I have 3 Japanese maples in pots and I wondered if they should be fed with something...
17 replies
30 Sep, 2018 Lemnos
Good morning all
1 reply
30 Sep, 2018 Charnwood
Yesterday, Monty Don warned viewers not to put Japanese Knotweed roots in with the...
19 replies
29 Sep, 2018 Merlinbabydog
My Viscaria seedlings are 4” tall and have made plenty of root
6 replies
29 Sep, 2018 Sheilabub
Hi all , so glad to have found this site
14 replies
29 Sep, 2018 Brentsa
I bought a Gerbera about a month ago and it hasn't stopped flowering yet
5 replies
29 Sep, 2018 Arbuthnot
Hi all, We're in the process of removing a Russian Vine plant which we naively...
7 replies
28 Sep, 2018 Catofur
Mushroom I D Please can anybody identify this mushroom which I found in the garden...
28 Sep, 2018 Marjories
Hi, when's the best time to take rose bush cuttings please and how do I do it
3 replies
27 Sep, 2018 1946freedom
when's the best time to take rose bush cuttings and how do you do it please
2 replies
I'm in the NE of the UK
27 Sep, 2018 Vickii99
Nashi pear
27 Sep, 2018 Cestina
We planted a hedge with English native plants in the spring and it is getting choked...
27 Sep, 2018 Janpled
I have a loose patio flag
26 Sep, 2018 Hawk
What is the best time of the year to take Heuchera cuttings?
26 Sep, 2018 Pathumwan
Will my salvia cuttings survive in a cold frame?
25 Sep, 2018 Merlinbabydog
Could you identify this small tree for me
25 Sep, 2018 Bezzers
What do I need to do with my succulents and cacti which are outside at the moment
4 replies
25 Sep, 2018 Marjories
Plant identification?
8 replies
25 Sep, 2018 Gardener55
Hi, I have a few Crocosmia
25 Sep, 2018 Cdeet22
I intend to move a buddleia buzz and swap places with a hydrangea Annabelle
24 Sep, 2018 Barbarak
Hang down flower - id please
24 Sep, 2018 Jjulio
Having told my cousin several times about my prolific thornless blackberry bush she...
24 Sep, 2018 Hank
Can you identify this plant?
23 Sep, 2018 Jjulio
Seen in Turkey any ideas?
23 Sep, 2018 Youngalistair
I have 3 clematis that I bought as very small plants three years ago and repotted...
23 Sep, 2018 Pennyfarthing
My heuchera was looking a bit sad
23 Sep, 2018 Greenfingers
Hi I have small strelitzia Nicola that dose not look fine some leaves curl inside...
23 Sep, 2018 Bigbang
Can you tell me what this is on the rose stem?
22 Sep, 2018 Jamesmca
Veronica gentianoides planted in June
22 Sep, 2018 Sheilabub
my indoor calla lilies has ting flying bugs
22 Sep, 2018 Bunny39ster
What plant is this please?
15 replies
22 Sep, 2018 Bazza7777
Hello, I am potting up some bulbs and horticultural grit is very expensive at my...
13 replies
22 Sep, 2018 Cecelia
Avocado Pit in Water
21 Sep, 2018 Darren8
Bulb planting
21 Sep, 2018 Amsterdam
I bought a Jongerling Citrus Lemon plant earlier this year
21 Sep, 2018 Phyllismills
My young Syringa Palibin had quite small flowers
20 Sep, 2018 Steragram
I'm planning to plant hardy ferns in a shaded spot
10 replies
20 Sep, 2018 Pennyfarthing
When do I plant New Crocus bulbs in garden
20 Sep, 2018 Pammie
My sister just sent me this photo
20 Sep, 2018 Greenfingers
My white arum lilies have some yellow leaves
19 Sep, 2018 Helengregory
Should I use creosote to seal the branches I've cut on my plum tree?
19 Sep, 2018 Garden_gloves
I have a monkey puzzle tree which is very large and tall can the root system damage...
19 Sep, 2018 Jolegi
hi everyone glad to have found this site
19 Sep, 2018 Iawnski
Hello everyone
19 Sep, 2018 Nursey123
Plant I.d please
18 Sep, 2018 Amsterdam
Hi pals, I lost my Penstemon Margarita Bob in last years frosts
18 Sep, 2018 Paj
Who can ID this pink flower?
18 Sep, 2018 Bathgate
Is this honey fungus
18 Sep, 2018 Barbarak
Calling all picklers
18 Sep, 2018 Jimmytheone