In memory of Dad
By pixi25
Not written a blog for a while..been fairly busy wiht one thing and another. THe garden still needs attended to and found it to be quite theraputic as the birds chirp around me and bees making their entrance along wiht butterflies.
AS you know Dad died 2 weeks ago. Rick thought it would be a nice thought to buy a special plant in memory of him which would flower year after year at this time, so he bought Bleeding appropriate dont you think?
He took me out for coffee and scones at the garden centre and then we went to look at plants. That was the first one chosen (didnt mean to buy more!) Rick bought me another four plants and i bought 4 for a tenner!
Dicentra ( Blleding heart)
Flipendula hexapetala
Bergenia winterglut
Martinii Leptospermum
Nepeta sxi hills giant (catmint)
Veronica australis ‘Trehane’
Scabious Butterfly blue beauty
and 2 Scented Violas ..Martin and Dawn
it was nice to be in the garden again..and have filled up the area where the grass used to be.
Thank you all for your support cuddles and love over this past few meant a lot to me.
Love you all
8 Apr, 2012
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lovely choice pixi and all the other plants to, hope your doing ok and each time the bleeding heart flowers you will feel a warm glow thinking of happy moments with your Dad, take care :o)) xx
8 Apr, 2012
Lovely choice of plants there Pixi. Thinking of you. X
8 Apr, 2012
What a lovely plant to remember your dad by Pixi. It will remind you of all the happy memories you have of him ...
Nice to see you appearing on here again after your ordeal. I hope you feel not too bad.
Your little grassless corner looks very interesting :o) And you've got a lovely selection of plants there aswell.
8 Apr, 2012
I didnt know you had lost your dad Pixie, I am sorry, I must have missed that bit of news. I think that's a good idea to buy plants to remember him by, and you certainly have plenty of those now.
8 Apr, 2012
Hello Pixi, good to see you back on GOY what a lovely selection of plants and the one chosen for your dad as rememberence is beautiful.
8 Apr, 2012
Sorry to hear about your dad Pixi.....I have been on holiday and didn't realize what a bad time you have been having. I have plants my dad and I bought together.....he was my gardening chum!! He loved a visit to the garden centre. :o)))
8 Apr, 2012
i didn't know about your dad Pixi, i'm very sorry to hear that, the Dicentra is a lovely way to remember him, our thoughts here are with you X
8 Apr, 2012
Hi Pixi ...
Wonderful choice of plants ...
your Dad would have approved .. lots :o) xxx
8 Apr, 2012
My dad planted some daffs when we first moved here (over25 years ago) and when mum went a short while later we planted a tree, we remember them always but especially when the flowers bloom its comforting
Your plants are lovely Pixi
8 Apr, 2012
So sorry to hear of your loss Pixi, the sadness will be with you for a while but all the happy memories a will be with you for ever.
Take care now xx
8 Apr, 2012
I also must have missed your news , Pixi , I'm sure your dad would have loved the plants .
I spoke to my sister today and she had taken my mother to visit my dad's grave , it was his anniversary , and they planted lavender , rosemary and aubretia ( he could never get it to grow well for himself ). We thought that they would really please him .
I often feel him around when I am in the garden .
Best wishes to you , he won't be far away from you .
8 Apr, 2012
Hi Pixi..nice to see you back..and a nice thing to do in your Dad's memory..very appropriate plant..he would have approved,I'm and hugs,been thinking about you .xxx
8 Apr, 2012
Bless your heart Pixi, I've been thinking of you and Sarah a lot since we last spoke and hoping you were holding up ok, I know its hard but actually I also found more peace with myself once I was able to get back into my garden, you are right its very therapeutic and the flowers and plants don`t mind a few memories encroaching or the tears.
The Bleeding Heart is a gorgeous plant and yes very appropiate, I like your other choices as well.
Take care Pixi, XX......
8 Apr, 2012
Lovely to see them planted Pixi, i love the bleeding heart, gorgeous flowers X
8 Apr, 2012
That is a really lovely idea pixi, and then to sit in the garden remembering all the lovely things about your dad; thats good.
i planted 'alpine sunset' rose for my dad.
8 Apr, 2012
Hi Pixi...what better way to remember your dad. You've made some lovely choices there Pixi :)
Thinking of you x
8 Apr, 2012
It is a lovely way to remember your Dad Pixi ,bleeding heart is a favourite of mine, take care x
8 Apr, 2012
Sorry to read about your Dad, a beautiful idea to plant something to remember him by, my father loved our last garden and I will always remember him walking round and admiring what we had done, he was so proud of me, all the best to you.
8 Apr, 2012
Thank you all :)
My love for gardening came from Dad.
When I was young he used to 'do' a few old ladies gardens for them, and I always went with him..loved getting amongst the muck! Then of course they always made us yea and homemade cakes..can still smell the smells of flowers and the wee summerhouse at one garden..the smell of moth balls and lavendar! One lady used to give us a teeny wee glass of Elderberry wine and shortbread..all homemade..nice to remember these things.
And of course I remember the beautiful garden Dad created in our first house specially. Always full of bees buzzing..always seemd to be sunny his smile that would light up a room.
9 Apr, 2012
My interest started with dad but grandad too, he grew dahlias and I remember him taking cuttings from a baby masquerade rose and giving the plant to us, I thought it was magic!
9 Apr, 2012
nice one pixi..good to see you back here and in the garden..good choice too..
9 Apr, 2012
Pixi...a tip for your Nepeta to stop the cats squashing it when they are chewing and rolling in it.
Get one of those cheapo wire hanging baskets from B&Q (£1) and put it down over the top - it will grow up through and stop the cats from damaging it. Tried and tested and it really works :)
9 Apr, 2012
Great to have memories Meadow and Pam isnt it? Glad I payed a little attention to what he was doing though I still get it wrong at times. :)
THanks Guy ..had a wee look at your blogs..great! :)
Oh thanks Angie..I have one in the shed..will do that..great tip :)) I cleaned out the shed on 5 hugs bags of rubbish for the dump! :)
Been doing a lot of clearing out in the house too.
10 Apr, 2012
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad Pixie, I haven't been on here so much for a while so didn't see your previous blog. I think dads are so special to girls, I still miss mine. How lovely to choose a plant in memory. I suppose the garden is where you'll feel closest to him anyway as he loved it so much. loved your choice of plants too:-)
10 Apr, 2012
Thanks BA :))
10 Apr, 2012
Oh Pix, I have only just seen the news that you lost your Dad. I'm thinking of you,, hope you are ok?
Big hug from me and the 3 doggies (and Milliepuss if you dare!)
14 Apr, 2012
:) THanks Lulu. Miss him terribly
14 Apr, 2012
I bet you do Hun xxx I dread the day my Dad goes. He is my rock.
14 Apr, 2012
Same :(
14 Apr, 2012
Just back read some blogs from when I was away and found your sad news. Am so sorry.Was your Dad diabetic? My dad has been insulin dependant for the last 50 years and he is deteriorating badly now. Although he is still at home with Mum, he can do less and less on a weekly basis. We just don't know how long we have left with him.
Am really sorry you lost him. Jxxx
12 Jun, 2012
Thanks Jane.
Yes he was diabetic, on pills till one year ago when he was taken inot hospital for kidney problems, then put on insulin, fomr then he want down hill rapidly. Poor man lost all his strength and he was always so active and healthy. Hated to see him struggling like that and he wanted to go be with Mum. Miss him every much. x
12 Jun, 2012
12 Jun, 2012
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Bless you Pixi - they're lovely :)))))))))) all the best to you Pixi xxx
8 Apr, 2012