new project is revealed
By sanbaz
today we got going again with the new area, alot more digging and planting the tub for the bamboo, which was hard work cause every time we start to dig we find more stones and roots. i did some but baz had to do the most part,
we started at 12.30 and didnt finish till 8pm.
so bamboo in place and started to move soil back to build up a slope, as we got to the front section we found more paving slabs, oh no we just looked at eachother not believing what we saw, 4 more big one, anyway baz spend the next couple of hours removing them and i raked back the lose soil to make the sloping area,
inbetween i made plenty of coffee and also kept the stones and roots going into bags for the tip.
next step was “have you guessed correctly” the digging of the wildlife pond,
at last ive got my pond, its not deep cause we arent having fish and hard to dig to deep because its hard clay, but im happy with having it just for wildlife and the sound of water,
baz put some rubber underlay under pond liner to stop stones ripping linner should any come to surface,its about a foot deep then a slight ledge if i want marginal plants, after we filled with water and arrange the rocks i started to add sea pebbles inbetween to cover gaps and linner, so the main body finished and we just have the waterfall part to do and add pump, maybe over easter, but for now all we want to do is rest our backs, mines bad enough so dont know how baz will feel come the morning, i told him not to do it all today but he wanted to get it finished, im so pleased and i know he hates doing it, not a gardener at all, so he has done a great job
looks a bit boring at the moment but once the waterfall done and planting the slope im pretty sure it will look great, by the time i took last pics it was going dark to
new pic added this morning,can see layout better now
28 Mar, 2010
More blog posts by sanbaz
Previous post: coming along nicely "new project"
Next post: planting up new area
thanx pepperpot, had our hot baths and just about could manage to eat lol, backs in pain and so tired but well worth it, not sure baz agrees though haha
28 Mar, 2010
Ah so this is what it has all been about ! Lol Believe me I know just how Baz feels ! Sure Mr Toad will soon be moving in !! Lol x
28 Mar, 2010
Sandra, just got in from playing bingo at Mums' Sunday evening club, oh yes, I know how to party ! I won £8 and a jar of jam - great.
Lovely to see pics of your new garden design, it's already looking good, so the end result should be perfect. I know how hard it is to persuade OH to do jobs like that if they're not that way inclined ! He's worked really hard there and you should read out all the positive comments to him! : o ) )
28 Mar, 2010
lol ray/jane do you think its ok really, a foot is deep enough for wildlife isnt it, im so worried incase its not right after all hard work, it will look better with waterfall added though :o) x
nice one megan glad you won something,i dont really mind that baz isnt into gardening cause i can make all the choices on what we are having lol, but he will do heavy work if i ask, he knows i just couldnt have done this on my own :o)
28 Mar, 2010
its already looking super San and Baz. what a lot of hard work. it will be great for wildlife and add another dimension to your garden
28 Mar, 2010
thanx mageth glad you like it, cant wait to start planting, bamboo in large pot to keep it under control :o)
28 Mar, 2010
brilliant Sandra im so glad you have your pond at last, your next trip to garden centre will be a different one ..getting water plants i did that today lol you and Baz have both worked hard but i know you will enjoy it for a long time to come well done ..:o)))
28 Mar, 2010
Wonderful Sandra, a pond is one of the best wildlife attractions. It looks great and all your hard work has certainly paid off. Stones leading into the pond are good for the birds etc to use to get in and out and look good too, I think Ray and Jane have done this.
28 Mar, 2010
cheers for that joan, yes looking forward to a couple of water plants, they will make a difference, will let it all settle and get pump first, by then it will have some rainwater to which is better really, but as no rain today we used tap water :o)
hi dawn thanx, yes ive put a rock or two slpoing into water to help frogs and will add a couple more stepping stones and pebbles for birds :o) im so tired can hardly type lol
28 Mar, 2010
As Dawn says on for the birds and also for the frogs and toads etc ! Well done you...a wildlife haven in the making !
28 Mar, 2010
thanx ray im glad we got it right :o)
28 Mar, 2010
Thanks for showing us the updated project. Sandra. I can see that you and Baz have worked hard on the weekend. The pond will be a lovely feature when it is finished. I only have a small pond in our garden for wildlife but it is interesting to see what is around there when we go in the garden. I know you will be pleased with it when it is finished :-)
28 Mar, 2010
You did....surprising how little time it takes to settle.One year on it will look as if it has been there forever ! Ours is only 2 years old.....and covered in frog spawn !
28 Mar, 2010
After all your hard work san you will be reaping in the rewards, the
Wildlife will just love your Garden with your new Pond..You will have
such a lot to look forward to....
28 Mar, 2010
thats great ray, just need to find out which plants, not to big but to make it look nice, maybe a small water lily, and something else,need to put a few stepping stones around slope to use when im weeding etc, :o)
thanx freesiaperson i am looking forward to the wildlife, i do have frogs and toads come in garden so im sure they will love it :o)
28 Mar, 2010
You must both be exhausted, digging out heavy clay is not an easy task. You have done well and it's going to look brilliant. I guessed right! Hope your aches soon disappear. Bet you can't wait for all the little creatures that will gravitate towards your pond :)
28 Mar, 2010
thanx Gee and yes you were right, baz just couldnt go any deeper but its enough, i dont want fish its all extra work looking after them and casper,,, well can you imagine lol :o)
28 Mar, 2010
Crikey clever things, such a lot of work in one's so exciting to have a new bit though isn't it? Bet you can't wait till tomorrow to start planning and planting. Bet you'll have taddies in there...that should keep Casper busy...Lol!!
28 Mar, 2010
Great blog San, so interesting to catch a work in progress, the end result will be worth every ache and bruised muscle, just wait and see my friend! Will be keeping updated,this so much nicer than telly lol :~)))))
28 Mar, 2010
You've both achieved an aweful lot in one day San....well done to the pair of you :-)
29 Mar, 2010
Well done, you make a good pair - I think that pond is great.
29 Mar, 2010
thanx janey it was alot in one day and today im paying the price, can hardly move lol,its raining slightly but i went out just to rake the ground a bit more so the slope is even,at the moment i watching casper cause he thinks all this lose ground is his loo hahah :o))
cheers flori im made up with what we have done, all those weeks of digging out stumps, rocks, roots and ,,, well allsorts lol, im looking forward to planting and will have to buy some more plants i think,, oh dear what a shame ahhaha :o))
thanx for that Alice if you had seen us slumped on sofa lastnight lol dont think i could have moved if a bomb had gone off :o))
cheers Gb yes we make a good team when baz does as i tell him lol :o)
29 Mar, 2010
San this is going to look even more fab when uv got your Waterfall/Plants in :) What a Brill surprise :)X
29 Mar, 2010
cheers jacque it was so hard not telling you all, but i did get addvice of ray when i first was planning it, glad you like it :o) x
29 Mar, 2010
i love it San :)X
29 Mar, 2010
thankyou jacque :o)) x
29 Mar, 2010
Yw :)x
29 Mar, 2010
Good progress made, Sandra.
Well done... :o)
29 Mar, 2010
You did work SOOOO hard on that, Sandra - well done Baz, as well! It's got such a lot of potential - once you've got the bank planted up and so on, it'll look fantastic! So - your secret is out - and well worth seeing. :-)))
29 Mar, 2010
thankyou Terra we did so much yesterday, more than i expected, im so pleased :o))
cheers barbara, so glad you like it, the planting im looking forward to, and have to make sure i get it right height wise, so i get to see all plants when in,:o)) i cant believe i kept quiet on this either hahah
29 Mar, 2010
You did REALLY well to keep that secret, Sandra! LOL.
29 Mar, 2010
Well Done to you both and Congratulations its is going to be a real focal point and give you lots and lots of pleasue. Will be so exciting choosing the plants they bring everything to life, I had a small pond back at the cottage and the very next day after it was filled with water a big frog was sat on the rocks lol Marsh Marigold was one of my favourite plants for growing in between the rocks ;0))
29 Mar, 2010
It looks brill Sandra well done to Baz, he could do with my Back massage, could'nt be without it now, thought you would have pond and making the erea a tropical garden, you need them buzz plants now.
29 Mar, 2010
This looks promising already Sanbaz, and when your both relaxing and listening to the sound of running water all those aches and pains will be forgotten. Really look forward to watching its progress over the coming year.
29 Mar, 2010
Agreat job well done.Hope you aren't aching as much now..I think we all have had that feeling,and say,"I'll just do a bit more,and then call it a day"..but we never do! its so exciting planning something new,and thinking about new plants
to of the best bits of gardening,to me...:o))
29 Mar, 2010
thanx carole(pp) ive been looking at marsh marigolds on ebay so i may get some if i can plant inbetween rocks, do you miss having a pond carole? :o)
thanx carol im so pleased, didnt think i would get my pond at one time,my planting will be mixed cause i want something to look at winter as well as summer so a few tropical and anything i like really lol :o)
cheers stroller its going to be lovely sitting there on my deck area looking across at my pond, i hate waiting for plants to establish dont you, want it all now lol :o)
i agree sandra i love the plant bit to, ive quite alot already but im sure i can squeeze a few more in there :o))
29 Mar, 2010
Well done both of you, its all coming together Sandra and you certainly won`t regret all your hard work when you are relaxing to the sound of running water on a lovely sunny day......I`m looking forward to seeing it when you`ve planted it up ,its surprising how quickly it will fill out as the weather warms up.........
29 Mar, 2010
I do miss a pond Sandra still wondering where I would put one, then theres all the digging, Harry's not keen on ponds after the problems with our last one, but Im not giving up Lol
29 Mar, 2010
cheers sue, i hope i get the planting right, not done a big area like this before, thinking of a few stepping stones to for when im weeding,your right things soon get going once planted out :o))
lol carole you could have a small wildlife one, you have quite a big grass area dont you lol, and im sure someone in family would give you a hand to dig out if you use blackmail hahah :o))
29 Mar, 2010
Sue glad you said when it gets warmer :o))
29 Mar, 2010
awfull today carol but at least it keeps frost away, would rather sunshine though :o))
29 Mar, 2010
you have worked hard....but isnt it worth it....your pond looks like mine did a year ago.... and look at it now...... it soon gets established...... ive got pond weed in mine and a yellow pond iris which is growing at the side as well.... recently added a marsh marigold which can go round the edge or in the pond itself.... if you have a country lane near you have a look out for kingcups..... and pull a few up.... they spread easy........ its going to be a great area in your garden.... : O ))
29 Mar, 2010
thanx for the advice holly much appreciated, yours looks like its been there longer, looks good,i do have country lanes but wouldnt know what im looking for so will look them up first lol :o))
29 Mar, 2010
I just looked at your recently added photo Sandra and I have to say that all your work has been worthwhile. I can`t wait to see it when its finished. :o)
29 Mar, 2010
thanx sandra, i keep looking at it and cant wait to get planting lol, im like a child with a new toy, hopefully we will get some nice weather soon so we can carry on :o)
29 Mar, 2010
Haha! Knew we'd persuade him San! Remember the conversations last year when you said you were working on him.....
Fine job too Baz considering lack of interest in gardening! Lot of work gone into it from both of you but you can see the results already and imagine the final picture. Very impressed San and you will love the sound of the water and sight of the wildlfie!
I had to dig into clat for ours as well......back-breakng stuff.
Still, dead chuffed for you now and looking forward to seeing the progress as it goes along:0))
29 Mar, 2010
lol yes i remember Dan, hard work or what haaha,
baz did a great job digging it out and we lined it together, then i arranged pebbles, ive now done a pebble slope and put two water plants in, started to plant a few other plants but so muddy with all the rain, but getting there, im so made up Dan :o))
30 Mar, 2010
I am for you and I'm sure Baz will 'secretly' appreciate the sound of the water and sight of the wildlife as he sits out in the summer with a beer or two:0))
It will look great when you finish and can't wait to see the progress you make.
30 Mar, 2010
cheers Dan :o))
30 Mar, 2010
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Nymphaea 'Aurora' (Water Lily)
£22.99 at Crocus -
Easy Clear Filter And Fountain Pump
£139.95 at Ferndale Lodge
Its going to look great, you can already see that, with all the hard work you've both done, Baz hot soothing bath for you! lol, wiil done to you both, agood days work. :o))
28 Mar, 2010