I bought a packet of mixed Iris seeds from a stall at the malvern show three years...
3 replies
31 May, 2011 Rawsongill
Crows and Pigeons
4 replies
31 May, 2011 Vincentdunne
Coul`d somebody tell me if is OK to repot my Canary Island date palm
31 May, 2011 Brutus333
hi all, had a stroll round the estate when i got in from work and noticed that something...
6 replies
31 May, 2011 Kev_rowley
Pumpkin growing
1 reply
31 May, 2011 Shrubb
Sounds like wild rhubard is what we have on our property
2 replies
31 May, 2011 Audreybanyard
Hi,Can you please tell me what this plant is called
7 replies
31 May, 2011 Ziggy100
medium sized conifers for the garden
8 replies
31 May, 2011 Madaboutgar..
I've noticed that the Shallots are bolting
31 May, 2011 Balcony
Metal vs wooden arch Hi everyone
31 May, 2011 Sgbabe
Hi all, how to deter pigeons?
31 May, 2011 Freeasabird
I bet your all fed up of me
31 May, 2011 Kate40club
I bought a peonie last year it got three flowers this year it has more than doubled...
31 May, 2011 Teddy
where can I get a blue mallow ground cover plant
31 May, 2011 Eileenbatte..
What does the term "when the first truss is set" with regard to feeding...
5 replies
31 May, 2011 Lordhogg
I have a salix tree
31 May, 2011 Winchester
Hi, I have an existing fully established Cooper beech hedge
31 May, 2011 Bunty48
This year finally got some portions of purple sprouting broccoli
31 May, 2011 Roy1961
Hi there! Does anyone know what this plant is?
31 May, 2011 Completenov..
I have grown from seed
31 May, 2011 Jampotgg
I have just discovered white fly on my tomato plant which up until now has been thriving
31 May, 2011 Debz06
can i keep leylandi in large pots instead of planting them?
31 May, 2011 Birdfeeder
Do I need to add bagged manure
31 May, 2011 Whistonlass
sorry this is it hopefully will be better pic
31 May, 2011 Russ1
bought 4 impatiens hawkeri which I planted in separate pots
31 May, 2011 Ena4bain
Dutch Iris?
31 May, 2011 Anitamay777
I am looking for a small Hebe for a rockery
31 May, 2011 Dreeny8
hi as anyone heard or seen a weeping rose tree
31 May, 2011 Oldcrock
i have a few daisies in my garden that have seemed to have mutated into a broader...
31 May, 2011 Mexico
i bought a plant
hi. i have a lovely lavender plant
31 May, 2011 Digitdeep
I would like to plant a Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' does any one know...
31 May, 2011 Jennyh
can anyone help me find out what is eating my lavender bushes
31 May, 2011 Patriciacha..
thanks moon grower for your reply to my runner bean question
31 May, 2011 Robm
Can anyone help me regarding Himalayan Jasmine
31 May, 2011 Notepad
Dear Sir Please can you give me some advice I have 30 llelandi conifer trees around...
31 May, 2011 Llelandi
my runnerbeans arent flowering
could someone tell me what these brown marks on my tomato leaves are and how to cure...
31 May, 2011 Lizzy200
I have a small Dwarf Peach tree
15 replies
31 May, 2011 Funguy
Please can sombody identify this small plant?
Please can sombody I
I have Zoysia grass and i am starting to get brown patches in it
31 May, 2011 G048808
I have grown hollyhocks for a couple of years now and finally I am giving up with...
31 May, 2011 Pdb
I bought a white Chrysanthemum because it was healthy and the blooms caught my eye
31 May, 2011 Alextb
the best way to grow romanesco cauliflower
31 May, 2011 Thompson274
We have grown potatoes for the first time in virgin ground
31 May, 2011 Merryl
Wind Damage to Acers etc
31 May, 2011 Helenr
Can anyone identify this plant?
9 replies
31 May, 2011 Nancym
how do you prevent slugs getting at your crops
31 May, 2011 Janettopham