There is a large silver birch at the bottom of a neighbour's garden
6 replies
31 Dec, 2016 Martincalli..
What kind of Eagle is this?
23 replies
30 Dec, 2016 Bathgate
Woodland Fungii
11 replies
30 Dec, 2016 Dawnsaunt
can fushcia"valerie" be grown indoors
2 replies
30 Dec, 2016 Rob60
I have covered my veg plot in horse manure do I have to do anything else before spring
3 replies
29 Dec, 2016 Samunwin
Is this normal for tomatoes?
1 reply
29 Dec, 2016 Mikejforde
when is possible to buy japonese anenomes and plant out
7 replies
28 Dec, 2016 Lynda_boyle
Can I save this sucker on magnolia grandiflora?
10 replies
28 Dec, 2016 Benpcoleman
Where can I buy Nordic Brussel Sprout seed in the uk Please?
28 Dec, 2016 Mick_from_a..
I have austrailian bottletop plant that's started blooming in the winter and...
4 replies
28 Dec, 2016 Tommyxdanny
People who have acres
27 Dec, 2016 Dandanspond..
Hi , in my garden i have a pear tree
27 Dec, 2016 Stewarthw
Can anyone name this Hibiscus for me?
27 Dec, 2016 Ladyessex1
My grass is rather long
Buying a tree
my olive tree leaves turning yellow
27 Dec, 2016 Ghadeer
Just acquired two Glam Rock hydrangeas in 10 cm pots
26 Dec, 2016 Shaunivory
Bathtub hole photo This is the only hole I have with this bathtub
26 Dec, 2016 Vix3nviv
Bathtub garden
34 replies
25 Dec, 2016 Vix3nviv
I have two penstemens and am wondering if I should cut them down now over winter?
25 Dec, 2016 Ailsa
Can someone tell me what this tree is please
5 replies
25 Dec, 2016 Alanharnell
Hi everyone just to wish all readers and writers a very merry christmas and a happy...
24 Dec, 2016 Kennyboy
Im in mexico for up to 3 months i find it pretty difficult to find out anything much...
24 Dec, 2016 Youngalistai
Plant ID please
24 Dec, 2016 Benpcoleman
Golden cypress plants dying Help Needed
23 Dec, 2016 Jasmin91
Help, my tree is bleeding
21 Dec, 2016 Bathgate
I've just received four bare root eryngiums
21 Dec, 2016 Barbarak
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you all
20 Dec, 2016 Nite
I have a large cordiline palm tree I have noticed today a large hole in the trunk...
20 Dec, 2016 Mpen
Can anyone identify this plant
20 Dec, 2016 Ashley48
I have a plant about 1 meter tall with pinkish stems and cluster of flowers on it
8 replies
20 Dec, 2016 Mlooi
Any ideas?I was digging under the beech tree and found quite a few of these
30 replies
19 Dec, 2016 Seaburngirl
I sowed lots of different poppy seeds in Spring
19 Dec, 2016 Scotsgran
My Malus Golden Hornet fruits have not dropped off from last winter and are brown...
18 Dec, 2016 Patriciaann
Our new shed is now in place and I will take a picture of it when I go outside
17 Dec, 2016 Arbuthnot
Hi, I have this mature Laburnham tree in my garden and I would like to know when...
17 Dec, 2016 0grahamr
I have 2 - 8 x 4 ft empty raised beds
15 replies
16 Dec, 2016 Hank
not been on for awhile my name is Dave
16 Dec, 2016 Dave_p
I have sooty mould on my Camelia shrub for the first time but have never really taken...
12 replies
15 Dec, 2016 Cammomile
There is a lot of blue tit activity in and out of the nest box
15 Dec, 2016 Arbuthnot
Osmanthus leaf tips
14 Dec, 2016 Lianechu
hi and happy holidays
13 replies
12 Dec, 2016 Vjd
Hi,I put this plant outside over the summer months where it seemed to flourish
12 Dec, 2016 Rob75
This is slightly related to my previous question and thanks for the advice re placement...
12 Dec, 2016 Barbarak
does anybody know why Leopard Plants are not available at nurseries in S
12 Dec, 2016 Teo
what causes the pink on the leaves of Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis variegated Snowflake?
I have moved house and have this in my new garden
12 Dec, 2016 Pixiepete
My neighbor has a sugar maple and what she thinks is a cedar
12 Dec, 2016 Backforthe2..
I have a lot of surplus apples
11 Dec, 2016 Big_g
Advice on buying & installing nest boxes
9 replies
11 Dec, 2016 Ads2k15