planting up new area
By sanbaz
started to plant up my pond area today, the soil is a bit wet but all the better for the plants i guess,i find it difficult to decide where to plant each one because of spacing and height so i did what i thought would be ok, some plants are just shooting so if my memory serves me right they are quite tall, also a couple of bush/shrubs which are small at the moment but they are at the back because they will get tall,
all looks a bit lost untill established, and still some to go in but im bushed so calling it a day
you may notice i have planted to pond plants, one lily in white which you can just see the basket, thats at the bottom and a iris which you can see as thats marginal,im going to get some stepping stones to for inbetween the plants to help when moving around when weeding
ive burried some of my bulbs in pots which havent flowered yet and will be easy to remove when the flowers have gone, it will just brighten things up till things get going.also i cant plant to much to the left of the pond because baz has to work from that side with cascade feature which i cant wait for lol
im hoping ive planted things right and my angelina statue will be closer to cascade water once finished and angela`s ashes will be beneath the statue, a lovely setting for a special little puss, anyway thats all for me today im still aching from sunday, but so worth it
30 Mar, 2010
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Well done Sandra your pond looks great, it will all look lovely when the plants get going.
30 Mar, 2010
thanx mad yes i will be putting an oxygenating plant in and never thought of snails, will they stay in pond, dont want them eating plants lol :o)) still alot to go in yet mad but takes time, im a bit impatient hahah
cheerstulsalady glad you like it :o))
30 Mar, 2010
Its all looking nice will soon fill pond snails dont go on land.... : O ))... i collected some frogspawn from local pond on sunday and have it in a bucket on the patio untill th etadpoles get bigger as i have one fish left in the pond and i dont want him to eat
30 Mar, 2010
lol holly, im sure your right, i remember doing my raised border last year and by summer what a difference, at weekend will get a few things for my pond, going to get filter/punp for cascade fall :o))
30 Mar, 2010
Looks lovely - how exciting - I keep thinking I ought to rearrange my garden just to do something new!!
30 Mar, 2010
lol you should Genuisscuffy, it gives you a boost when something new doesnt it, glad you like it :o))
30 Mar, 2010
San i think your pond is coming on lovely, can't believe the difference since sunday, you have been bizzy, And yes me too, wound like one, can't wait until the water is cascading its going to look great!. :o))))
30 Mar, 2010
thanx pepperpot glad you like my new pond area, looks like your going to have one soon :o)) wildlife will love it if you do
30 Mar, 2010
This area is shaping up nicely Sandra..
Now we need some good weather to enjoy our gardens !!!
30 Mar, 2010
Looks great you've done so much already. Can't wait to see it in a few months time. Well done girl
30 Mar, 2010
Wow, you have worked hard again! It's all beginning to come together very well and just imagine what it will be like in a few months :) Heavy rain, hailstones etc here today, just what I didn't want as it was beginning to dry out :(
30 Mar, 2010
Sanbaz - yes, the snails stay in the pond. They are very small but do a good job eating up the debris in the pond - definitely recommended. Can I suggest you stand the pot with the waterlily on a brick for now? That way, the lily can get its leaves above the water quite easily. When it starts to grow a bit more, you can then lower it back to the bottom - it helps the plant get established.
I got my oxygenators and ramshorn snails from the website I recommended. Ordered one morning and delivered the next day. You may have to phone them for now as the website is not ready to take orders yet for this year.
30 Mar, 2010
looking really good sanbaz ... you`v done well ,bet your excited to see how it will look in the summer i`m sure it will be lovely keep us updated
30 Mar, 2010
Looking good Sandra , you have some really nice plants ther I love the seconfd from the las with the wine coloured veins, do know its name? you must be tired with all the hard work but very happy too;0)
30 Mar, 2010
Great looking pond wow all that hard work does pay off with rewarding results well done Sandra
30 Mar, 2010
I would have to talk nicely to hubby lol. :o)))
30 Mar, 2010
Looks great San and the plants will soon fill out when the sun does arrive lol. Pond is brill too,well worth all your efforts.Just think of the lovely sunny days and evenings you'll have sitting nearby enjoying the results :))
30 Mar, 2010
So all the hard work has finally paid off San ! Well done to Baz too ! This is going to look lovely.Amazing how quickly the pond plants grow once they are in.To start us off with oxygenators we put in 6 bunches with lead weights 3 years later have to thin it out every year.Our frogs have laid their frogspawn on it this year !
30 Mar, 2010
You have done a great job there,both of you..its looking you remember how frustrated you were not so long ago,about slow progress? and look at it already....Hope you feel a bit smug when you see what you have achieved..I would :o)
30 Mar, 2010
cheers Terra your right we do need some nice weather to get out and enjoy :o))
cheers great it will look alot different in a few months im sure :o)
Gee we had hail to and heavy showers, at least my plants got a good watering in lol :o)
thanx andrew for addvice i will do that in the morning, i could see the lily had a tiny shoot starting which is a good sign and will get a couple of snails to and oxygenating plant to, we have a big pond place not far so will go there at weekend :o))
i will keep updating viv, glad you like it :o)
carole the red veined dock is called "rumex sanguineus red veined dock" it was the colour which attracted me :o))
cheers Rkalyan :o))
pepperpot get sweet talking your hubby lol ;o)
thankyou aster im so glad you like my pond to, worth all the work and cant wait to sit there on summer nights :o)
30 Mar, 2010
looking good now San, you are getting there it will be a treat in summer,you are like me once you get started you cant wait to get it done lol pond looks good now..
Andrew, where did you recommend the website was it in a blog ?..
30 Mar, 2010
oops we crossed jane sorry, so do you just tie then to weigh them down, dont you plant them like other plants? your pond is beautifull, i love it :o)) x
sandra i do feel a bit smug, never though i could do anything like this, im made up cheers :o)
cheers joan i never thought it would ever get done at one point, all them stumps and roots, im still picking up little roots when planting haahh
30 Mar, 2010
It looks great already Sandra. You`ve both done so much work and you deserve to have a beautiful garden at the end of it. Well done you. :o)
30 Mar, 2010
cheers for that sandra, i feel quite proud of what we have achieved in this space, its what ive always wanted :o))
30 Mar, 2010
San...they will sell them at the pond place near you...they are already tied in strands of about 5 to a just drop them in the water and they start doing their job immediately.spread like mad so we thin out every so often but they help keep the water crystal clear !
30 Mar, 2010
thanx jane i will deffernatly get some tomoz then, will have to keep on top as our pond is only about 4ft each way, but big enough for our garden :o))
30 Mar, 2010
A case of size doesnt matter San !!! Lol...the wildlife will love it ! Wait until Mr Toad finds it !!
30 Mar, 2010
lol jane you naughty girl hahahh, im sure mr toad and mr froggy will love it :o))
30 Mar, 2010
looks lovely Sandra...i have that water plant in my outdoor fish realy works well.
30 Mar, 2010
thanx sandra glad you like it to, im going to get that plant tomoz :o))
30 Mar, 2010
That is looking really nice Sandra, well done to you and Baz. It gives such a great sense of fulfilment when it's done...Baz will feel the same eventually I'm sure! :-))
30 Mar, 2010
im sure he does already potty he just doesnt get enough time, works 6 or 7 days a week so it to much for him really, but does it for me, he will enjoy it in summer :o)) thanx potty
30 Mar, 2010
Love it! Well done you! Can't wait to see what it will look like in the summer!
30 Mar, 2010
Whatever you do, DON'T LET THAT RUMEX GO TO SEED!!!
It's a posh dock plant and you'll be pulling out seedlings everywhere
30 Mar, 2010
cheers michalea glad you like it ;o))
thanx andrew so when it gets flowers i make sure i take them off before they start dropping seeds, cheers
30 Mar, 2010
Oh, Sandra, you've done much work! The pond looks lovely and it will be better with all those plants spreading. Love your white Nymphaea very much...
Think, it's a calm and peaceful corner for your friend Angelina...xx
30 Mar, 2010
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooking goooooooooooooooooood my girl!
Very impressed and only wish I had more room to do something like that. Really coming along nicely. Keep up the good work:0))
30 Mar, 2010
Your really on a roll Sandra that lot will soon fill out come the better weather.
30 Mar, 2010
You have worked so hard on this project, you deserve a good rest now, it all looks very good, just wait until the summer and it will look different again, we shall require regular updates.
30 Mar, 2010
thankyou so much uma, glad you like the new area and yes its a lovely resting place for angelina :o))
cheer Dan glad it meets your approval lol, just hope all my plants dont get washed away with all this awfull rain, and maybe some snow, oh i hope not,a small pond would look good near your woodland area wouldnt it :o))
cheers stroller so much rain today its really bad i will be checking my garden ever 5 mins lol
thankyou so much dotty.. a few more plants still to go in but will have to wait now, going to get some oxygenating plant and a couple of pong snails today if the rain eases off a bit :o)
31 Mar, 2010
Will look like that again.x
31 Mar, 2010
Looking good there Sandra
31 Mar, 2010
thanx maureen not any more im afraid, check out what happened next in new blog :o))
31 Mar, 2010
I can't believe you've had to move all those stones again Sandra ! You must be exhausted...again !
31 Mar, 2010
i am aster, it took most of day to empty and shift stones, alot were in pond and water was so so cold my fingers were freezing, carrying bucket after bucket of water to drain, i had already filled green bin to save some,i feel quite low at the min but i guess i have to just get back on track and get things done :o))
31 Mar, 2010
Aw San so sorry after all your hard work I'm sure it will look lovely once more this weather is an absolute pain what an upset for you both just now though
thinking of you OOOOOO hugs x
31 Mar, 2010
cheers neelan im ok today and cant wait to get it all sorted out again :o))
1 Apr, 2010
I'm glad to hear that San I hope all goes well for you on take two :o)
1 Apr, 2010
cheers neellan :o))
1 Apr, 2010
Y W :o)
1 Apr, 2010
How are you? Long time since I've been on... again!
It looks really nice honey. I like the way you have combined rocks and pebbles. It will be nice to see it change as things grow.
2 Apr, 2010
hi tink lovely to see you, it did look nice till all went wrong im afraid, but will again, all explained in blogs tink, anyway nice to have you back, happy easter :o)) x
2 Apr, 2010
How lovely, it's going to look brilliant and your soil looks good too. I'm dying to see it later on Sandra. I'll soon be planting and rearranging round mine, it's so exciting. I've gone mad and bought one of those fountains with lights, Bermuda bellagio I think they're called. it looked brilliant on the ad, but I haven't opened it yet. I've been looking at diarama in Unwins catalogue, but you have to buy 3 and they're rather big. I'd better find out more about them:-))
4 Apr, 2010
sounds great bornagain, hope they look as good as advertised, ive had to redo pond as you may have seen in later blogs, so more digging today with overlap area, hoping to get new liner in tonight before rain tomoz, had to move some plants back a couple of feet to but hopefully all will be ok after all this work :o))
4 Apr, 2010
My liner went in a few weeks ago and immediately 2 pairs of frogs appeared from nowhere. it was emptied last year, today it is full of spawn, nothing else so it still looks bleak:-)
4 Apr, 2010
thats great bornagain, are you having rocks and pebbles, you will need a slope of some kind before the baby frogs come, cant wait to see your pics when they do come :o)
4 Apr, 2010
Unfortunately the frogs were turfed out just before the really bad weather set in last year as the pond had started to leak, plus it was totally overgrown. Yet as if by magic, as soon as it was relined and filled they appeared. I had to fish some out with my hands as there was no means of escape and the females had the obligatory male stuck to their backs. In the end I put some bricks from the shelf to the edge, but unfortunately I saw one of the females was dead at the bottom earlier today, the male still on her back, I think he will die too, i don't know what to do, maybe put more brick 'steps' at the other side. Ther's absolutely no food in there, it's totally empty :-(
4 Apr, 2010
im going to do a pebble slope and put a couple of large smooth rocks in to so lots of landing places bornagain, its sad find wildlife dead isnt it, poor things
4 Apr, 2010
Yes if only they'd waited for it to be finished or used the brick steps, I managed to scoop out one mating pair and show them the way to next doors pond, but this pair were too wary:-(
5 Apr, 2010
looks like you need to get your pond going bornagain then plenty of visitors ;o)
5 Apr, 2010
Bornagain - if you've got a spare piece of wood, you can make a ramp for the frogs to get out
5 Apr, 2010
I made a way to get out using bricks Andrew, but they haven't used it, maybe it was the wrong side of the pond? Once it is finished it will have two routes out at least. The male is definitely dead now too, still clinging to her back:-( It should be finished next week Sandra:-)
5 Apr, 2010
such a shame them both dying bornagain, like you im going to make sure a couple of exits for them, poor female must get fed up him clinging onto her, how long does that go on for.
6 Apr, 2010
I don't know, but I'm sure many drown:-(
6 Apr, 2010
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Well thats jolly good going Sanbaz, and it looks lovely. I know the feeling, you just can't wait to get going - well rather I knew the feeling!
Are you going to put a bit of oxygenating weed in the pond S? Also maybe a few Ramshorn snails, all to help keep the water oxygenated and clear.
Thats going to look lovely in Summer.
30 Mar, 2010