they just worm their way into your life and hearts so easily? You're all going to have such fun together. Gone into favourites of course :)
18 Feb, 2009
He's very handsome could you think he was naughty?? lol He does look similar to Finn only smooth haired...but those eyes....they learn quick! :o)
18 Feb, 2009
Hi Sid ~
Yes Truffle does have nice markings. On his left side, his big tan patch is like a heart shape :o)
Thanks, Gee ~
I've told Truffle he is on your favourites.
He sends loves to wonderful Chloe :o)
Hello Janey ~
Yes, there are terrier-type similarities to your handsome Finn.
Just less hair. Lol.
You know how much I like Finn. :o)
19 Feb, 2009
He's so cute TT!!!!! Truffles is going to my favourites!
19 Feb, 2009
Hi Panther ~
Truffle's favourite places are either sitting on this pouffe cushion. or cuddled up in a dog bed with Conker. Definitely cute but naughty. Lol.
19 Feb, 2009
Aww that's all part of being young, a big hug to him please:-)
19 Feb, 2009
Adorable! will be hard to discipline that little monkey!
19 Feb, 2009
Hi Lori ~
Taking on another Sheltie would have been the 'easy option'.
I like the challenge of a Terrier. Lol.
19 Feb, 2009
Hi Truffle.! I'm glad you're naughty. It's how you should be. Don't ever change. lol :o)
He's beautiful TT.
19 Feb, 2009
Thanks, Hywel ~
I think Truffle read your comment.
He has had an especially naughty day. Lol.
19 Feb, 2009
Good :o) lol
19 Feb, 2009
Lots of years of mischief making ahead of you Truffle. You're a little cutie!Paddy would like to play with you.
19 Feb, 2009
I reckon Truffle would get on well with Paddy :o)
19 Feb, 2009
~such a sweetie~can't possible be naughty!I'm sure he 's one truffle that won't be fattening TT~ quite the opposite!
19 Feb, 2009
Hi Arlene ~
Yes, this Truffle has been slimming so far !
This evening he was in the bathroom with me while I had a bath and washed my hair.
Truffle ended up soaked !
He looks quite cute with foamy shampoo on his nose.
19 Feb, 2009
He has an intelligent look about him. I think he'll learn very quickly. Looks like he is trying to read your mind with those eyes!
20 Feb, 2009
Hello Weeds ~
Truffle is learning fast ~
How to be good and how to be mischievous :o)
20 Feb, 2009
He's very handsome! what a lovely face, hope Conker isn't too jealous with all this attentionTruffle is getting :)
20 Feb, 2009
Hi Sewingkilla ~ Thank you.
Yes, I think Truffle is handsome, but maybe I'm biased. Lol.
I'm lucky that Conker is being very patient with Truffle.
During the day, they play rope-toy games,
and then curl up together in a dogbed.
I've taken some lovely photos of the two of them cuddled up. :o)
20 Feb, 2009
Talk about 'butter wouldn't melt'. You haven't got a chance, Terra.
20 Feb, 2009
Hello Wagger ~
You're right.
Truffle has already won such a special place in my heart. :o)
20 Feb, 2009
Lovely Lovely Little Truffle :)
20 Feb, 2009
Truffle sends kisses to Summer the gorgeous GSD xxx
20 Feb, 2009
Summer Z Thanx she really enjoyed them :) xxx
20 Feb, 2009
Terra he is gorgeous and with those eyes he is gonna get away with blue murder for quite some time....
20 Feb, 2009
Hello Lincslass ~ Thanks.
Truffle was born in Lincs ~
Are all of you up there in Lincs so full of mischief and with such a lot of energy ? Lol.
21 Feb, 2009
if you are can you tell me where to get the energy from?shattered of Swansea!
21 Feb, 2009
Hello Shattered of Swansea ~
Wasn't there a movie ~
Sleepless in Swansea ?
You and Tom Hanks ???
Sorry ~ no energy in my household except for the puppy.
This is Exhausted Everywhere calling for reinforcements. :o)
21 Feb, 2009
Only just seen this pic of cutie Truffle,he's beautiful.He'll keep you fit that's for sure ! It's really good that Conker has taken to him so well,and hopefully will teach him a few manners as time goes by. I'm sure you are enjoying the hard work the rewards are so worth it.;)
21 Feb, 2009
Hello Aster ~
I'm pleased you like 'Trouble' ;o)
Truffle sure is keeping me on my toes. Lol.
I'm hoping that Conker helps Truffle learn some good behaviour ~
not Truffle teaching mischief to Conker. :o)
21 Feb, 2009
Oh Truffle, what beautiful eyes youve Got! How on earth could you be naughty looking like that, your just ab it playful arent you! lol
21 Feb, 2009
Hi Pansypotter ~
Truffle really has had a naughty day. Lol.
We should be having tea now, but "Trouble" has finally fallen asleep, so I'm sneaking some time on GoY. Lol.
21 Feb, 2009
Oooh... you cutie Truffle. What joy to have, despite the naughty-ness!
21 Feb, 2009
Hello Pg ~
Right now Truffle is perched on the pouffe cushion, as in the photo above.
Which means he's next to where I sit at the computer.
Truffle's pretending he's been good all day....
Conker knows different. Lol.
21 Feb, 2009
Hello Truffle,You are a real sweetie and if you hadn't already got a mum I would have adopted you myself.I love the way you take up the whole of your round bed,you fit it just nicely....
TT Thanks for the info about all the breeds that are getting quiet rare.You wouldn't think that with all the dog breeds out there,there would be any that are in danger of dying out...
21 Feb, 2009
Hi Tina ~
That 'round bed' is actually my pouffe stool, but Truffle has taken it over. Lol.
As he gets larger, I think he will still try to fit on it. :o)
Yes, of the 25 vulnerable British dog breeds, the majority are types of Terrier.
I think part of the reason is that people are more interested in breeds from abroad which have become popular such as the Bichon Frise. Also, some of the Terriers require a lot of coat care. I hope by having owned Welsh Terriers and now having a Smooth Fox Terrier, I'm doing my bit to promote the vulnerable British breeds ! :o)
21 Feb, 2009
Thats a yes Terra, especially the ones with four tootsies and big beautiful eyes....
21 Feb, 2009
Lincs is an attractive part of Britain, even if it does produce over-zealous canines. Lol.
21 Feb, 2009
Hey Truffles nice to meet you! look very proud of yourself sitting there on moms pouff her to say a word with those eyes..and keeping your fur all so perfect while you do it...goodness..Trouble is right...mmm..mmm....mmm hold on to your hat TT...!
22 Feb, 2009
Cat ~
I hold onto EVERYTHING when Truffle is around !
Good thing I have Conker to help me look after "Trouble" :o)
22 Feb, 2009
You'll never out fox the fox, never out fox the fox !
22 Feb, 2009
You're right Ams.
He's smoooooooooooth :o)
22 Feb, 2009
He looks great, I think he will soon be the star of the shows.
23 Feb, 2009
Hello Islander ~ Thanks.
He's full of energy, and learning fast :o)
23 Feb, 2009
how did I miss this cute little dog? he is a smasher.
24 Feb, 2009
Hi Dotty ~ thank you.
Truffle is fitting in well into the household, with Conker the Sheltie and Crocus the budgie ! :o)
24 Feb, 2009
Looks as if he's been a naughty boy - his coat is wonderful.
24 Feb, 2009
nice to meet truffles such a cute little dog
24 Feb, 2009
~Harvey is not flavour of the week~he could give lessons in naughtiness after dismantling a feather quilt on the landing~~~guess who needs to empty the vacuum cleaner.....
24 Feb, 2009
Truffle says he is pleased to meet SarahC, and Jeremy, Bear, Harold and Serious Herman.
Has he got all the names right ? :o)
Hi, Arlene ~
Harvey the Boxer playing feather games ?
I'd send Conker the Sheltie over to help tidy up, but he has his paws full supervising Truffle's mischief. Lol.
25 Feb, 2009
How gorgeous is he ! :))
26 Feb, 2009
Hi Lori.
Nice to have you back on GoY. :o)
Truffle went for his first inoculation today.
In typical terrier fashion, he enjoyed his trip to the vet, and was totally unaware that he'd been given an injection. Lol.
What news of Honey, Geri, Chloe and Tom ?
26 Feb, 2009
Truffle you're gone to my favs!!! wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cuteeeeeee :D
26 Feb, 2009
Truffle says hi to Aleyna and he's delighted to be on your favourites. :o)
26 Feb, 2009
Oh TT, he is a handsome boyo!
27 Feb, 2009
Hello Leo ~
DEFINITELY naughty Truffle today ! Lol
27 Feb, 2009
He is gorgeous TT - and looks so innocent on this picture. I didnt realise the numbers for his breed are low - I think we should all get one, lol.
27 Feb, 2009
Yes, good idea to all get a Truffle. Lol.
Then you can all be totally exhausted like I am right now. Lol.
27 Feb, 2009
It will get easier .... eventually, lol. They never seem to sleep either, do they!
27 Feb, 2009
Truffle is so lovely.
My fungi is a fun guy :o)
27 Feb, 2009
Nah... thank you TT,
Dora is trouble enough for a night, when you sneak out and close the door ...
right in the midle of the night she meowwwwwwwwwws loudly enough to rush someone out of bed to see what is going on... time enough to jump on victim's bed...
28 Feb, 2009
Oh, Aleyna ~
what a sneaky Dora ! :o)
1 Mar, 2009
great photo of a great dog
this one will keep you busy
3 Mar, 2009
~as well as two boxers?would be interesting!
3 Mar, 2009
Sorry, hope that hasn't confused Tonycigar ! Lol.
My dogs are Truffle the
Smooth Fox Terrier puppy,
and Conker the Shetland Sheepdog. :o)
3 Mar, 2009
An absolutely wonderful little guy there toonie!!
4 Mar, 2009
Hello Pollyannaever !
My puppy knows how to keep me on my toes. Lol.
How are you ? Have you seen the photo of "lovely legs" Bruce, on the Wellie Olympics Blog ? ( Blog # 12 )
He looks really good. :o)
4 Mar, 2009
Hey there toonie I'm doing good and yes I did see the photo! Nice job on the Wellie Olympics big job there but someone has to do it!
4 Mar, 2009
Awwww TT what a lovely little boy you have. Hows all the house training going, bet you have eyes in the back of your head lol. I remember when Pepsi was that young, some of the best and worst days ive had with her lol.
4 Apr, 2009
Hi Valandra ~
Truffle is doing fine thanks. Growing fast !
My later photo shows how well he gets on with Conker the Sheltie :o)
Yes, I bet you can remember Pepsi at that age, into everything !
Truffle is certainly still mischievous !
4 Apr, 2009
lol he is so cute
17 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Mageth :o)
17 Apr, 2009
Have you settled Truffles baby,
or is it only slightly maybe?
You are scrumptiously devine
and Truffles I wish you were mine.
You have soft brown eyes that glow
And you coat just like the snow,
Truffles baby you'll soon be
a fine dog for all to see.
8 May, 2009
Cute - no doubt won't be a wee pup anymore
7 Nov, 2009
Truffle is growing up fast...
you can see him full size now, on my more recent pictures :o)
7 Nov, 2009
Goodness me hasn't he grown :o)))))))))))))))
9 Oct, 2010
9 Oct, 2010
I remember this. Look how he's grown ! :o)
30 Dec, 2010
Lol. He has grown a lot ...
Can't fit all of him on that pouffe cushion any more ! :o)
30 Dec, 2010
He's still naughty , and still nice :o)
30 Dec, 2010
Yes ... and yes ... ;o)
30 Dec, 2010
30 Dec, 2010
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aww cute wee face
18 Feb, 2009