By pixi25
dad been taken into hospital..have to go up to Dundee..will sign in later hopefully x
27 Mar, 2012
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I hope that your dad gets better very soon, safe journey Pixi25. Hope to get news of your dad soon. Will be thinking of you!
27 Mar, 2012
very sorry to hear that Pixi, i hope he'll be ok take care...
27 Mar, 2012
Hope all will be well, Pixi.
27 Mar, 2012
Best wishes, hope all will be well.
27 Mar, 2012
Oh :o( That's a shock for you. I hope he'll be all right.
27 Mar, 2012
Hope he's OK Pixi X
27 Mar, 2012
Thinking of you,hope all is well xxx
27 Mar, 2012
Thanks all..i'm back home now. He wasnt very well at all. Insulin levels all to pot. They are doing lots of tests on him. he might not get to go home. I dont know whats going to happen. Feel sad..just sad.
27 Mar, 2012
so sorry pixi, its really tough when its your dad and you cant do much.
i hope they sort it out for him, perhaps different drugs/brand of insulin will help?
27 Mar, 2012
Bless your heart Pixi, I know exactly how you must be feeling, Your Dad is in the best place at the moment as its even worse when they are ill at home, you get scared to leave them and your not within walking distance which makes it even harder on you, I hope they can sort his insulin so he`ll feel better, you take care now, especially when doing your travelling, xx....
27 Mar, 2012
Pixi....sorry to hear your news. I do hope the docs can get everything sorted and he is soon on the mend. Thinking of you xx
27 Mar, 2012
Lincs is right Pixi take care of yourself
27 Mar, 2012
Sorry to hear that Pixi, he's in the best place possible so lets hope they sort it out very soon, take care X
27 Mar, 2012
My thoughts are with you Pixi. Hope he's OK. He's probs better being kept in overnight while they sort him out. I know it's hard, but try not to worry. X
27 Mar, 2012
thinking of you and your Dad pixi xxx
27 Mar, 2012
So sorry to hear this,Pixi..hope all goes well,trying to get his Insulin sorted.....try to keep your spirits up,and be positive..will be thinking of you and hugs xxx
27 Mar, 2012
Sorry to hear your father isn't well Pixi, hope he feels better soon. Take care.
27 Mar, 2012
Wishing you both all the best Pixi - deepest thoughts with you xx
27 Mar, 2012
Hi Pixi just read this blog sorry to hear your news thinking of you both:) xx
27 Mar, 2012
Thank you all friends :)
Dad died tonight about 8pm
Feel numb...just numb like am in a dream.
Wont be on for w few days maybe..dont know what happens now...
27 Mar, 2012
So very sorry pixi, I can understand how you feel, dads are very special.
28 Mar, 2012
Very sorry Pixi :((( I don't know what to say - but us all on here will be there ' very sorry to hear this news from you , hope you'll be okay xxxxx
28 Mar, 2012
Thinking of you, Pixi .... xxx
28 Mar, 2012
Thanks ....feel numb......eyes are sore now.
Special? he was the best Dad in the world..most caring loving selfless man in the world. hope he is with Mum now...its what he wanted.
Speak to you all at a later date. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
28 Mar, 2012
bless you Pixi - xxxxxx take lots of care xxxxxxxxxxx
28 Mar, 2012
Look after yourself Pixi ... xxxx
28 Mar, 2012
Love and hugs Pixi, I too have been there, what you have to do now you are doing for him and your Mum with love.
28 Mar, 2012
Such very sad news Pixi, my thoughts are with you.
28 Mar, 2012
My thoughts are with you Pixi25. You will not be alone, lots of us on here care and will be waiting and thinking of you at this time. Take care!
28 Mar, 2012
oh pixi i have tears thinking of how you must feel, will have you in my thoughts, im sure he will be with your mum now, take care xxx
28 Mar, 2012
My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your Family,Pixi....just remember that you were a loving daughter to him,and had a special bond..and he knew it.. ...take care,love and hugs..Sandra xxx
28 Mar, 2012
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. You can take comfort from the fact that your mum and dad are now together. There is very little I can say that hasn't been said already.
Thinking of you...Angie xxx
28 Mar, 2012
Sorry Pixi, I clicked like by mistake. Very sorry to hear your very sad news.
I hope these next few days/weeks wont be too hard for you. All the best, my thoughts are with you at this time xxx
28 Mar, 2012
Aw Pixi, I'm so very, very sorry. What can I say? Been there, done that, been through the grief and the heartache. Any time you need to 'talk' on here, there is always someone around to comfort you. There are so many of us who have lost loved ones and we know what you're going through. And don't forget to eat, and look after yourself. God bless. X
28 Mar, 2012
Jut things sorted out that had to be done.goning back Sat...funeral Tues i think.,
I a are all ver y kind and I THANK YOU XXXXXX
28 Mar, 2012
I've only just caught up with this. I'm so sorry to hear your news. It's a shock for you. God bless you Pixi x
28 Mar, 2012
So sorry for you Pixi such sad news thinking of you take care x
28 Mar, 2012
I am so sorry to read this, my thoughts are with you and your family, take comfort in the fact that he had a long life and knew how much you cared for him, look after yourself Pixi. Sue xx.
29 Mar, 2012
Thanks xx
29 Mar, 2012
Oh Pixi so sorry I have only just read this you were a lovely daughter and cared for him as he cared for you my thoughts are with you hugs and kisses Debbie xxxxxxxxxxxx
30 Mar, 2012
Thanks Nana x he is at peace now and with Mum which is what he wanted......
31 Mar, 2012
It just made me cry when we spoke this morning...Such a terrible thing to lose ones Parents, hugs for you...Celebrate the wonderful life he had...and know that his love surrounds you always...Sue & OH xxx
2 Apr, 2012
dear pixi..just read this after a prolonged period sorry to read about your dad my Scottish friend..nothing much can ease the pain you still must be feeling but i want you to know my heart and mind is thinking of you..xxxx
6 Apr, 2012
Thanks Sue..and Guy!
Funeral is over with now..that was hard.
Just have to get on with things now..and yes to rememeber all the fun times we had with Dad he had sucha great sense of humour. Such fond memories will live on.
Thank you all for your kindness xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
7 Apr, 2012
You're in our thoughts Pix xx
7 Apr, 2012
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16 Mar, 2009
sorry to hear that pixi, all the best for your dad, take care.
27 Mar, 2012