Got a pyracantha growing up a fence
8 replies
10 Dec, 2016 Amsterdam
NAME THIS HOUSE PLANT PLEASE Just inherited this 25yr old house plant
13 replies
8 Dec, 2016 Ianplant
Plant care discrepancies
17 replies
7 Dec, 2016 Barbarak
Hi Everyone
6 replies
7 Dec, 2016 Ladyessex1
Are Poinsettas grown in polytunnels abroad under 24 hour day light lighting conditions...
39 replies
7 Dec, 2016 Dianebulley
I have just purchased an orchid from a street stall
7 Dec, 2016 Sshah
What to do when two trees are growing very close next to each other?
30 replies
5 Dec, 2016 Benpcoleman
Hey everyone
12 replies
5 Dec, 2016 Backforthe2..
what is the best time to buy japenese anenomies
10 replies
4 Dec, 2016 Lynda_boyle
Is it too late to move Peonies?
3 replies
4 Dec, 2016 Amsterdam
I have grown 12 garlics from planting the cloves into a section tray
3 Dec, 2016 Ladycarol
Im thinking of going to mexico to check out plants gardens ect i wonder if anyone...
3 Dec, 2016 Youngalistair
hi can i put my pot bamboos
2 replies
2 Dec, 2016 Sunshines
most of my plants are in containers
1 Dec, 2016 Nellie61
I have had 6 large lime trees removed which has left a big gap in my front garden
1 Dec, 2016 Trimbo
Hi everyone Can any of you tell me when is the best time to repot my Japanese...
1 Dec, 2016 Flowerlady
i have 12 cyrsanthethemum plugs in greenhouse in flower they are in pots should...
4 replies
1 Dec, 2016 Bigalfie