My neighbour has just had her fence replaced by a member of her family
32 replies
3 Nov, 2009 Bubblesok
where can i buy bo plant in uk
5 replies
3 Nov, 2009 Saroj81
can you prune Japenese Mapel
4 replies
3 Nov, 2009 Jsd1970
Thanks for all your replys about splitting a clump if Shasta Daisys may I ask another...
2 replies
3 Nov, 2009 Pollyanna
A work collage has just given me a couple of hundred begonia tubers
3 replies
3 Nov, 2009 Thecottageg..
can you just buy the bulbs forthe Schizostylis coccinea
3 Nov, 2009 Dougie
I was given three convolvulus plants for my hanging baskets this year and they have...
3 Nov, 2009 Bracketts
Any idea which willow tree this is?
13 replies
3 Nov, 2009 Dawnsaunt
Unhealthy Rose
6 replies
We planted some of the seeds form the Halloween pumkin in seed trays
3 Nov, 2009 Howee74
I have two roses I planted 2 years ago and would like to move them
3 Nov, 2009 Sadie
Can anyone tell me what this shrub
3 Nov, 2009 Shackmistress
something is eating my lemonade tree
1 reply
3 Nov, 2009 Mervyn
25 replies
2 Nov, 2009 Rutiworrall
I have a house plant with a trio of purple butterfly shaped leaves at the tip of...
2 Nov, 2009 Kellyseye
hi can anyone tell me what this garden tool is called i think it is some sort of...
11 replies
2 Nov, 2009 Sunshines
Can anyone suggest a soft fruit I can plant in part shade please?
2 Nov, 2009 Labdancer51
Does anyone know where I can get hold of a solar water feature?
29 replies
Has anyone used DIY
10 replies
2 Nov, 2009 Louise1
hi is there an easy way to get leaves off the boarders raking the leaves off seems...
Are Zinnias a Type Of Dahlia?? I ask this as i looked 4 Dahlia Seeds On Ebay &...
2 Nov, 2009 Jacque
Impatiens Sun Patiens how do you keep them through the winter. thanks John
7 replies
2 Nov, 2009 Tug
whats the best way to keep Gaeraniums in Winter
2 Nov, 2009 Mnr
I have a beautiful grape vine Vitis Vinera ? which produced about 40 bunches of black...
2 Nov, 2009 Jackie123
I am looking for plants that attract butterflies to my garden and also a plant or...
2 Nov, 2009 Notty1st
my aunty has a passion for fruit and vegetables.what fruit and vegetables can i give...
2 Nov, 2009 Leah95
is it a good time to move red robin trees 8ft about 3years old, what is the best...
2 Nov, 2009 Jackieharvey
Does anyone have any experience of Restios or Elegias? I bought an Elegia Capensis...
9 replies
2 Nov, 2009 Wendiam
Recent high winds have blown over one of my cordylines (approx 6ft trunk) in a raised...
2 Nov, 2009 B135mh1
Can kaffir lilies be used as pond plants?
12 replies
2 Nov, 2009 Ronald_sugden
hi to all have to ask question again spelt it wrong last time } can you over winter...
We have loads of leaves in our garden and was wondering if I can mulch them and use...
2 Nov, 2009 Flamingolegs
Friends have given me hawthorne and willow which Ive planted watered well all died....
2 Nov, 2009 Novus
What should I do with my orchid Cambria? To me it looks overly pot bound now, &...
2 Nov, 2009 Meanie
hi please can you help do anyone no if you can over winter majorettes if so can you...
16 replies
Can I take a cutting from a holly bush now and do you know what I need to do to make...
2 Nov, 2009 Tinarussell
When is the best time to prune a 10 ft Lilac tree
2 Nov, 2009 Swanky
New Zealand fern.My plant has the fonds dying back(looking brown).Does this mean...
2 Nov, 2009 Winnington
leaves on plants being destroyed not always from the outer edge, but in the middles....
2 Nov, 2009 Birks
Can anyone advise what shrubs might be suitable for this part-shady area that I've...
2 Nov, 2009 Barncote
My one and only Knifphofia has been failing for some time but there are 2 recruits...
2 Nov, 2009 Dorjac
Hi, I live overseas and would like to order Hydrangea online. I was wondering how...
2 Nov, 2009 Aiman
MAGNOLIAS AND WHEN AND HOW HARD CAN ONE PRUNE? I have a friend who asked my advice...
8 replies
1 Nov, 2009 Alzheimer
I have a baytree thats developed black marks on it's leaves as seen in the photo,...
1 Nov, 2009 Miaandkai
Im trying to grow chilli plants in my house. For some reason, they all die - with...
1 Nov, 2009 Jonandel
I bought 2 miniature apple trees and have planted them in pots. What do I need to...
1 Nov, 2009 Wendyb
Is there a gardening tool that will 'spear' fallen leaves ? I've...
34 replies
1 Nov, 2009 Louise1
my poor Aster lateriflorus is faling over after the heavy rain :( I've tried...
1 Nov, 2009 Sooze
I have posted some pics of unknown plants if anyone can help in naming them for me...
1 Nov, 2009 Jimbo1951
Can you please advice me on how to over winter my Eucomis Bicolor ? many thanks bridget.d.palmer@btinternet.com
1 Nov, 2009 Badgers