forest sell off scrapped
By sanbaz
Hi guys for those who have signed a potition or emailed their MP i am glad to say we won the fight to have the forests sold of to privatisation, i for one am glad to hear this, i just recieved an email from David Babbs of 38 degrees who have many potitions for different causes,in his words he has put
! The government has just confirmed they’re totally scrapping the forest sell-off. The phoney consultation has been cancelled. The sinister legal changes to pave the way for privatisation have been dropped
great news
17 Feb, 2011
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its fantastic news sandra and dont know how they thought to sell them off when they belong to the people, can you imagine what could have happened, no more forest walk if that had happened,
17 Feb, 2011
Great news Sandra. i'm just having a giggle at your heading.Ooops sorry.
17 Feb, 2011
i was lafing at it too ....... but i do think its an apt tittle .... but gud news , dont know wot this countrys comeing tooo
17 Feb, 2011
Good news about the woodlands :o)
17 Feb, 2011
MP's admitting they got it wrong ... makes a change! Wonderful turnaround on their part. : o )
17 Feb, 2011
It's a great result!
17 Feb, 2011
I too am most relieved that the government have scrapped this! ;))
17 Feb, 2011
thanx guys and thanx Tulsalady, Terra sent me a nice msg lol, oops and think we are all glad its turned around, did they really think people would sit back and take it, never :o)
17 Feb, 2011
Yay !!! :o)))
17 Feb, 2011
17 Feb, 2011
Sorry San, couldn't resist. Have corrected my 'error' now! :)) I did sign the petition about the woodland sell-off, but now I fear I ought to have abstained as it may be considered a little 'West Lothian' for a Scottish resident to have an opinion on this!! ;) Oh well, a vote's a vote and it seems it did count!
17 Feb, 2011
lol karen no probs, i think you have every right to an opinion karen no matter where you live, england scotland wales and ireland, we all love our countryside and dont want this to happen anywhere :o)
17 Feb, 2011
Very true! x
17 Feb, 2011
:o)) x
17 Feb, 2011
Wicked news some things are sacred to all!!!
17 Feb, 2011
Good news for our country :) There will be forests for future generations, thankfully.
17 Feb, 2011
thanx jewells and jacquie, another victory for the people ;o))
17 Feb, 2011
Hear, Hear. !!!
17 Feb, 2011
That is excellent news, I was worried whot would happen to all the wildlife,etc :))
17 Feb, 2011
Good news, obviously they can listen at times......
17 Feb, 2011
That's great news. i don't knopw where they get these daft ideas from in the first place. i wish they'd use their sense. It would save a lot of distress.
18 Feb, 2011
oooor san preferred the 1st title lol but its gud news ................. xx
18 Feb, 2011
Yes brilliant news San.....what they were thinking of beggars belief!
These are people we have elected to represent us and what do they keep on doing, stabbing their electors in the back time and time's time Cameron brought his self back down to earth and put the interests and welfare of the English people first. He may think he's looking at everything long term, but his term will certainly come to a short and sticky end if things carry on the way he's planning.
18 Feb, 2011
thankyou everyone for your comments, it certainly is good news all round.
janey your so right, clegg and cameron cant even get on so how can they keep the country on track, something has to give, its a mess.
but at least we have our countrside to enjoy :o))
19 Feb, 2011
great news...
19 Feb, 2011
I wrote to my MP twice about the forests & I signed the petition & sent off copies to many people. I posted about it on my Facebook page as well x 2 times. I was so pleased when I heard about the Government scrapping the idea on the news on TV!
Writing to your MP & signing petitions as well does help - sometimes!
19 Feb, 2011
thanx elsiemay it is great news :o)
balcony you certainly did your bit, well done and your right people think there is no point in complaining but in this case it has made a big difference, can you imagine if no-one had said anything it would have been done with no hesitation, so our voices do count at times :o)
19 Feb, 2011
I was really pleased about this too, at least we have a Government that seems to listen to us!!
26 Feb, 2011
not so much listen Tetra but think they knew they had it wrong and we wouldnt stand for it, i think they were shocked the people made such a rant about it to, at the end of the day the forests etc belong to us not them to do what they want, all good news though :o))
26 Feb, 2011
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isnt it great news Sandra...we have to look after whats left..
17 Feb, 2011