We planted purple sprouting brocolli in July and it has grown really HUGE - over...
2 replies
1 Nov, 2009 Lostplot
hi all have any of use ever seen or heard of a fertiliser that that keeps slugs and...
1 reply
1 Nov, 2009 Ricky
What can I put on the stump of a cut down conifer to kill the roots as they are lifting...
13 replies
1 Nov, 2009 Canary
I have a large clump of Shasta Daisys when is the best time to split?
7 replies
1 Nov, 2009 Pollyanna
I have several geraniums in pots, still going strong but I want to save them. Can...
9 replies
1 Nov, 2009 Wendyinfrance
why do my dhalias buds fill up with water
1 Nov, 2009 Sanyo