What can I do in the Winter??
By poppylover99
Oh dear…. However much I try to deny it (constantly in denial) I have to admit winter will be with us soon. I take inspiration from people like Dotty Daisy who says she never puts her garden to bed. – Well I do spend alot of time in the greenhouse! Theres always something to do…..???
Well I just thought I’d let you all know what an influence youve all had on me. I just keep finding more things to do in the garden. Michaela even said she found the soil was so easy to dig it was like a knife through butter! Well I just had to give it a try…
One area I have been concentrating on is around the front door to my house..
I originally made a bit of a mistake. I put the new clematis into a container not quite deep enough. One kind goy member, pm’d me to ask if it was 18 inches or more deep. So thanks to her it is repotted now in a much more suitable container.
If you notice on the other side of the window there is another pot. I need some inspiration on what to plant in that. – Another climber that will show up nicely against the pale wall. I think it needs an identical flower panel to go there too?? I’d be delighted to know what other Goyers think.
Thanks to Youngdaisyd, Ive been busily looking for bargains at the local garden centre. Well why pay the full price? Its really quite incredible what the local garden centres reduced down to make way for the Christmas trees!
All these were reduced to half price just recently at B&Q’s. Ive learnt to put them in quickly, before the white stuff comes! sssshhhh!
This pack of 6 lavender plants were also reduced to half price. I couldnt resist them after seeing the ones clipped into hares in Noahsgarden. I may not be quite so ambitious. But I got two good pots full for £3.50! Shape to be decided once they get growing a bit.
It has been a bit of a task this last month keeping up with the leaves
Sorry these are a bit blurry. I think I must have had too much wine!
Theyre nearly all down now. If the weather holds up I can get on with planting out my little foxglove plants. My how theyve grown. If I leave them any longer they will start walking out to the garden on their own!
How theyve grown!
If all else fails I could do a mosaic or two, when the weather is rainy and I cant get outside. Lots of Goy inspiration here from Lulu, and Lil. It was even featured on Kirsties Homemade Britain last night. Did anyone see it. Well I think that should keep me going until at least January. There is that small event called…… dare I say it?? Ch……..mas! (Couldnt quite bring myself to say it) in between. Thanks to all Goyers, sorry I couldnt mention all of you. I only joined in August and feel part of the family!
17 Nov, 2011
Previous post: The big garden tidy up
Next post: Christmas fireplace decoration
I still have more leaves to come down!! What about a pyracantha with its nice red berries on the other side of the window?
hope you get on well with the clipped hares ~ or whatever you choose to sculpt ~ keep us in touch ~ be interesting.
i was cross with kirstie's program last week so i didnt watch any more ~ i couldnt believe she won with that cushion ~ it was nice but i dont think it was the best ~ it felt as though it was fixed, shame, cos i used to like it.
17 Nov, 2011
Hi Poppy, I love your "leafy" panel! Nice blog too.
You asked for suggestions for the left-hand pot . . . possibly look at Nandina? Not a climber, but we have two (either side of a similar window - see page 5 of my pics), and they grow to 6' and don't need anything doing to them. Evergreen, with pretty leaves which turn red. (
17 Nov, 2011
Hi Terra, yes it certainly looks that way - I hope so....
thanks you really have all inspired me and my decreasing bank balance alot! lol
Sticki, I know what you mean about Kirsty. Bit of a curates egg - some good some not so good. I have a challenge on with Meadowland at the moment - well next year. We are both going to try to grow a cloud pruned pyracantha. As inspired by Mossy.
Thanks Sheilabub I'm not familiar with Nandinia, but will have a google. I forgot to mention the new tree. Its not very noticable in the photo, but I have just bought a salix integra which should provide a nice focal point when it gets going - hopefully next year.
17 Nov, 2011
Great blog Poppylover.....your wee corner is looking good....not enough knowledge to give advice on how to improve though :)
Good luck with the cloud pruning....looking forward to seeing both results :)
I've been trying to think what to do for winter time too!
17 Nov, 2011
|Oh bless you Scottish. All ideas are welcome!
Meadowland, please dont be nervous. I saw a programme where the dreaded Alan Titchmarsh did it to a quite well established conifer. You just need to start off with a plant that has a good straight central stem providing a good leader. Then get the secateurs out! I'll see if I can find you something to help.
17 Nov, 2011
I have an Idea for you and Meadow to use. But I can't PM an image....
17 Nov, 2011
It's great that you've had such help and support from other members. I hope you get a nice climber for your pot. I love your lawn strewn with leaves - it looks seasonal like that :o) And glad you were able to get some bargains aswell .....
17 Nov, 2011
Really like the look of your front garden Poppy, especially the pig.
17 Nov, 2011
Hywel, I like walking through the leaves - but over at the park when Im walking the dog! Its much better when you know its not you that has to clear them up! thanks for your nice comments anyway and to you too Lil.
Pimpernel Im intrigued now - Ill pm you
17 Nov, 2011
Poppy so pleased you are finding loads of projects, that's the spirit, and before you know it will be Spring again lol
20 Nov, 2011
Well its all your fault really Dd! After reading your blogs and seeing your garden, I still have a way to go. I wish the Garden Centres didn't fill up with Christmas trees though. Why cant they put in things that 'real' gardeners want for Christmas??
20 Nov, 2011
Too true Poppy, still.... soon be all over bar the shouting lol
21 Nov, 2011
Yes DD - Roll on January and whatever the weather brings! lol
21 Nov, 2011
I've just found your site after you left a reply on mine. Nice to meet you. I don't know how I managed other winters before Goy.
7 Feb, 2012
Hi Rose
Just waiting for all the white stuff to go. Im getting emails from the GC to tell me the plants I ordered have come in! - Not a chance of going to collect them. Too cold!!!
7 Feb, 2012
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Looks to me like you'll be gardening all winter ;o)
Good to know GoY has been of such help to you :o)
Well done on an interesting blog.
17 Nov, 2011