I recently used Verdone extra on my lawn
2 replies
31 Aug, 2016 Mywoodland
I have four cacti sharing one pot
7 replies
31 Aug, 2016 Bleighleahy
what causes yellow spot on pear trees and how to get rid of this problem
1 reply
31 Aug, 2016 Arjunleela1
A budlea sort of tree that provides privacy needs a prune but don't know where...
31 Aug, 2016 Jeanie65
When to lift gladioli
3 replies
31 Aug, 2016 Kieran80
Anyone know what this plant is?
31 Aug, 2016 Taid49
Coprosmia Pacific sunrise I fell for this
4 replies
31 Aug, 2016 Steragram
What is happening to my jalapeƱo peppers?
31 Aug, 2016 Davesmith
I have bought an Azalea called Ageeth
31 Aug, 2016 Bytheby
Hi I'm looking to get ahead and repair my lawn
9 replies
31 Aug, 2016 Eagergardener
Please advise on what grape vine to grow on a greenhouse
31 Aug, 2016 Tanger1945
How to prune a standard rose
31 Aug, 2016 Moatrat
can anyone id this shrub i think ?
31 Aug, 2016 Youngalistair
Any growers of tree lilies out there?
Has anyone else started their autumn tidy up?
11 replies
31 Aug, 2016 Somhairle
What plant is this?
6 replies
I have a hibiscus recently uncovered from a heavily pruned Mahonia
30 Aug, 2016 G0sdd
Is anybody growing the plant parachetus communis
30 Aug, 2016 Gardenlife
Can you identify this insect?
30 Aug, 2016 Ohmelchisedec
My pieris little Heath doesn't look so good ?
30 Aug, 2016 Squid2012
Salvia identification please?
12 replies
30 Aug, 2016 Seaburngirl
any suggestion what this annual is?
Why are my wisteria leaves yellowed around the edge
30 Aug, 2016 Elianne
A couple of years ago my wife and I had a holiday near Stratford-upon-Avon
30 Aug, 2016 Alanturk
I bought a lovely Rudbekia Cappuccino yesterday and it said 'herbacious perennial'...
30 Aug, 2016 Merlinbabydog
Does anyone grow a variety of aster called 'Chequers'?
30 Aug, 2016 Andrewr
Does anyone know what this huge caterpillar is?
30 Aug, 2016 Milky
i'm looking to prune my apple tree this autumn
30 Aug, 2016 Yakidar
Ceanothus, dying?
13 replies
30 Aug, 2016 Benpcoleman
I, have a 5 year old magnolia stellata which is in full leaf as normal but has...
29 Aug, 2016 Sandra02
Good evening Does anyone know why most of my tomatoes are still green?
29 Aug, 2016 Joanairey
I have a magnolia stellate 5 years old which is flowering again
I live in Cornwall and I am lucky enough to own 1 and half acre field
8 replies
29 Aug, 2016 Greendor3112
All my tomatoes look like this
29 Aug, 2016 Liz79
I have an Apple tree growing well and producing fruit but it has a large brunch of...
29 Aug, 2016 Pollyhighla..
when monbretia dies back
29 Aug, 2016 Johnwilson
I have a Peach tree which does well
29 Aug, 2016 Kenbroadribb
I have a Bougainvillea which flowered profusely last year
29 Aug, 2016 Janbabs
Why have the flowers and leaves turned brown on my Vanilla Fraise Hydrangeas ?
29 Aug, 2016 Shirley74
My Daughter was telling me she was watching a gardening program the other day about...
28 Aug, 2016 Nellie61
when should the following plants be planted to create a cottage garden Delphinium
28 Aug, 2016 Norny
Hi there growing squash for first time
28 Aug, 2016 Brotherzaq
Why didn't my hydrangea flower this year ?
28 Aug, 2016 Ashyoudar123
I live in SW France
28 Aug, 2016 Bluenoser
Is anyone able to identify this plant?
28 Aug, 2016 Theoldposto..
After harvesting My potato's from my plot
28 Aug, 2016 Johnjoe
can a smallish hyrangea be split
28 Aug, 2016 Youngalistair
why have the leaves on my acer gone white and powdery
28 Aug, 2016 Kathdonny
hi I have many hosta's in my garden and all seem fine apart from the odd snail...
28 Aug, 2016 Davidbreheny
I have had Kaffa Lilies for some years not very successful
28 Aug, 2016 Telme8