Starting Bellis Perennis Seeds
3 replies
31 Dec, 2008 Lilli
31 Dec, 2008 Ladygardener
Does anyone know how to sort out boggy clay soil
7 replies
31 Dec, 2008 Pugwash
2 replies
31 Dec, 2008 Brianyoung
4 replies
31 Dec, 2008 Lilycoton
Where can I find the bunches of Willow Spears in a variety of colours, please
8 replies
31 Dec, 2008 Valfryer
Y is my ficus weeping
30 Dec, 2008 Debbiefrank
for Christmas i bought a small 4 ft Christmas tree in a pot it was the nordic pine...
1 reply
30 Dec, 2008 Tennis
i have just put up an archway to my front gate and want to plant some climbing roses...
i would like to plant some daffadil bulbs to come this coming spring am i too late...
how good is cherry laurel at reducing noise?
5 replies
30 Dec, 2008 Mark73
Can anyone identify this pine tree?
30 Dec, 2008 Oakey76uk
Re Jasminum Officinale Climber - leaves turning brown and falling off
30 Dec, 2008 Davros3
My poor rubber plant!
30 Dec, 2008 Mrst
Has anyone ever grown one of these?
30 Dec, 2008 Treesandthi..
Mimosa losing leaves
30 Dec, 2008 Liz757
When is the best time to move an Hibiscus
29 Dec, 2008 Ronnie
Taking Rose cuttings
14 replies
29 Dec, 2008 Majeekahead
do i have to treat cuttings off money tree plant before i pot them?
29 Dec, 2008 Julianmidgley
Soil mixture for Echinocactus polycephalus
29 Dec, 2008 Joeychou2001
what is the best way to prune rhododendron kluis sensation
29 Dec, 2008 Outsie
Greenhouse roof in polycarbonate
29 Dec, 2008 Gray
Grass cutting in December - any reason why not?
6 replies
28 Dec, 2008 Kenho
what bulbs should I sow in January, to flower in spring
28 Dec, 2008 Tessy
Seaweed as manure for fruit ?
28 Dec, 2008 Quodog
My Bay Tree seems to be having Babies?!
28 Dec, 2008 Abbie2912
Cats and indoor plants - help
9 replies
28 Dec, 2008 Andrearichter
have a very poorly money plant
28 Dec, 2008 Julianmidgley
15 replies
28 Dec, 2008 Irish
Propagation of Salvia Patens
28 Dec, 2008 Birdi
Strange eggs........any ideas?
21 replies
27 Dec, 2008 Sid
Damage to trees by deer
27 Dec, 2008 Fatlez
Can anyone identify this plant please?
27 Dec, 2008 Andrearichter
Dracunculas vulgaris
27 Dec, 2008 Bren
Anyone know the best supplier to go to for new plants? particularly cottge garden...
27 Dec, 2008 Fairweather..
Palm Tree
27 Dec, 2008 Irish
Why have the leaves on my Dracaena marginata plant gone yellow?
26 Dec, 2008 Pam2009
10 replies
26 Dec, 2008 Andrearichter
growing habit
26 Dec, 2008 Sue_mounsher
What tree(s) could I put in my garden to replace large laurel..?
16 replies
26 Dec, 2008 Kentgrower
Sowing Times
26 Dec, 2008 Kenho
26 Dec, 2008 Boblowe
Why doesn't my Jacaranda 19 years old flower?
26 Dec, 2008 Perplexed
Baja Mexico shrub
25 Dec, 2008 Dart8
0 replies
25 Dec, 2008 Alexandre552
i have had a poinsettia for a week and alreadt it has lost five leaves. why? I...
25 Dec, 2008 Mleyden